Black currant
Black currant owes its name to the Old Russian expression "currant", which meant a strong smell. And this is so, indeed, of all the berries, it is black currant that has the most pronounced aroma. A strong smell is inherent in black currant leaves and berries. The currant bush belongs to the gooseberry family, in height it can reach up to 2 meters. Black currant berries are large, round, rich black.
The nutritional value |
Portion Black currant 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 44 Calories from Fat 3.6 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 0.4 g 1% |
Saturate fats 0.1 g 1% |
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% |
Sodium 32 mg 1% |
Potassium 350 mg 10% |
Total Carbohydrates 7.3 g 2% |
Sugar 7.3 g |
Dietary fiber 4.8 g 19% |
Proteins 1 g 2% |
Vitamin A 7% |
Vitamin B6 7% |
Vitamin C 333% |
Niacin 2% |
Thiamine 2% |
Iron 7% |
Calcium 4% |
Magnesium 8% |
Phosphorus 3% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: How to burn 44 kcal?
Walking | 11 minutes |
Jogging | 5 minutes. |
Swimming | 4 minutes |
A bike | 6 minutes |
Aerobics | 9 minutes |
Household chores | 15 minutes. |
Useful properties of black currant
Black currant is a source of many nutrients and vitamins. In addition, black currant berries are very low in calories: they contain 38 kcal.
In black currant berries, the benefits are represented by the content of numerous nutrients:
- Vitamin K;
- Tannins;
- Vitamins C, B, P, E;
- Pectins;
- Carotene (vitamin A);
- Saccharides;
- Phosphoric acid;
- Essential oil;
- Phosphorus, potassium and iron salts.
In addition to the huge content of vitamin C in black currant berries, its leaves include such elements as:
- Magnesium;
- Sulfur;
- Phytoncides;
- Manganese;
- Silver;
- Lead;
- Copper;
- Essential oil.
The content of vitamin C in black currant berries and leaves is so high that to ensure a person's daily need for this substance, it is enough to eat only 20 berries.
Black currant is considered the basis of a healthy and balanced diet, which results in such positive changes in the body:
1. Increased immunity;
2. Improvement and strengthening of the body;
3. Multiple benefits for any chronic disease.
Black currant berries and leaves are an excellent means of preventing the following health problems:
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Alzheimer's disease;
- Prevention of malignant neoplasms.
The exceptional properties of black currant are due not only to the maximum content of vitamin C, but also to the presence of anthocyanidins in it. These substances provide the special use of black currant as an antioxidant product.
It is these properties of black currant that provide important additional effects on the body:
1. Disinfectant;
2. Anti-inflammatory.
What's interesting is that black currant leaves contain much more vitamin C than berries. It is this fact that determines the use of the following properties of black currant leaves as a therapeutic agent:
1. Toning;
2. Antiseptic;
3. Anti-inflammatory;
4. Antirheumatic;
5. Diuretic;
6. Cleansing.
Eating black currant
The benefits of black currant lie in its ability to prevent the development of diabetes, as well as vision problems. Regular consumption of black currant berries and leaves (as teas) may inhibit intellectual decline and sclerosis in older adults. With progressive sclerosis, the benefits of black currant cannot be overstated.
The beneficial properties of black currant are widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases:
- Angina;
- Flu;
- Bronchitis;
- Pneumonia (pneumonia)
A mixture of blackcurrant juice, sugar and honey is great for dealing with a severe cough. The antiseptic properties of black currant help to cope with sore throat (even purulent). To do this, gargle with fresh blackcurrant juice diluted with clean water. For any colds, it is useful to drink tea from black currant leaves.
An important property of black currant is its regenerative effect on the body. So, after suffering serious illnesses and surgical operations, when the body is greatly weakened, patients are shown to use juice from black currant berries.
A decoction of black currant berries and an infusion of black currant leaves are excellent for the following diseases:
- Hypertension;
- Diseases of the liver and kidneys;
- Anemia;
- Gastritis;
- Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
- Bleeding gums.
A significant benefit of black currant is the use of its leaves for heart problems, gastritis, gout. Infusion and decoction of black currant leaves are able to remove excess uric and puric acids from the body. In addition, with metabolic disorders and various bleeding, such a remedy has a diaphoretic and mild laxative effect.
Even in ancient times, people used the beneficial properties of black currant from leaves, twigs and buds to treat all kinds of skin diseases (dermatitis, diathesis, rash, acne). For this, and now, medicinal baths are prescribed from the infusion of black currant leaves with the addition of branches and buds. Traditional healers have long benefited from the benefits of blackcurrant leaves for treating scrofula in children and for vision problems.
You need to pick black currant berries when they are fully ripe. But if you miss 2 weeks after it is fully ripe, an important vitamin C is lost: instead of 100%, the indicator can drop to 70%. And black currant leaves need to be plucked when they are not yet coarse and dry.
The properties of black currant are widely used in cooking. All kinds of products are prepared from black currant berries:
- Compotes;
- Kissel;
- Jam;
- Jams;
- Jelly;
- Dessert;
- Wine;
- Sauces;
- Wine.
Black currant berries are used as a filling for baking, as an ingredient for various marinades for meat and fish dishes.
It is very important that black currant completely retains its useful properties when harvesting. So, currants can be frozen, rubbed with sugar. These are the best stock options. A little less vitamins become after boiling and stewing black currant berries.
The medicinal properties of black currant are also used in cosmetology. Many creams, lotions and color cosmetics contain an extract of this plant. Blackcurrant juice can be rubbed into the skin around the nails, thereby strengthening them significantly. To get rid of freckles and age spots, to whiten the skin will help black currant berry, mashed and applied in the form of a mask.
Medicinal tea made from black currant leaves is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Therefore, this broth can replace the usual black tea. Blackcurrant leaves can be harvested in spring, dried and used throughout the year.

Contraindications to the use of black currant
Vitamin K and phenolic compounds in the blackcurrant berry cause its contraindications in the following cases:
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Increased acidity of the stomach;
- Gastritis;
- Hepatitis.
Abuse in the diet of black currant berries and leaves in the form of decoctions can lead to increased blood clotting. In addition, black currant berries are not recommended for use after strokes and heart attacks and with the threat of thrombosis.
Blackcurrant juice can cause an allergic reaction in children, but in small doses it increases hemoglobin in the blood.
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