Hair Care At Home

Hair Care At Home
Hair Care At Home

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Hair care at home

Hair care at home
Hair care at home

Salon hair care can be very effective, but the modern lifestyle hardly allows many to visit a beauty salon several times a week. But in order for your hair to be beautiful and healthy, you need to take care of it, and take care not from time to time, but constantly. Therefore, hair care at home is more of a necessity than a whim.

We all know ancient remedies that have been passed down from generation to generation, from grandmother to granddaughter since time immemorial. Some of these homemade recipes, when used regularly, are potent enough to compete with hair formulations made by pharmacological laboratories. Hair care at home, in addition to being affordable, has the advantage that home remedies are mild to the hair and scalp, they don't dry out the hair, burn or irritate the skin, unlike potent pharmaceuticals.

Below we offer you several recipes for home hair care, time-tested, effective and safe.

  • Hair root mask based on burdock oil. Take two tablespoons of burdock oil infused with red pepper. You can buy such oil with pepper, or you can cook it yourself, for this even the decorative red pepper that grows in pots on the windowsill will do. One such pepper is enough for a bottle with a capacity of 100 ml, and if you are using a large hot pepper, then three pieces 1 x 1 cm in size. Apply pepper oil to hair half an hour before washing, rubbing thoroughly into the scalp. If suddenly you overdid it with pepper, and after applying oil to your hair, you feel a burning sensation, do not wait half an hour, wash off the oil after ten minutes. This mask helps to improve superficial blood circulation, thereby strengthening the roots and stimulating hair growth.
  • A nourishing mask for home hair care based on honey. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of burdock oil, or with a tablespoon of sour cream, or with egg yolk. Apply evenly to hair, cover with plastic or a shower cap, leave for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and baby shampoo.
  • Everyone's favorite kefir hair masks, the simplest of which is to apply fresh kefir to the hair half an hour before washing.

In fact, there are many recipes for hair care at home that are inexpensive and effective. It is advisable to use them in courses lasting one to two months, and then change them. The first is necessary for a mild product to give a result, but it is necessary to change them, because the skin and hair get used to the same product, after which its effectiveness decreases.

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