Shock after accident

We often use the common expression “I'm in shock”. Usually by this we want to make it clear that we are in a state far from normal, unsettled by a strong surprise or other overwhelming emotion. In fact, the state of shock, of course, is much more serious, and surprise, even strong, is clearly not enough for its onset, since the human body has developed compensatory mechanisms that allow it to successfully cope with stressful situations. But sometimes the stress is so strong that compensatory mechanisms cannot cope with the stress and fail. A breakdown occurs, called shock, or shock state. A frequent cause of the development of a state of shock is road accidents, since several strong stress factors are triggered here at once, each of which comes unexpectedly, preventing the body from adapting,and all together they cause shock.
Work is constantly underway to ensure that the consequences of road accidents would be as less traumatic as possible for a person. Unfortunately, the number of road accidents does not decrease, which means that the number of victims does not decrease either. Another thing is that all these mechanisms make it possible to minimize damage to the body. But one must understand that the state of shock develops not only when there are physical injuries. Psycho-emotional trauma is no less, and its consequences for the body can be very serious. The developed shock can have varying degrees of severity; in its most severe form, this condition is fatal.
How to recognize a state of shock in car accident participants if there are no visible injuries? As a rule, the presence of some lethargy indicates the presence of shock. A person is unnaturally calm, answers questions slowly and with effort, as if remembering the answers to the simplest questions, his skin is pale, his pulse is quickened - these are signs of shock of the first degree. This condition is reversible, but even in this case, measures must be taken. The injured person should, as far as possible, be protected from the noise, creating peace for him, given a warm drink, warmed, if possible, put. It is also necessary to inspect it for damage, since in a state of shock, a person often does not adequately assess what is happening, and he himself may not notice the injury.

More severe degrees of shock, with severe lethargy, drop in blood pressure, and especially loss of consciousness, require emergency medical attention. Therefore, if a serious accident has occurred, it is necessary to call an ambulance, even if the participants in the accident do not see open damage.
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