Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies at home
The content of the article:
- Signs of sinusitis
Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
- Aloe for sinusitis
- Sinusitis ointments
- Cyclamen for sinusitis
- Horse chestnut
- Rinsing the nose
- Sinusitis nose drops
- When you need to see a doctor
- Video
Sinusitis is a disease in which the lining of the sinuses is affected. Depending on its localization, sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis or frontal sinusitis are distinguished. The disease can affect one or more cavities. If treatment is not started on time, the disease may become chronic.

For chronic sinusitis, folk remedies are often used for treatment, in particular onion juice
Treatment of sinusitis at home with folk remedies is recommended only for the chronic course of the disease. During an exacerbation, as well as in acute sinusitis, you should not start therapy on your own.
Signs of sinusitis
The following symptoms may indicate the development of the disease:
- runny nose, while at the initial stage of the disease, the discharge can be transparent, and later - viscous with an admixture of pus, sometimes with an unpleasant odor. In some cases, nasal congestion is observed, while there is no discharge;
- pain in the area of the affected sinus, which may increase with tapping or tilting the head;
- headache, worse in the morning. It can be so intense that pain relievers do not help;
- puffiness of the face and dark circles under the eyes;
- nasal, distorted voice;
- an increase in body temperature to high numbers (from 38 ° C). In the chronic form of the disease, it can stay within 37–38 ° C for several days.
The common symptoms of sinusitis include lethargy, fatigue at minimal exertion, lack of appetite, and sleep disturbances.
Traditional methods of treating sinusitis
Aloe for sinusitis
Treatment for sinusitis in adults with folk remedies usually includes the use of aloe. According to patient reviews, this is one of the most effective methods that helps to eliminate the symptoms of the disease in a short time. The juice of this plant has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

Sinusitis therapy usually involves the use of aloe juice
For best results, it is essential to properly prepare aloe-based medicines. The leaves of a plant that is at least two years old have useful properties. Before cutting them off, watering is stopped a day.
The cut leaves are wrapped in paper and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. They must be stored there for at least three days, preferably two weeks. Medicines made from such a plant will be most effective.
To prepare the product, the aloe leaf is washed, and juice is squeezed out of them with gauze. Apply 2-3 drops three times a day. Treatment should continue for at least a week.
Also, for sinusitis, drops made from aloe with honey are used. For this, one tablespoon of the juice of this plant is placed in a dark glass vial and half a teaspoon of liquid May honey is added. Apply drops three times a day. You can store the finished product in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.
Aloe is often used to prepare multi-ingredient ointments that help clear the contents of the sinuses.
Sinusitis ointments
According to patient reviews, the most effective folk remedies for treating sinusitis are ointments. They increase the amount of secretion and allow you to quickly remove it from the sinuses. The procedure is carried out once a day for three days.
The finished ointment is applied to a tampon, which is placed in the nostril. Then the patient needs to bend forward slightly and sit for 10-15 minutes. Usually, after the procedure, a large amount of mucus and pus begins to be removed from the nasal cavity.

For sinusitis, an ointment based on laundry soap is considered effective.
At home, you can prepare the following ointments:
- based on laundry soap, propolis, honey, aloe and onion juice. Brown laundry soap is crushed with a fine grater, a teaspoon of the powder is placed in a water bath, a little propolis is added, one teaspoon each of honey, onion juice and aloe. After the ointment becomes a homogeneous consistency, the container is removed from the fire, the agent is cooled and used as directed. The finished medicine can be stored for at least 3 days in the refrigerator;
- based on onions, honey and Vishnevsky ointment. The onion head is baked in the oven until soft, after cooling, it is crushed into a gruel, mixed with a small amount of honey and Vishnevsky's ointment. The procedure for cleansing the sinuses is carried out once a day. You can repeat it daily until the symptoms of the disease are relieved;
- based on Vishnevsky ointment, cyclamen root juice, onions and Kalanchoe. In half a teaspoon of Vishnevsky's ointment, add 3 drops of cyclamen juice, onions and Kalanchoe. Apply this medicine every other day for a week.
Cyclamen for sinusitis
In the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, cyclamen-based medicines are considered the most effective. The root juice of this plant acts as an irritant, allowing you to improve reflex secretion. At the same time, the amount of mucus increases, and it comes out, and the sinuses are cleared.

Cyclamen root is used in both traditional and folk medicine
In order to prepare nasal drops based on cyclamen, the root of the plant is thoroughly cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater. Juice is extracted with gauze. It is diluted with water and placed in a refrigerator.
Every day, two drops of juice are instilled into each nostril. After that, the patient needs to take a horizontal position for a few minutes. The effect of using drops will be visible already on the second day.
Also, for the treatment of the disease, you can use an infusion of cyclamen, to prepare it, 4 g of the root are poured with 200 ml of boiling water. After the product has cooled down, filter it and drop 3 drops into each nostril in the morning and evening. Treatment continues for a week.
According to patient reviews, when using folk remedies, side effects such as burning in the nose, sneezing, coughing, or increased sweating may occur. If they are insignificant, then you should not refuse to use the funds. With severe adverse reactions, treatment should be canceled.
Horse chestnut
Horse chestnut is another effective folk treatment for the disease. Previously, the fruit of this plant is soaked overnight in warm saline. Then a triangular candle is cut out of it, which must be fixed on a safety pin.

Horse chestnut can be used to treat sinusitis
The patient sits down, leaning slightly forward, and inserts a chestnut candle into the nostril. Within 10-15 minutes, the amount of the secret increases, and it comes out. This procedure can be performed once a day. Repeat it until the symptoms of the disease subside.
Rinsing the nose
Another effective treatment for sinusitis, according to patients, is nasal lavage. For this, you can use the following solutions:
- saline solution. One teaspoon of salt is dissolved in 250-500 ml of boiling water. The saline solution should not be very concentrated because it can burn the nasal mucosa. Before the procedure, the agent must be filtered in order to remove undissolved granules and cooled to a comfortable temperature. It is necessary to rinse the nose very carefully, without retracting movements. This solution can be used for inhalation. For the procedure, a piece of linen fabric is moistened, spread on the face and for 10 minutes they try to breathe through the nose;
- camomile tea. 3 g of chamomile flowers are poured over 250 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and used to rinse the nose. The procedure is carried out twice a day. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties and allows you to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease;
- Furacilin solution. To prepare the product, 1 tablet of Furacilin is dissolved in 100 ml of boiling water. The finished solution must be boiled for three minutes, then cooled and used to rinse the nose. The agent is active against pathogens that cause inflammation.
Sinusitis nose drops
According to patient reviews, in order to cure sinusitis with folk remedies, homemade drops are often used. How to treat a disease with their help?
In a water bath, it is necessary to warm up 50 ml of corn oil, add one tablespoon of fresh onion juice. Place the solution in a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator. Apply 2 drops twice a day for a week. If a large amount of pus and mucus leaves, the frequency of the procedures can be increased up to three times a day.

Sinusitis therapy may include the use of fresh or boiled beet juice
Drops from fresh beets are considered effective. Rub the red beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice with gauze. It is diluted with boiled chilled water in a ratio of 1: 3. Apply 3 drops three times a day. Treatment continues for a week, until symptoms disappear. For those who have a burning sensation in the nose, you can use boiled beet juice.
Drops based on olive oil and garlic juice are often used. To prepare the product, heat 20 ml of olive oil in a water bath and add 6 drops of garlic juice to it. This remedy is used in the morning and evening for a week.

You can prepare nasal drops from sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn has many beneficial properties. To prepare drops, you need to carefully grind 50 g of sea buckthorn and mix with the same amount of refined olive oil. After the product has stood for 24 hours in the refrigerator, it should be filtered. Apply 2 drops three times a day.
When you need to see a doctor
Traditional methods of treating sinusitis are quite popular, but not always safe. Refuse to use them independently and contact an otolaryngologist in the following cases:
- acute form of the disease. If the patient has a fever, purulent nasal discharge and severe headaches, in most cases antibiotic treatment is required;
- damage to the nasal mucosa due to the use of folk remedies;
- no improvement and / or the appearance of additional symptoms after three days of self-treatment;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- childhood.

During pregnancy, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of adequate treatment.
Also, it is not recommended to use traditional medicine methods in the case when sinusitis develops against the background of other chronic diseases.
Some patients advise using warming compresses for treatment. This is only possible with chronic sinusitis. In the acute course of the disease, this method must be abandoned, since the use of warming compresses can lead to complications.
With the wrong therapy of sinusitis, serious consequences may develop or the disease may become chronic. Folk remedies can be an adjunct to the main treatment, but before starting their use it is recommended to consult with an ENT.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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