Sunbathe wisely

Winter is over, summer is on its way. Many are already starting to plan a vacation. Inveterate summer residents will spend their long-awaited vacation at a country house outside the city, devoting their free time to their favorite beds. And sunbathers are going to go on vacation to the sea in warm countries in order to enjoy the sound of the sea surf, lie around on the warm sand and get a beautiful bronze tan, so that there will be enough positive emotions for a year before the next vacation.
By the way, about tanning. After all, you need to sunbathe correctly. Do you know what is fraught with too much exposure to the sun? Burns and heatstrokes, which can not only ruin your mood, but also cross out your entire vacation. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to properly sunbathe in the sun.
Preparatory activities
You should know that the peak of solar activity falls on the time interval from 10 am to 4 pm. During this period of time, the sun is especially aggressive and threatens you with sunburn in just a few minutes. This is especially true for people with sensitive white skin.
That is why it is best to sunbathe in the morning, from eight o'clock. At first, the time spent in the sun should be 10-15 minutes, gradually you can increase it to one and a half to two hours a day.
By the way, while swimming, the back and shoulders become very easy prey for the scorching sun. Therefore, it is recommended on the first day of vacation not to expose these areas while swimming, but to allow your body and body to adapt to the new climate and environment. Of course, swimming in clothes is very inconvenient, but you will not spoil your vacation right away. And when the skin gets used to the sun, you can safely put on a swimsuit or swimming trunks.
Another important rule of proper tanning is that in the first days of your stay at sea, you should not lie on the warm sand near the shore, and after bathing, wipe your skin dry with a towel.
Believe me, all these precautions will ultimately lead you to a beautiful and even tan with minimal risk to your health. Of course, some of the methods do not seem entirely attractive to us. After all, the vacation is already short, and then swim in clothes, don't sunbathe on the beach, and so on. Undoubtedly, it is much more pleasant to rush to the beach immediately after arrival, take a dip, and then have a good rest on the coastal sand. And spend all the remaining days of your vacation without leaving your hotel room and healing sunburn.
Sun protection
By the way, not only our skin needs protection from the sun's rays, but also our hair, face, eyes. Without what you shouldn't go to a seaside resort:

- Sunscreen for the face. Better to choose expensive but high quality. But forget about cosmetics on the beach, because it negatively affects the skin, especially during such a period. Not to mention the fact that swimming with makeup is, to put it mildly, uncomfortable.
- Sunscreen or body milk.
- Sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat are a must-have item.
But what about people who are allergic to the sun's rays, or with skin diseases and a large number of moles? Regrettable, but, most likely, you will have to limit yourself to walking along the beach in the shade. Trust me, it's much better to come back from vacation without a tan than to cause serious damage to your health. And, of course, no solarium. The most you are allowed is self-tanning.
How to sunbathe for pregnant women?
The golden rule for pregnant women is no amateur performance. Before visiting the beach, you should consult your doctor.
It is advisable for pregnant women not to spend more than fifteen minutes a day in the sun, so the most ideal place for them on the beach is in the shade of a tree in a pleasant chill. Cover your belly and chest from the sun.
And if you are breastfeeding, it is better not to stick it out in the sun at all.
And the last thing to know. It is impossible to get a beautiful tan in three to four days, it takes a longer time. But you can burn out literally in an hour, than cause serious harm to your health, not to mention ruined vacation.
Therefore, if you want to have a beautiful uniform tan, you should not immediately "take the bull by the horns". Better to approach this matter with caution and without haste.
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