Acne - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention Methods, Treatment, Folk Remedies

Acne - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention Methods, Treatment, Folk Remedies
Acne - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention Methods, Treatment, Folk Remedies


Brief characteristics of acne

Acne or, as this disease is often called, youthful acne is a chronic, recurrent inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It occurs due to clogging of the glands with sebum and imbalance of androgens in the human body. As a result, black, purulent acne appears on the skin, the inner contents of which are an excellent breeding ground for the development of all kinds of bacteria and pathogenic microflora.

Most often, acne, the treatment of which involves an integrated approach, occurs in adolescents aged 15 to 18 years, but if a number of factors coincide, inflammation can also manifest itself in older people. The factors that cause acne include hereditary predisposition, inappropriate nutrition with a predominance of animal fats and dysfunction of the endocrine glands.

Acne - symptoms and clinical picture

The main symptom suggesting the diagnosis of juvenile acne is papulopustular eruptions, which eventually transform into a bright red or pink capsule filled with pus. Around it there are all signs of an inflammatory process, namely, swelling and redness of the skin.

Depending on the intensity of the process, indurative and phlegmous acne are distinguished. The first are extensive infiltrates that do not affect the deep layers of the skin. The latter develop slowly and for a long time, but they penetrate deeply into the skin and require long, laborious treatment. In some cases, they merge into one large lesion.

If a person is diagnosed with acne, treatment with folk remedies and traditional medicines should be prescribed as soon as possible. Otherwise, the disease threatens to turn into a necrotic form, in which large-scale death of skin cells occurs with the formation of deep, ugly scars.

Treating acne with traditional methods

It is necessary to get rid of acne using an integrated approach. In the process of treatment, antibacterial agents, antibiotics (tetracyclines), antiandrogenic drugs and drugs that promote the normal secretion of the sebaceous glands, such as roaccutane, are used. In order to prevent candidiasis, the patient is prescribed nystatin. If a person has a severe form of acne, treatment involves the use of antimicrobial (metronidazole) and immunocorrective (decaris) agents.

For external use, degreasing and disinfecting solutions containing antibiotics, sulfur, salicylic or retinoic acid and Vidal's milk are recommended. Taking medications should be combined with the use of vitamins of groups A, B, C and E. Physiotherapeutic procedures - cryotherapy, ultraviolet radiation and electrocoagulation show good efficiency. When acne is diagnosed, treatment is carried out for 2-3 months until the disappearance of acne. This is followed by supportive therapy.

Prevention of the disease consists in maintaining skin hygiene and preventing oily seborrhea.

Acne treatment with folk remedies

Oil mixtures showed the greatest efficiency in removing acne. Here are some of them:

  • hazelnut oil, grape seed and jojoba oil in a proportion of 5, 3 and 2 ml. respectively. To the resulting mixture add 3 drops of essential oil of geranium, pine needles and Atlas cedar;
  • 2 drops each of lavender, lemon and clove oil are added to a mixture consisting of hazelnut oil (5 ml) and macadamia oil (3 ml) or evening primrose;
  • hazelnut oil and grape seed (5 ml each) are mixed with tea tree and manuka essential oil (3 drops each). If you do not find grape seed oil in pharmacies, then replace it with kukui oil.

The prepared mixtures are stored in a cool, dry place in dark glass bottles. They are applied after washing on slightly moisturized skin (3-4 drops are enough to treat the entire face). To prevent oily shine, blot your face with a soft cloth 15-20 minutes after applying the composition, but the ideal option is to let the oil mixture completely absorb. To do this, you can use the medicine at night, when there is no need to take care of maintaining dry skin.

In recent years, ready-made mixtures of oils and cosmetic face masks have appeared in stores. You can use them, but before that, be sure to consult with your doctor, because the mask must be chosen, taking into account the form of acne and some other factors.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
