How to protect yourself from influenza and SARS: a secret remedy
Despite the onset of spring, the question of how to prevent infection with all kinds of viruses remains relevant. This question is especially relevant for:
- pregnant women,
- parents whose children go to school or attend kindergarten;
- those who go on a business trip or a tourist trip;
- representatives of professions that involve constant personal communication with a large number of people.

The main danger is that there are sick people around, and the risk of infection increases in direct proportion to how many carriers of viruses are around you or your child. In addition to the well-known methods of prevention, a special spray "Nazaval Plus" comes to the rescue, created from natural ingredients and practically has no contraindications (except for an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the composition). It creates a gel coat on the inner surface of the nose, preventing pathogens from penetrating deep into the respiratory tract. Thus, even if there is someone around you with a cough or a runny nose, the risk of catching the virus is minimal if you took Nazaval Plus in advance.
Basic information about the medical device
It is quite understandable that an adult, and even more so a parent, wants to know everything about the agent used, because there are many products on the pharmaceutical market with incomprehensible effects and side reactions. But this does not apply to the Nazaval Plus spray, which does not apply to drugs with systemic action. Therefore, it can be used by adults, children, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.
The mechanism of action is to create a gel-like layer on the nasal mucosa with microcellulose, which is part of the spray. This layer acts as a barrier to bacteria and viruses that enter the body through the nose and cause colds and more serious respiratory problems. It is very simple to use the product - it is enough 3-4 times daily to do one injection into each nasal passage, preferably 10-15 minutes before leaving the house.
Why choose Nazaval Plus?
This spray has a number of advantages:
- the presence of natural ingredients in the composition and the possibility of using various categories of people, including babies and women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- does not have a systemic effect on the body;
- convenient form of release - the powder is sold in the form of a spray, which allows it to be easily sprayed on the surface of the mucous membrane and used by both adults and children under adult supervision. It fits easily into a medicine cabinet and does not require strict storage conditions;
- understandable action - the agent has the ability to resist the penetration of various bacteria and viruses through the mucous membranes of the nose.

Practice shows that it is much easier, better for health and cheaper to prevent the disease than to treat it and eliminate the consequences, therefore "Nazaval Plus" is indispensable at the peak of ARVI and flu. But remember that the use of the spray does not cancel, but complements the general principles of preventing viral diseases, so you should protect yourself and children from hypothermia, wear seasonal clothes, eat right and avoid contact with sick people!
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