Slimming injections

Not so long ago, in beauty salons and weight loss centers, a procedure for injecting various hormones or vitamins appeared, which promotes weight loss. In theory, these weight loss shots should suppress hunger and force the body to use fat for fuel, but in practice, this method of losing weight has little or no effect.
Types of slimming injections
There are three main types of slimming injections on the world market:
- HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone produced during pregnancy and used to treat infertility. Some doctors prescribe hCG for weight loss in combination with ultra-low-calorie diets (eating less than 500 calories per day), believing that weight loss injections of this hormone can burn fat and prevent muscle loss;
- B12 is a vitamin essential for metabolic processes and overall health. Supporters of slimming injections argue that vitamin injection provides an additional boost of energy and improves metabolism, which leads to weight loss;
- Lipotropics are natural substances in the body that regulate the metabolic process.
The effectiveness of these three types of injections for weight loss, according to reviews, is not confirmed in all cases. The use of hCG injections for weight loss, according to reviews, is completely ineffective and, in addition to pain at the injection site, sometimes causes more serious side effects.
Vitamin B12 generally does not harm the body, but its effectiveness has not been proven in terms of weight loss. As far as lipotropic injections are concerned, there is currently no scientific research related to their use as a weight loss stimulant.
In the United States, none of these three types of weight loss injections have been approved by the FDA as safe and effective weight loss treatments. In addition, many injections often turn out to be inventions of the cosmetologists themselves, which means that they have not undergone a number of clinical studies.
Also known is a procedure in which injections are made in the abdomen for weight loss. This procedure is a type of acupuncture and is called mesotherapy in a professional environment. The consequences of such injections in the stomach for weight loss is a slight decrease on average by 1-1.5 cm of this problem area, but no more.

As always, when considering any medical procedure, it is important to do a little research and discuss the implications of the procedure with both the practitioner and the treating physician. The treating physician may have a deeper understanding of whether a given procedure can be used based on medical history.
When it comes to weight loss, don't make hasty decisions. A healthy diet and exercise are much more effective and healthy ways to combat obesity.
Botox injections
Along with the above types of injections for weight loss, it is known to use botox injections administered directly into the stomach. Studies have shown that such injections give a feeling of fullness in the stomach, however, although Botox slows down the movement of food in the intestines, it does not help people lose those extra pounds.
Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium and is one of the most toxic substances in the world. Specialists use it in very small doses to stop muscle spasms, relieve pain and smooth expression lines.
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