Diet for dermatitis

Diet for dermatitis plays a very important role, since food intake is often the main factor that provokes and aggravates the disease (especially in the case of seborrheic or atopic dermatitis).
The diet for dermatitis should be developed taking into account the following conditions:
- Eliminate foods that cause an allergic reaction;
- Provide maximum substances that protect skin cells from damage and promote healing of the epithelium;
- Reduce the load on the liver, which intensively cleanses the body from the effects of allergic manifestations;
- Reduce the intake of gluten (wheat, wheat flour), the tolerance of which in case of allergies is significantly reduced;
- Eliminate foods that increase nervous excitability to reduce the likelihood of stress.
When drawing up a diet for dermatitis, the main task is to isolate foods that are carriers of allergens, which are individual in each case. An allergic reaction can manifest itself both immediately after eating food, and within 2-4 days after.
Well-known allergic foods that should be eaten with caution in the diet for dermatitis, controlling the body's response to their intake for several days:
- Honey, propolis;
- Chocolate and products containing cocoa;
- Seafood - mussels, shrimps, oysters;
- River fish;
- Nuts, especially peanuts
- Citrus;
- Fresh berries, especially strawberries
- Red and orange fruits and vegetables, especially tomatoes;
- Wheat and soy.
It is recommended to exclude whole milk and products from it from the diet, as well as egg white, especially raw.
Diet for atopic dermatitis
The main allergens for atopy in adults are not food, but inhalation - house dust, plant pollen, fungal spores, house dust mites. Therefore, the diet for atopic dermatitis should be as hypoallergenic as possible, with a minimum content of histamine-containing products and histaminoliberators. It is necessary to completely exclude the following foods containing a large amount of histamine from the diet:
- Alcohol, especially red wine, most beers, rice vodka
- Long-term cheeses;
- Smoked meats - sausages, meat, fish, bacon;
- Seafood and fish, especially canned or salted;
- Yeast and yeast products;
- Coffee and cocoa bean products;
- Beans, soybeans, tofu;
- Wheat, wheat flour and products based on them;
- Pickled vegetables and fruits;
- Fruits - citrus fruits, bananas, kiwis, pineapples, strawberries, pears.
In the diet menu for atopic dermatitis, histaminoliberators should also be completely excluded - products that provoke the release of histamine:
- Flavors and flavor enhancers;
- Preservatives and emulsifiers;
- Food colorings;
- Spice.
When drawing up a diet, one should take into account the environmental situation and the patient's field of activity, in order to exclude additional allergic effects. It is necessary to regularly conduct a study of the gastrointestinal tract, since functional disorders in the work of the intestinal mucosa can cause pseudo-allergic reactions.

Compliance with a general hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis will be more effective in combination with other methods of prevention and treatment, determined by the attending physician.
Diet for seborrheic dermatitis
Compliance with a diet for seborrheic dermatitis is necessary, since its main causes are gastrointestinal diseases, nasopharyngeal diseases and vitamin deficiency. Allergens that provoke the development of the disease, mainly food, therefore diet is an important component of the prevention and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.
Foods prohibited in the diet:
- Smoked meats, spicy dishes, marinades;
- Complex carbohydrates found in sugar and baked goods
- Fast food (fast food);
- Alcohol and products containing ethyl alcohol.
The basis of the diet for seborrheic dermatitis:
- Milk, dairy (including fermented milk) products;
- Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
- Lean meats, poultry;
- Seaweed;
- Various jellies and jellies;
- Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices;
- Homemade fruit drinks;
- Purified drinking water at least 2 liters per day.
Seborrheic dermatitis can be provoked or accompanied by neurosis, in such cases, sedatives are included in the diet.
For any manifestations of dermatitis, you should contact a qualified specialist (allergist, dermatologist) and strictly follow all appointments, since the manifestations of the disease on the skin are only a superficial reaction to disruptions in the work of all internal organs. A properly formulated diet for dermatitis will eliminate allergenic foods, normalize bowel function and supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.
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