Squid - Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm, Nutritional Value

Squid - Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm, Nutritional Value
Squid - Calorie Content, Benefits, Harm, Nutritional Value


Squid is a cephalopod mollusk, an inhabitant of the seas and oceans. Ordinary squid and shrimp are small in size - from 25 to 50 cm. But large squid individuals can reach simply gigantic sizes: up to 20 meters with a mass of up to 300 kg. There are more than 200 species of squid, and each of them has an ink sac with a black-brown pigment. This pigment releases squid to harm its potential enemies to create a kind of veil when it senses danger. Squids are found everywhere: in the Mediterranean and northern seas, in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

The nutritional value Portion Squid 100 g Amount per serving Calories 100 Calories from Fat 19.8 % Daily value * Total Fat 2.2 g 3% Saturate fats 0.5 g 3% Polyunsaturated. fats 1.51 g Monounsaturated. fat 0.36 g Cholesterol 85 mg 28% Sodium 110 mg 5% Potassium 280 mg 8% Total Carbohydrates 2 g 1% Dietary fiber 0 g 0% Proteins 18 g 36% Vitamin B6 9% Vitamin C 3% Niacin 13% Thiamin 12% Iron 6% Calcium 4% Magnesium 23% Phosphorus 25% Zinc 12% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: depositphotos.com How to burn 100 kcal?

Walking 25 minutes
Jogging 11 minutes
Swimming 8 minutes
A bike 14 minutes
Aerobics 20 minutes.
Household chores 33 minutes

Seafood has always been valued as food for humans, but recently squid and shrimp have received increased attention. Thanks to the well-known benefits of squid, they can now be purchased in various forms:

  • Fresh frozen;
  • Canned;
  • Purified
  • Crude.

It is quite logical that the benefits and harms of squid have become the subject of study by many medical specialists and nutritionists.

Useful properties and calorie content of squid

Squid meat has excellent taste, high nutritional value and healing properties. That is why this shellfish is called "sea ginseng".

The benefits of squid are due to the content of many nutrients and vitamins in it:

  • Protein;
  • Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP, E;
  • Polyunsaturated fats.

Squid contains a huge amount of micro and macro elements important for human health:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Copper;
  • Iodine;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Nickel;
  • Zinc;
  • Selenium.

The iron and potassium content of squid maintains normal heart function. In addition, white squid meat is completely cholesterol free. Iodine is essential for a person to maintain a healthy thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole. The content of selenium in squid is of particular benefit: it helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body.

The undoubted benefit of squid is that, thanks to the components in its composition, it is possible to effectively influence the level of cholesterol in the blood (if it is exceeded). This is a good prophylaxis against heart and blood vessel diseases. Many beneficial substances in squid meat make the vessels more elastic, and this increases their strength and ability to narrow.

The benefits of squid also lie in the fact that, thanks to the proteins in shrimp and squid, their use supports and improves the development of muscle tissues. These properties and the high calorie content of squid make this meat an excellent food for those people who aim to build muscle (athletes, bodybuilders).

The nutritional value, along with the high calorie content of squid, has an excellent effect on the state of the digestive system. Shrimp and squid are perfectly absorbed by the body without creating heaviness in the stomach. Metabolic processes in the body proceed normally, since there are no purine compounds in squid meat. In addition, the benefit of squid is that it provokes the secretion of gastric juice, and also has a beneficial effect on appetite and normalization of intestinal function.

Doctors consider squid to be a significant benefit of its ability to stimulate mental activity and improve memory. Thanks to selenium and vitamin E, the benefits of squid are due to the diuretic function, which stimulates the rapid elimination of toxins from the body. And in this case, the genitourinary system is significantly strengthened.

Thus, the benefits of squid are represented by a whole list of beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Anti-sclerotic;
  • Strengthening the heart muscle;
  • Endocrine system support;
  • General strengthening;
  • Removal of toxins and toxins;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Improving digestion;
  • Diuretic.

The calorie content of squid is relatively low, which makes it stand out among other types of meat, and at the same time it is satisfying and tasty. So, the calorie content of squid is 100 kilocalories per 100 grams of meat.

Indicators of the nutritional value of squid, in the general composition of the product:

  • Protein - 18%;
  • Fat - 2.2%;
  • Carbohydrates - 2%.

It has been scientifically established that the benefits of seafood such as squid and shrimp are higher in many respects than any other meat, even turkey and beef.

Eating squid and shrimp

Squid and shrimp are foods that have long been consumed by humans. Therefore, they are widely used in cooking. Usually, the following parts of the squid are used for food:

  • Carcass (white meat);
  • Tentacles.

But in China and Japan, people eat both eyes and squid suckers. They first dry them.

It is customary for us to use white squid meat for food. For cooking, various options for the culinary processing of the raw product are used:

1. Cooking;

2. Quenching;

3. Frying;

4. Stuffing;

5. Baking;

6. Drying;

7. Marinating.

The benefits of squid will be preserved if its meat is used as an ingredient in salads, sushi, minced meat. The most correct combination of foods, from the point of view of a healthy diet, would be to eat squid with the following foods:

  • Fresh salad vegetables (greens, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage);
  • Fresh fruits (apples, citrus fruits, pomegranates);
  • Spices and spices.

Calamari calories and nutritional value will remain at the highest level when boiled in salted water. Boil squid, dipping it in boiling water, no more than 5 minutes.

Squid salad
Squid salad

Contraindications and harm of squid

The potential benefits and harms of squid must be considered. So, an absolute contraindication to the use of squid is an individual intolerance to this product. In addition, it is too often not recommended to use dried squid and shrimp, since in this form they provoke salt deposition and retain fluid in the body.

Seafood, any seafood, including squid and shrimp, has strong allergenic properties. Therefore, as with any seafood, you need to be careful with them. The harm of squid can be associated with the environment in which the sea inhabitant lived. Indeed, many different pollutants are often thrown into sea water, which are toxins for the body. Thus, shrimp and squid can contain poisons dangerous to human life and health, such as mercury, for example. This dangerous element can cause poisoning and serious disorders in the human nervous system. In this regard, you need to carefully and carefully select the product.

And, nevertheless, it is obvious that there is great benefit in human consumption of seafood, and harm to squid and shrimp is unlikely, provided a competent approach to their selection and use.

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