Ayran is a fermented milk drink that perfectly quenches thirst and relieves hangover.
The nutritional value |
Portion Ayran (tan) 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 24 Calories from Fat 13.5 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 1.5g 2% |
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% |
Sodium 0 mg 0% |
Potassium 0 mg 0% |
Total Carbohydrates 1.4 g 0% |
Dietary fiber 0 g 0% |
Proteins 1.1 g 2% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BZHU in the product

Source: kubarus-moloko.ru How to burn 24 kcal?
Walking | 6 minutes |
Jogging | 3 min. |
Swimming | 2 minutes. |
A bike | 3 min. |
Aerobics | 5 minutes. |
Household chores | 8 minutes |
Ayran is a fermented milk product obtained as a result of mixed fermentation of goat, cow and sheep milk with the addition of yeast. This wonderful drink comes from Kabardino-Balkaria and Circassia. It is widely used in the national cuisine of the Central Asian and Caucasian peoples.
Different countries have different technology for preparing ayran. So, sedentary peoples prefer to prepare a liquid drink that quenches thirst perfectly. But nomadic peoples prefer ayran thick, reminiscent of sour cream in consistency, thanks to which it can be easily transported. Thick ayran is usually diluted with water, milk or kumis before use.
The drink has been known since 5-2 centuries BC, when it was especially loved by the inhabitants of the ancient Greek Kerkinitis. Over time, the recipe for the preparation of ayran fell to the nomadic tribes of the Scythians - the ardent enemies of the Greeks.
During the Great Migration of Nations, people needed a nutritious product that could retain its beneficial properties for a long time. Ayran became such a product. It has passed the test of time, passing through the millennia, and has not lost its relevance in our times.
There is a similar drink in Armenia called tan. In ancient times, the mountaineers sacredly kept the recipe for making ayran. In the 19th century, Russian scientists became interested in the reasons for the longevity of the Caucasian peoples and came to the conclusion that the reason for this is the miracle drink ayran, the property of which is a bactericidal effect and a cure for gastrointestinal diseases. But for a long time they could not get the leaven and learn the secret of making the drink - it was carefully guarded by the aksakals. According to a Caucasian legend, the drink appeared on our lands thanks to a Russian girl who managed to conquer the heart of an Armenian prince. She agreed to marry him, but only in exchange for a wineskin of the coveted leaven.
On an industrial scale in Ukraine and Russia, tan and ayran began to be produced in the 90s of the 20th century. Nowadays you can buy this drink in almost any supermarket. But in terms of taste, the purchased product only vaguely resembles the original. Such ayran is easy to prepare at home, just whip natural yogurt with salt and water in a blender.
The main component of the Circassian ayran is suzma or katyk. Katyk is a curdled milk made from boiled milk. Before fermentation, the milk is evaporated by more than a third, as a result of which the product is very fatty. Suzma is a cross between sour cream and cottage cheese, it is obtained after decanting the katyk.
The use of ayran in cooking
Due to its properties, ayran is mainly used as a soft drink in the heat of summer, to improve appetite, for the base of cold soups. Ayran goes well with aromatic herbs. Depending on the dish and time of day, you can add basil, cilantro to it, especially in combination with meat dishes. And if you just want to drink something refreshing, then ayran with mint is perfect, and it is best to use confectionery mint, which has a more pronounced aroma and taste with "chill".
In urban conditions, the ideal water for ayran will be narzan with the addition of ice cubes. If the drink is planned to accompany dishes, then a pinch of paprika, coriander or cumin can be added to it as a seasoning.
Ayran goes well with fruit. They are added to the drink and infused for several hours. It is especially tasty if you add a green apple, which softens the taste of the drink and gives it a fruity freshness. Such ayran can be prepared before going to bed, and in the morning, whipping it with a blender, breakfast with crispy pastries, washed down with a fragrant drink.
The composition and calorie content of ayran
100 g of ayran contains 2.79 g of carbohydrates, 1 g of fat, 1.74 g of proteins, 8 mg of ascorbic acid.
The calorie content of ayran is about 27 kcal per 100 g of product.
The benefits of ayran

In view of the fact that the drink is prepared as a result of the fermentation of the main product, the beneficial properties of ayran for the body are obvious.
Firstly, it is very well absorbed, since it contains simple protein compounds that contribute to the well-coordinated work of the intestines and stomach, the production of bile and gastric juice. It restores the intestinal microflora and removes toxins from the body.
Secondly, the benefits of ayran lie in restoring the functioning of the nervous system and disinfecting the body. Regular consumption of ayran strengthens the immune system and prevents inflammatory diseases.
The benefits of ayran for people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system are undeniable. Fermented milk drink promotes blood flow to the lungs, improving the functioning of the respiratory centers of the body. It is useful to drink this drink at different times of the year. So, for example, in summer it perfectly quenches thirst, and in winter it is useful to drink it to increase the resistance of the respiratory system to infectious and colds.
For the Caucasian peoples, ayran is a guarantee of good health and longevity.
Ayran for weight loss
Few know about the benefits of ayran, and not everyone will like its unusual taste, but ayran is simply irreplaceable for weight loss. Its calorie content is low, but it has an amazing property to saturate and give strength to the body. In addition, the healing property of ayran is its ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, which also helps to normalize weight.
Many nutritionists strongly recommend Ayran for weight loss. For this purpose, it is useful to arrange fasting days. It is enough to drink this drink exclusively for three days, and you will get rid of 2-3 kilograms of excess weight.
Ayran harm
If we talk about the dangers of ayran, then, like any other fermented milk product, it is harmful if it is improperly ripened and cooked. It is also possible that your body will not accept this drink. It is best to store ayran in the cold for no longer than a day, but use it freshly prepared.
You should know what ayran can do harm in hyperacid conditions: duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, gastritis.
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