Anchovy is a type of marine fish belonging to the herring order. This small fish is gray-blue in color, its length usually ranges from 10 to 15 cm. Anchovy is found in the coastal waters of both hemispheres of the earth and has about 15 species. We are more familiar with the European anchovy or hamsa, which is caught in the Black, Mediterranean, Azov and Baltic seas.
The nutritional value |
Serving Anchovy 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 135 Calories from Fat 54.9 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 6.1 g 9% |
Saturate fats 1.63 g 8% |
Polyunsaturated. fats 1.92 g |
Monounsaturated. fats 1.33 g |
Cholesterol 360 mg 120% |
Sodium 160 mg 7% |
Potassium 300 mg 9% |
Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% |
Dietary fiber 0 g 0% |
Proteins 20.1 g 40% |
Vitamin A 12% |
Thiamine 1% |
Iron 14% |
Calcium 12% |
Magnesium 15% |
Phosphorus 22% |
Zinc 9% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: How to burn 135 kcal?
Walking | 34 minutes |
Jogging | 15 minutes. |
Swimming | 11 minutes |
A bike | 19 minutes |
Aerobics | 27 minutes |
Household chores | 45 minutes |
Useful properties and calorie content of anchovies
In terms of nutritional value, anchovy fillet is on the same level with meat, in terms of the content of high-value protein in it. Anchovy fillet does not contain carbohydrates at all.
Below are the main indicators of the nutritional value per 100 g of anchovies:
- Proteins - 20.1 g;
- Fat - 6.1 g.
The calorie content of anchovies is quite high: it is 135 kilocalories. In particular, proteins account for 80 and fats 55 kilocalories.
Like all sea fish, anchovies are rich in vitamins and minerals. Especially a lot of iodine and phosphorus in anchovy fillets.
Anchovy fillet contains the following substances:
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
- Vitamins;
- Trace elements;
- Macronutrients.
This small fish serves as a source of many vitamins that are so necessary for the human body:
- Vitamin A;
- B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12);
- Vitamin E;
- Vitamin K;
- Vitamin D.
The presence of macro- and microelements in the composition of anchovy fillet is represented by a wide list:
- Potassium;
- Phosphorus;
- Calcium;
- Sodium;
- Magnesium;
- Iron;
- Copper;
- Manganese;
- Selenium;
- Zinc.
Anchovy is the best source of vitamin D, which regulates calcium-phosphorus metabolism in the body, it is this vitamin that children especially need for normal development and growth. B vitamins and essential amino acids contained in anchovy fillets are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Anchovies contain antioxidants that regulate blood sugar levels.
Fresh and dried anchovies contain Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for the proper functioning of the entire human immune system. In addition, the substances in this product relieve inflammation and lower blood cholesterol levels. Anchovies are especially useful for the health of such human organs and systems:
- Thyroid;
- Leather;
- Mucous membranes;
- Nervous system;
- Digestive system.
Regular consumption of fresh and dried anchovies is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Thus, summing up the benefits of this product for humans, we can outline a list of medicinal properties characteristic of anchovies:
1. Lowers blood cholesterol levels;
2. Prevents cardiovascular diseases;
3. Increases male potency;
4. Prevents the formation of blood clots;
5. Restores the normal rhythm of the heart;
6. Improves lipid profile;
7. Prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
Eating anchovy
In addition to the high taste of juicy and tender anchovy fillet, its main value lies in its incredible fat content and nutritional value. At the same time, anchovies are perfectly absorbed by the body. Such food does not create heaviness in the stomach and does not lead to weight gain. Fillet of anchovies can be a great food option for seniors and children.
Anchovies have been familiar to mankind for a long time. Ancient Greek historians describe anchovies as a lucrative trade commodity and call it the second bread. The Romans and Greeks loved anchovies for their fat content, tender meat and special taste with a light bitterness. Dried salted anchovies have been highly valued since ancient times, and in our time they have won love and appreciation in all segments of the population.
There are many ways to cook anchovy fillets:
1. Drying (drying);
2. Frying anchovy fillets in batter;
3. Smoking;
4. Quenching;
5. Stuffing olives with anchovy fillets;
6. Baking;
7. Anchovy fillet pate.
Drying the fish produces the familiar dried anchovy. Salted anchovies are loved by many as a great addition to beer. However, in this case, you need to be careful and understand that the benefits of the product in such a combination are losing their relevance.

You should not abuse salted anchovies, because their nutritional value and beneficial properties are lost when salted. Dried anchovy shouldn't make up the bulk of a person's diet either. It will be much healthier and tastier to cook anchovy fillets in the oven or stew.
The most correct combination of products, according to the norms of a healthy diet, would be the combination of anchovy fillets with vegetables. In this case, the benefits of fish rich in nutrients and vitamins will be maximized.
Contraindications and harm from eating anchovies
Anchovies do not pose any harm to health, except for cases of individual intolerance to this product. Thus, anchovy fillet, when properly cooked, has only benefits for human health.
An exception may be cases of individual intolerance to this product, in the case of hypersensitivity of the body to it. Most often, an allergic reaction and intolerance occurs with a significant consumption of dried and salted anchovies.
In addition, excessive consumption of dried salted anchovies can be dangerous, especially when combined with a lot of beer.
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