Individualization: The Development And Study Of Personality Traits

Individualization: The Development And Study Of Personality Traits
Individualization: The Development And Study Of Personality Traits


Individualization is the process of becoming a personality
Individualization is the process of becoming a personality

The thesis that each person is unique is not disputed. But still, as a species, the human body is the same. The appearance of minor anomalies, such as duplication of internal organs or their absence, is associated with impaired embryogenesis, and cannot be an individual feature. The concept of individualization in psychology means a combination of temperament, character, lifestyle, behavior in society.

The originality of the personality, the uniqueness of the psychological portrait of a person is carefully studied throughout the entire period of existence.

One of the sciences that tried to explain the phenomenon of individualization is physiognomy. It determines the natural inclinations of a person by his physical characteristics. Since ancient times, people have tried to identify those features that indicate the difference in human reactions in standard or specially modulated situations. This was necessary in order to predict human behavior.

In the first decades of the twentieth century, differential psychology was formed, the main task of which was the study of individualization as an inevitable reality that every psychologist has to face. The development of personality traits depends on society, culture, ethnicity, profession, age and other social factors. Individualization is determined genetically, but under certain conditions a person can "control himself", trying not to violate the rules and norms of behavior.

Individualization concept

The psychological structure of a person assumes certain features, which are called "personality traits". Specialists psychologists deal with the problems of individualization in two directions:

  • Allocation of personality traits;
  • Determination of personality types.

Individual differences are determined by the degree of their severity. People with similar traits are united on certain grounds. Personality types largely depend on a person's constitution. Individualization within one type does not manifest itself as clearly as in relation to all of humanity. According to constitutional typology, physique determines not only the propensity to certain diseases, but also affects the individualization of a person. The author of the work "Body structure and character", Kretschmer, examined more than two hundred patients and described the following pairs of constitution and temperament:

  • Asthenic - schizotimny;
  • Athletic - iscotimny;
  • Dysplastic - cyclothymic;
  • Pycnitic.

The asthenic type, for example, is characterized by high growth and a fragile physique. The temperament is schizotimal. People are reserved, uncommunicative, serious, reserved, shy.

The iscotimal temperament is viscous, difficult to switch, stuck on the same emotion. Individuals of athletic physique are expressed in a tendency to emotional outbursts, a predisposition to epilepsy.

Cyclothymic - most often, hypomanic. A person with a pycnitic constitution may also have a phlegmatic character.

Typological characteristics practically exclude the phenomenon of individualization, because people are judged by their physique. Whereas a cheerful pycnitic type may turn out to be the author of famous tragic works, an asthenic, instead of trying to hide in the shadows, becomes a brave warrior.

Personalization of personality

The properties of the human psyche are manifested under certain conditions. In interaction with the surrounding world, the individualization of the individual takes place with manifestations of unique differences. An objective assessment of a person's actions is built from those actions that he performs. The path of life is measured in biographical dates, significant incidents. Moreover, each person has his own point of view on certain events. The concept of individualization is considered by psychologists as a multi-chamber category. A person's actions are manifested as a stable type of behavior. So individuality becomes a tool for human self-development.

Each has its own character, endowed with certain abilities. The desire for self-actualization is inherent in the personality and is an important driving force behind the individualization of a person. The personality strives to control its own character, overcomes the difficulties that arise on the way to self-improvement. A person's life path is determined by the process of self-realization and depends not only on external conditions, but also on the individual's assessment of the prevailing circumstances.

Socialization and individualization - essence and differences
Socialization and individualization - essence and differences

Self-attitude plays the role of feedback, but should not become an end in itself. Overestimated self-esteem, as a rule, leads to a dead end.

Individualization of the personality leads to harmony between the external and internal world, develops it to such an extent as to compensate for the shortcomings of the surrounding world.

Socialization and individualization

An additional factor of harmonious development is the socialization of a person. A child can never develop as a person outside of society. Two concepts in psychology, socialization and individualization are so interconnected that the loss of one of them leads to impairment.

Socialization is the process of human development, the acquisition of work skills, values, traditions, which are passed from one generation to the next. This is the mechanism of human development.

Both processes, socialization and individualization, complement each other and allow a person to adapt in society. Self-realization is impossible without striving for self-actualization - the striving of a person for spiritual growth.

Modern pedagogical directions take into account the phenomena of individualization of a person, in connection with which an individual approach to learning is determined. Taking into account the characteristics of the student, the teacher gets the best results in his work.

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