5 Tips On How To Protect Yourself From Thrush

5 Tips On How To Protect Yourself From Thrush
5 Tips On How To Protect Yourself From Thrush

5 tips on how to protect yourself from thrush

Such a nuisance as an attack of thrush happened to almost every woman at least once in her life. The widespread prevalence of the disease is explained by the fact that the causative agent of the disease belongs to the so-called conditionally pathogenic microflora that lives on the mucous membranes of any human body and is activated only under favorable conditions. If you have a curdled vaginal discharge, itching and burning sensation in the external genitals or painful sensations during sexual intercourse, it means that thrush could not be prevented. We will try to figure out what is needed to resist it.

Thrush: symptoms, causes
Thrush: symptoms, causes

Source: depositphotos.com

Antibiotic Precautions

Most antibacterial drugs are not selective. This means that they work with the same activity both against pathogens and against beneficial fungi and bacteria that live in the body and inhibit the reproduction of opportunistic microflora. With any antibacterial treatment, there is a risk of developing thrush. To avoid a negative effect, antifungal agents are usually prescribed in parallel with long-term antibiotics.

Competent choice of linen

Panties made of synthetic materials limit air access to the intimate areas of the body. There is an elevated temperature and humidity, provoking the active reproduction of pathogenic fungi on the mucous membranes. Similar problems are created by wearing too tight underwear, as well as thong panties. It does not follow from this that synthetic underwear you like or suitable for clothes cannot be used at all. It is possible, but only occasionally, and for constant wear it is better to buy cotton panties of a classic style, matched to the size.

Balanced diet

An excess of sweet and starchy foods in the diet contributes to the activity of opportunistic microflora. The fact is that fast carbohydrates, which are not processed by the body immediately, enter the bloodstream and begin to be secreted, falling on the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the fungi that live in the genital tract easily find food for themselves and are able to multiply. Of course, one slice of cake or a chocolate bar will not give such an effect, but the constant abuse of such products increases the risk of developing thrush.

In a healthy diet, the amount of foods high in fast carbohydrates should be limited. A healthy diet should be maintained with healthy proteins and fats, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, which are not only rich in fiber, but also provide the body with vitamins and minerals necessary for the immune system to function.

At the time of a thrush attack, it is also recommended to exclude spicy, salty, fried foods and smoked meats from the menu: all these products create an unnecessary burden on the gastrointestinal tract and interfere with a quick recovery.

Rational nutrition as prevention of thrush
Rational nutrition as prevention of thrush

Source: depositphotos.com

Avoiding stress

Increased nervousness and overwork have a bad effect on the state of the immune system. It has been established that people who are constantly experiencing physical or mental stress are prone to developing allergic reactions and colds. This also applies to thrush, the attacks of which are often the result of stressful experiences.

Condom use

Thrush is not sexually transmitted, but those diseases that can be contracted from a sexual partner negatively affect immunity and contribute to a change in the acidity of the vaginal contents. This creates favorable conditions for the activity of conditionally pathogenic microflora. That is why the use of condoms reduces the likelihood of developing thrush attacks.

Treatment of thrush involves the use of both general and local antifungal drugs. Modern medicines destroy the manifestations of the disease literally within a couple of days, but, unfortunately, do not ensure the absence of relapses, since the pathogen continues to live in the body. So it is necessary to follow the advice of experts and behave carefully to avoid recurrence of attacks of the disease.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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