Are all salads good for your health?

Now, finally, many of our contemporaries have understood what the ancients spoke about - man is what he eats. If you want to be healthy, eat healthy food. And if meat, cereals, flour products can be either useful or not, then one category of products does not raise doubts about its usefulness. It's about vegetables. Does this mean that any vegetables are useful in any form, for example, in the form of salads?
Healthy salads are salads that contain fresh vegetables seasoned with a little oil. For those on endless diets, don't exclude vegetable oil from your salad if you want it to be as healthy as possible.
Fresh vegetables provide essential fiber and plenty of vitamins. However, there is a group of vitamins, namely fat-soluble vitamins, which are poorly absorbed in the absence of fat. Such, for example, are the badly needed A and E.
So, carrots contain a large amount of carotene, which is provitamin A. However, if you just grind a carrot or rub it in a salad, it will be very tasty, but no more than 5% of carotene will be absorbed. But if you eat the same grated carrot with a spoonful of vegetable oil or sour cream, you will get not just a salad, but a healthy salad, from which 86% of provitamin A will be absorbed, which is converted in the body into the vitamin itself.

Nutritionists warn that not all salads are healthy. Everyone's favorite New Year's hit, Olivier salad, from a nutritional point of view, is a crime against health, especially if it is seasoned with industrial-made mayonnaise. But the vinaigrette, by the way, is more traditional for Russian cuisine, quite the opposite, provided that he escaped Olivier's fate with regard to mayonnaise and was seasoned with good vegetable oil.
Now, having learned the principle of a healthy salad, and easily determine whether this or that salad deserves to be included in your menu.
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