Calorie Content Of Cottage Cheese - Types Of Cottage Cheese

Calorie Content Of Cottage Cheese - Types Of Cottage Cheese
Calorie Content Of Cottage Cheese - Types Of Cottage Cheese

Calorie content of cottage cheese

Calorie content of homemade cottage cheese - 145-232 kcal per 100 g
Calorie content of homemade cottage cheese - 145-232 kcal per 100 g

Those who lead a healthy lifestyle and control their weight often have to count calories. Currently, it is generally accepted to measure the energy value of food precisely in calories. The higher the calorie content, the more this product contributes to the development of obesity. Calorie content of foods can be found in special tables. Including, there you can find information about how many calories are in cottage cheese. However, the calorie content of cottage cheese depends on many factors. In this article we will discuss the energy value of different varieties of this product.

This natural fermented milk product contains very few carbohydrates. But all varieties of cottage cheese are rich in easily digestible high-grade milk protein. The beneficial properties of this product are used by nutritionists in medical and preventive nutrition. It is known that low-fat varieties contribute to the normalization of obesity weight. Also, cottage cheese helps to reduce the level of total cholesterol in blood biochemistry and reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis of large vessels.

What factors affect the calorie content of cottage cheese

Curd is a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting milk and removing whey. It is customary to classify cottage cheese prepared using traditional technology into fat-free (up to 1.8% fat), classic (4-18%) and fatty (19-23%). Each percentage of fat greatly increases the energy value of the product. Indeed, one gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories.

The calorie content of fat-free cottage cheese, respectively, will be the lowest of the entire line of this product. The calorie content of cottage cheese 5% fat is lower than the calorie content of cottage cheese 9% fat. The fattest varieties contain about 23% fat and maximum calories. In some cases, starch or other carbohydrates are added to a natural fermented milk product in production, which also affects its calorie content.

Sugar especially increases the energy value. Sweet curds will clearly not be considered a dietary product. If butter, dried fruits, sugar are added to the curd, then a special curd product is obtained, which should not be consumed by those who are trying to reduce body weight. Such products are called curd mass or curds.

The calorie content of homemade cottage cheese, made independently from village milk, depends on many factors. The breed and age of the cow, the season and the feed used all affect the calorie content of the curd. To make homemade cottage cheese less fat, it should be made from skim milk, that is, after removing the cream first.

Calorie content of cottage cheese, depending on the variety

The calorie content of fat-free cottage cheese is about 86 kilocalories for every 100 grams. This product can rightfully be considered dietary. Those who are losing weight can eat it almost without restrictions. The only drawback of this product is the low availability of calcium salts, since the vitamin D content in low-fat cottage cheese is minimal. Lack of calcium in the body contributes to a decrease in bone strength, the development of tooth decay, brittle nails and hair loss.

Calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese - 86 kcal per 100 g
Calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese - 86 kcal per 100 g

The calorie content of cottage cheese 5% fat is 145 kilocalories per 100 grams. This is significantly less than in flour and sausage products. Such cottage cheese can be considered more useful than fat-free. After all, among other things, it helps prevent fractures, being a good source of calcium. The sufficiently low calorie content of this product allows it to be used in the daily menu even for those who are trying to lose weight. However, it is still not recommended to consume more than 250 grams of such cottage cheese.

The calorie content of 9% fat cottage cheese is 159 kilocalories per 100 grams. Many buyers consider this curd to be the most delicious. However, remember that you can change your taste habits. You just need to get used to low-fat cottage cheese to appreciate its pleasant taste.

The calorie content of cottage cheese 18% fat is equal to 232 kilocalories per 100 grams. Such cottage cheese, when consumed in excess, contributes to the progression of obesity. If you additionally add sour cream, sugar, dried fruits to this product, then you will get a delicious, but very high-calorie dessert.

Less commonly sold cottage cheese 23% fat. Its calorie content is very high - 311 kilocalories per 100 grams. It should not be eaten by people who are overweight or have high blood cholesterol levels.

The calorie content of homemade cottage cheese depends on the fat content of the milk from which it was made. If you buy cottage cheese from friends or make it yourself from village milk, then you can be sure of the manufacturer, but you can never know for sure the calorie content of the product. Most likely, the fat content of this cottage cheese will be in the range of 5-18%, and the calorie content from 145 to 232 kilocalories per 100 grams.

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