Asparagus is a plant belonging to the asparagus family. Plants of this genus are known about 100 species and they grow all over the world, preferring a dry climate.
The nutritional value |
Serving Asparagus 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 20 Calories from Fat 1.08 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 0.12 g 0% |
Saturate fats 0.04 g 0% |
Polyunsaturated. fats 0.05 g |
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% |
Sodium 2 mg 0% |
Potassium 202 mg 6% |
Total Carbohydrates 3.88 g 1% |
Sugar 1.88 g |
Dietary fiber 2.1 g 8% |
Proteins 2.2 g 4% |
Vitamin A 15% |
Vitamin B6 5% |
Vitamin C 9% |
Vitamin K 52% |
Niacin 5% |
Thiamine 10% |
Iron 12% |
Calcium 2% |
Magnesium 4% |
Phosphorus 5% |
Zinc 4% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: How to burn 20 kcal?
Walking | 5 minutes. |
Jogging | 2 minutes. |
Swimming | 2 minutes. |
A bike | 3 min. |
Aerobics | 4 minutes |
Household chores | 7 minutes |
Not all are considered edible asparagus. Among those that are suitable for food, different varieties of the plant are also distinguished depending on the color of its shoots: green, white and purple species. In this case, the color indicates the degree of maturity. It is believed that white asparagus has the most delicate and mildest taste. If a plant of this color stays in the sun for a long time, then its color will change to green or purple. Moreover, the taste of the last two varieties of vegetables differs from white asparagus by the presence of a barely noticeable bitterness.
Asparagus became a cultivated plant many thousands of years ago, and even then its taste was rightly appreciated by rulers and kings. In our country, asparagus began to gain popularity only in the 18th century, but at that time only wealthy people could afford it, admiring the tenderness and juiciness of the shoots of this vegetable.
Composition and calorie content of asparagus
In addition to its bright taste, asparagus has a whole range of useful properties. It contains a number of vitamins and microelements: vitamins C, B1, PP, B2, provitamin A, as well as calcium, copper, selenium, manganese, potassium and iron. The shoots of this plant contain mineral and nitrogenous substances and important amino acids, one of which is asparagine. Isolated in 1806 from asparagus juice, asparagine belongs to the elements necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
The calorie content of asparagus does not exceed 20 Kcal per 100 g. This plant is considered one of the lowest in calories, while the amount of nutrients in it is abundant.
Useful properties of asparagus
In some countries, asparagus is considered a medicinal plant, which is not surprising. The benefits of asparagus are widely recognized in the fight against edema caused by disturbances in the functioning of the heart and / or kidneys. Also, this vegetable helps to lower blood pressure and dilate blood vessels, has a diuretic effect and increases the activity of the heart muscle.
Due to the content of phenolic compounds, asparagus increases the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels.
According to some sources, the benefits of asparagus for men are very great: firstly, it helps to increase potency, and secondly (in combination with beet, carrot and cucumber juices) it is an excellent remedy for inflammation of the prostate gland. For women, this vegetable will be useful as a "beauty product": for this you need to eat a tablespoon of finely chopped asparagus mixed with parsley and dill on an empty stomach.
The ability of asparagus to break down oxalic acid in the muscles and kidneys makes it indispensable in the treatment of neuritis, rheumatism and other diseases caused by an excess of urea.
Asparagus harm
Asparagus can harm only in case of individual intolerance to those substances that it contains. It is recommended to use it with caution for persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during their exacerbation, since the plant irritates the gastric mucosa. It is recommended to exclude asparagus from the diet for prostatitis, cystitis and rheumatism.
Storing and preparing asparagus
Asparagus is recommended to be consumed fresh when its content of nutrients is maximal. So, so useful asparagine is destroyed in the process of cooking and canning. Long-term storage is also not good for asparagus. It is recommended to put the shoot in a glass of water, which must be changed periodically, and the cut of the plant should be updated. It is necessary to store the plant in the refrigerator, covered with foil.

In addition to being consumed raw, asparagus is used as a side dish, added to soups.
If the plant is fresh, it does not need special treatment. It is enough to rinse the plant and remove the upper fibrous layer. Asparagus shoots tied in a bunch should be boiled for no more than 10 minutes (according to other sources, no more than 5), given that the bottom of the stems is cooked a little longer than the tops. In order to cook the asparagus evenly, it is recommended to cook it in a narrow saucepan with the bunches of plants vertically. After cooking, the vegetable should be immersed in cold water so that all vitamins are preserved, and the color remains just as bright.
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