Dry Hair Care

Dry Hair Care
Dry Hair Care

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Dry hair care

Dry hair care due to adverse factors
Dry hair care due to adverse factors

Dry hair can appear due not only to poor heredity, but also as a result of adverse factors in a woman's life - unbalanced nutrition, overwork, stress, vitamin deficiency, metabolic disorders, as well as improper care. Frequent coloring, hot styling, blow-drying can destroy the already weak hair structure - therefore, dry, dull and split ends - in order to maintain their beauty - need careful attention.

Owners of dry hair should use a special shampoo containing proteins, oils, egg yolk and other strengthening ingredients. You need to wash your hair very carefully to prevent damage to the hair follicles. Proper hair care involves drying your hair naturally. Trim split ends regularly - or treat them with nutritional formulas.

Dry hair care - what is it like?

Traditional medicine offers women many recipes to nullify the negative aspects of dry hair. Hair masks with burdock, vegetable, olive oil have proven themselves well. Mix one egg yolk with any butter and honey, apply the resulting mixture to your hair, wrap your head with a towel and rinse after 20-30 minutes. You can also add onion juice, cognac, henna powder to the “hair cocktail”. Herbal infusions and decoctions help get rid of dryness. Dry hair care with medicinal chamomile, ivy leaves, birch, nettle, burdock root is especially popular.

Rinses with herbal decoctions (horsetail, sage, burdock) will give shine to dry and thinned hair. If time is running out - for this purpose, you can use aspirin dissolved in water, lemon juice or a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Dry hair care with folk remedies
Dry hair care with folk remedies

Onion juice has a wonderful effect on dry hair - and your patience in the process of making it will be richly rewarded.

Dry hair care - masks and compresses - implies consistency in use. In order for the healing effect to show itself in all its glory, nutritional procedures must be repeated with enviable regularity - since there is nothing complicated in them. Arrange yourself a medical “headwash” at least once a week - and your hair will once again shine with beauty and health.

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