How to protect yourself from mosquitoes?

With the onset of heat, various insects, all kinds of hymenoptera and arthropods of the fauna wake up from hibernation. Few people are happy about contact with insects. Usually, the first reaction to them is disgust and a desire to fence ourselves off from them in every possible way. Mosquitoes are considered the most annoying and unpleasant insects. Well, nowhere can one escape from them, they are everywhere - both in nature and within the walls of city apartments and country houses. How can you scare them away, these arrogant bloodsuckers, so that they stop drinking our precious blood, leaving constantly itchy bites?
Repellents and fumigators are considered to be one of the most effective mosquito repellents. These are special substances of synthetic or natural origin, made specifically to protect a person and his home from mosquitoes.
Repellents include all kinds of sprays, gels and ointments, mosquito aerosols that a person applies to skin or clothing. Fumigators are special devices that emit insecticides indoors, that is, chemicals that repel and destroy mosquitoes.
Recommendations for choosing mosquito repellents
When buying fumigators and repellents, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- When purchasing a mosquito repellent, make sure that it is from a reputable manufacturer, beware of counterfeits.
- It is best to purchase a mosquito repellent in the pharmacy chain, since only certified goods that have passed the appropriate control are on sale. In addition, at the pharmacy, you can always ask for clarification or help from a pharmacist, who will help you choose a remedy, taking into account the individual tolerance and age of the consumer. For example, if your child is allergic, be sure to tell the pharmacist about it, or even better, consult with the doctor before buying which mosquito repellent drug is best to buy.
- Before purchasing a repellent, take a look at its composition. It is desirable that it contains about 35% of the active ingredient DEET (N, N-diethylmethatoluamide). Also read the instructions for use carefully. Give preference to products that are effective when applied to clothing, as the body is exposed to less chemical attack than when applied to the skin.
- To protect the child from mosquitoes, you should use only "children's" products, they are more gentle. It is very important to choose a drug that is appropriate for the age category of the child, and not use products intended for adults.
- When using funds, you must observe the period of their validity. For long walks in the fresh air, it would be more expedient to use drugs with long-term effects, but they will not work if you are just going to walk to the park for an hour. For the latter option, limit yourself to a remedy whose effect lasts an hour and a half.
Do not leave the fumigator on for a long time. It usually takes one to two hours to kill mosquitoes indoors. Leaving it turned on overnight is unhealthy.
Fumigator - mosquito control
There are methods for getting rid of insects without the use of chemicals. They are, of course, not as effective, but they are great for asthmatics, allergy sufferers and babies.
You can also do without using a fumigator in a residential building if you install mosquito nets on the front door and windows. Baby carriages can be equipped with special protection, which can be purchased at the children's store.
Folk remedies for mosquito control
Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of basil, cloves, anise. You can use essential oils with these scents. Spray, for example, a drop of oil on a handkerchief and place it near the mosquitoes. You can also use wormwood herb. Tinctures on this herb are especially effective for cleaning the skin. However, it is not suitable for everyone, since it contains an allergen. Valerian and camphor effectively help fight mosquitoes.
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