Refreshing Face Mask - Benefits, Recipes, Effectiveness

Refreshing Face Mask - Benefits, Recipes, Effectiveness
Refreshing Face Mask - Benefits, Recipes, Effectiveness

Refreshing mask

Refreshing face mask fruit
Refreshing face mask fruit

The skin protects us from all adverse environmental influences. She takes the brunt of the blow, and primarily reacts to bad ecology, bad habits and unhealthy diet. Refreshing masks can support her health.

Refreshing face masks restore healthy color and freshness to the skin. A good effect will be both from the cosmetic masks purchased at the pharmacy (store), and from masks prepared at home.

The benefits of refreshing masks

Refreshing face masks help restore an attractive, healthy appearance to lifeless and dull skin. However, this becomes impossible without eliminating the causes that caused the "fatigue" of the skin. A good and long sleep, a healthy diet that excludes high-calorie foods, and a correct work regime are extremely important for a blooming skin. If you apply refreshing masks, taking these points into account, then it is quite easy to restore healthy natural shine to the skin.

After a refreshing mask, the skin breathes better and a healthy glow appears. The mask should not be applied to the delicate skin around the eyes. It is enough to repeat such face masks 1 - 2 times a week.

Refreshing masks are made all year round, but especially the skin needs them in autumn and spring. In autumn, after the summer sun's rays, the skin usually becomes drier, as it has lost moisture, and in the spring it lacks vitamins and ultraviolet radiation, which makes it look dull and tired.

Knowing your skin type is important to find the right refreshing mask. So, with dry skin, it is good to include honey, fruits, cereals and dairy products in a refreshing mask, and herbs and greens have a positive effect on oily skin. In adulthood, it is good to add vegetable oils, yeast and eggs as a component.

Refreshing mask recipes

Refreshing face mask recipes
Refreshing face mask recipes

To make a refreshing mask for dry skin, you need to mix finely grated carrots with half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of wheat flour. Stir the mass until a homogeneous consistency and apply with a cotton swab on the face for 15 minutes. Then rinse off the mask with warm water, and run an ice cube over the skin, lightly massaging it.

A refreshing milk mask with oatmeal and vegetable oil gives a good effect. All components should be mixed in equal proportions, and after the flakes are swollen, add a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it should be washed off with warm water and rinsed with a weak infusion of green tea.

Oily skin can be refreshed with a fresh tomato mask. To do this, their pulp is crushed to a pulp and applied for 10 minutes. After applying it to the skin, an unpleasant tingling sensation may appear, you must be prepared for this. The mask is washed off with warm water, after which it will be good to wipe the skin with frozen linden blossom infusion.

For aging and aging skin, experts recommend making a mask with yeast once a week: grind 1 teaspoon of fresh yeast with 2 tablespoons of milk at room temperature, egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of fruit juice (any). Apply the resulting homogeneous gruel to the skin in several layers, rinse off after 20 minutes.

A mask made of ground natural coffee tones the skin well. To prepare it, coffee is mixed with vegetable oil, milk, honey and oat flour. Apply such a mask for at least 30 minutes, and then carefully remove it with a cotton swab.

The face gets a refreshed look after a mask based on milk and potatoes. To prepare it, you should grind warm potatoes with milk and a raw egg, and apply the resulting mixture on your face for half an hour.

Refreshing curd face masks are good for dull skin. As additional ingredients, add low-fat sour cream, herbal infusions, cabbage or juice from it, green tea. Cabbage juice normalizes sebum production, therefore it is especially useful for oily skin.

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