Orange is a fruit tree of the genus Citrus of the Rute family and the fruit of this tree. The plant was cultivated as early as 2.5 thousand years BC. e. in China, and was brought to Europe by Portuguese sailors. Orange is the most common citrus crop in all tropical and subtropical countries of the world.
The nutritional value |
Portion Orange 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 47 Calories from Fat 1.08 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 0.12 g 0% |
Saturate fats 0.02 g 0% |
Polyunsaturated. fats 0.03 g |
Monounsaturated. fats 0.02 g |
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% |
Sodium 0 mg 0% |
Potassium 181 mg 5% |
Total Carbohydrates 11.75g 4% |
Sugar 9.35 g |
Dietary fiber 2.4 g 10% |
Proteins 0.94 g 2% |
Vitamin A 4% |
Vitamin B6 3% |
Vitamin C 89% |
Niacin 1% |
Thiamine 6% |
Calcium 4% |
Magnesium 3% |
Phosphorus 1% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: How to burn 47 kcal?
Walking | 12 minutes |
Jogging | 5 minutes. |
Swimming | 4 minutes |
A bike | 7 minutes |
Aerobics | 9 minutes |
Household chores | 16 minutes |
Useful properties of an orange
Orange contains vitamins C, B1, PP, B2, A, phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, citric and ascorbic acids, thiamine, pectin.
The beneficial properties of an orange can be used to support the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, and digestive systems of humans. Orange pulp heals abscesses and wounds well.
Orange juice contains phytoncides that have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects; it can be used in the complex treatment of scurvy. It is noticed that orange juice tones up, improves metabolism.
Also, an orange differs in that the citric acid contained in it protects it from the accumulation of nitrates and nitrites.
Orange oil is also known for its beneficial properties. It is produced from the rind of fruits, leaves and flowers of orange trees. Bitter and sweet orange is used for the production of oil, so it can differ in aroma, content of active substances. The oil has bactericidal, deodorizing, tonic, antiseptic, antispasmodic properties, helps with depression, anorexia, improves appetite, improves visual acuity, relieves inflammation of the gums, removes bile, and stimulates immunity.
Regular consumption of oranges, thanks to pectins and fiber, helps to improve digestion, bowel function, reduce putrefactive processes in it, and prevent constipation. Red sweet orange is believed to be beneficial for obesity. Also, an orange helps with vitamin deficiency, hypertension, gout, atherosclerosis, low acidity of gastric secretions, weak bile secretion.
Regular consumption of orange juice is useful for people with liver and lung diseases, anemia, and joint diseases. But a good effect is also observed after combined juices, for example, from orange and apple - both components are rich in pectins, therefore they have a positive effect on the intestines, or orange and lemon - such juice saturates as much as possible with vitamin C.
Also, thanks to vitamin C, orange and lemon mixed with honey have a beneficial effect on blood vessels: they cleanse and strengthen them, reduce cholesterol levels and therefore help prevent stroke, angina pectoris, heart attack.
For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such a medicine is prepared from an orange and a lemon: two pieces of orange and lemon are passed through a meat grinder, mixed with two tablespoons of honey, transferred to a glass container, insisted for a day and then stored in the refrigerator. The remedy for prophylactic purposes is taken for 30 minutes. before meals daily - 2 teaspoons.
With severe menstrual pain, orange tincture helps. For its preparation, the orange peel is crushed, poured with boiling water, boiled for half an hour. Chilled, strained broth is taken 3-4r / day for 50g.
An infusion of 3-4 orange slices filled with 50 ml of boiled water will help to remove the heat. After insisting slices for half an hour, you can take a drink every one and a half to two hours and the temperature will gradually decrease. A child can also be treated with such a remedy if he is not allergic to citrus fruits.
As a remedy for relieving withdrawal symptoms after excessive alcohol consumption, you can use orange juice mixed with the yolk of one fresh chicken egg.
For the treatment of gastritis with reduced secretion, an infusion of orange peel, calamus root, leaves of a three-leaf watch, wormwood is prepared. All components are taken in 20g. For treatment, the collection is poured with boiling water: one tablespoon of it has a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 6-8 hours in a thermos. Take the infusion after meals, 100 ml 3 times a day.
Due to its positive effect on the intestines, orange is included in the diet. A diet based on orange, apple and cabbage assumes the exclusion of salt, fatty, sweet. You can eat lean meat, drink orange and apple juice. Cabbage can be eaten fresh in a salad, stewed or boiled cabbage soup. You can follow a diet on orange, apple and cabbage for two weeks, combining it with physical activity.
The benefits of orange are also available when using oil. To prevent colds, improve overall health and mood, you can deodorize the room with an aroma lamp (3-5 caps of oil per 15 square meters of room), take baths with the addition of 6 caps. oils, doing massage. For diseases of the joints and muscles, rubbing helps: 7-8 caps. oils are mixed with 10 g of a neutral base.
For colds and respiratory tract infections, inhalation with oil helps: 2-3 caps. for 250 ml of water.
A good effect is given by orange oil, which is enriched with cosmetics, for example, shampoos for dandruff and for dry hair: 5 caps are dripped. oils for 10 g of shampoo or body creams: 5 cap. for 15g of the base.
The healing beneficial properties of orange are used to treat stomatitis, eliminate bleeding gums: they make applications from orange oil mixed with any other vegetable oil.
Orange oil can be taken by mouth: just add one drop of oil to tea or juice twice a day. It helps well with overweight, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, insomnia.
To choose a juicy, sweet orange, you need to pay attention to its weight, size - heavy, medium and small fruits are more tasty than large and light ones. It is also believed that sweet oranges suitable for long-term storage are those that were harvested at the end of November, December.

Contraindications to the use of orange
Orange oil should not be taken orally in its pure form on an empty stomach and more than three drops per day. In order to avoid increased photosensitivity, it is impossible to apply orange oil to the skin before going outside - you can use it about an hour before going out.
Despite the beneficial properties, the orange is a strong allergen, therefore, if you have individual intolerance, fresh fruits, juice and oil should not be consumed.
A slight burning sensation and tingling of the skin on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, shoulders when taking baths with orange oil is considered natural.
You cannot brush your teeth immediately after drinking orange or juice from it: due to the acids contained, the tooth enamel softens and the toothbrush can damage it. You can carry out a hygienic procedure only 30 minutes after eating the fruit.
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