Bifiliz - Instructions, Use For Children, Price, Reviews, Analogues

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Bifiliz - Instructions, Use For Children, Price, Reviews, Analogues
Bifiliz - Instructions, Use For Children, Price, Reviews, Analogues

Video: Bifiliz - Instructions, Use For Children, Price, Reviews, Analogues

Video: Bifiliz - Instructions, Use For Children, Price, Reviews, Analogues
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Bifiliz: instructions for use and reviews

  1. 1. Release form and composition
  2. 2. Pharmacological properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Method of application and dosage
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Special instructions
  8. 8. Application during pregnancy and lactation
  9. 9. Use in childhood
  10. 10. Drug interactions
  11. 11. Analogs
  12. 12. Terms and conditions of storage
  13. 13. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
  14. 14. Reviews
  15. 15. Price in pharmacies

Latin name: Bifilis

ATX code: A07FA, G02CC

Active ingredient: bifidobacteria bifidum (Bifidobacterium bifidum), lysozyme (Llysocim)

Manufacturer: Firm FERMENT, LLC (Russia)

Description and photo update: 2019-26-08

Prices in pharmacies: from 430 rubles.


Suppositories for rectal and vaginal administration Bifiliz
Suppositories for rectal and vaginal administration Bifiliz

Bifilis is a drug of the eubiotic group that normalizes the intestinal and vaginal microflora (for suppositories).

Release form and composition

  • Suppositories for rectal and vaginal administration (in cell contour packs of 5 pieces, in a cardboard box 2 packs);
  • Lyophilizate for preparation of a suspension intended for oral administration (in vials of 5 doses, in a carton pack of 10 vials).

Each pack also contains instructions for using Bifiliz.

Active ingredients:

  • Bifidobacterium bifidum (Bifidobacterium bifidum) - not less than 10 million CFU;
  • Lysozyme - 10 mg.

Pharmacological properties


Bifilis is a biological product containing a microbial mass of live, antagonistically active bifidobacteria of the Bifidobacterium bifidum strain No. 1 and lysozyme, which determine its therapeutic effect.

Bifidobacteria have high antagonistic activity against a large number of enteropathogenic and opportunistic pathogens, and displace them from the intestinal microbiocenosis. Thus, they create favorable conditions for improving metabolic processes and normalizing microflora, and prevent the formation of protracted forms of intestinal diseases.

Lysozyme has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and bifidogenic properties, stimulates erythropoiesis, reparative and metabolic processes, improves digestion, is a natural factor in the protection of the gastrointestinal tract, has an antibacterial effect, exhibits synergism with many antibiotics, increases antitoxic and anti-infective resistance of the body.

Due to the optimal combination of bifidobacteria and lysozyme in the composition of Bifiliz, the components enhance the therapeutic effect of each other, make it possible to limit the use of antibiotics in the treatment of intestinal infections and the selective decontamination of pathogenic microflora.

Indications for use

Indications for rectal use of Bifiliz suppositories for children and adults are:

  • Intestinal dysbiosis of various origins;
  • The period after the transferred toxicoinfections;
  • Acute intestinal infections of established (viral, bacterial) and unknown etiology during the period of convalescence in order to prevent bacterial carriers and the transition of the disease to a chronic form;
  • Improving the tolerance of cytostatic, antibacterial and other types of therapy;
  • Increasing the effectiveness of complex therapy for nonspecific inflammatory bowel diseases (enterocolitis, chronic colitis, proctitis, etc.).

Indications for vaginal use of Bifiliz suppositories for adult patients are:

  • Gynecological diseases complicated by vaginal pathology (colpitis of various etiologies, chronic salpingo-oophoritis);
  • Vaginal dysbiosis of various origins (nonspecific vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis, etc.). The drug is used to normalize the vaginal microflora in combination with antiviral, specific antimicrobial, immunomodulatory therapy or after it;
  • Preoperative preparation for elective operations in surgical practice (as a prophylaxis of postoperative infectious complications).

The drug in the form of a lyophilisate is used to prevent and treat intestinal infections and dysbiosis in adults and children.


Vaginal use of Bifiliz suppositories for children is contraindicated. With caution, this form of the drug is prescribed to people with an allergy to chicken egg proteins (in this case, the use of the drug against the background of desensitizing therapy is allowed).

A contraindication to the use of Bifiliz in the form of a lyophilisate is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Bifiliz, instructions for use: method and dosage

Suppositories for rectal and vaginal use

Suppositories are intended for rectal and vaginal administration. Rectal application is carried out after the act of defecation or after cleansing the intestines with an enema, vaginal - after hygiene procedures.

Rectal suppository administration:

  • Adults are recommended to inject 1-2 suppositories 3 times per knock. In acute forms of the disease, the duration of therapy is 7-10 days, with protracted and chronic forms of the disease, as well as with intestinal dysbiosis - 10-14 days or more;
  • Children are prescribed 1 suppository 2-3 times a day for 7 days.

Vaginal administration of suppositories:

  • For diseases complicated by vaginal pathology, as well as with vaginal dysbiosis, Bifiliz is administered within 10-15 days, 1 suppository 3 times a day;
  • When using the drug for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications during planned operations, it is necessary to apply 1 suppository 1-2 times a day 5-10 days before the proposed operation.

Lyophilisate for preparation of oral suspension

The contents of the bottle must be filled with drinkable water at room temperature, left for 2-3 minutes, and then shaken. The suspension is applied orally 20-30 minutes before meals (for children, it is allowed to use the medication immediately before eating or with the first portions of food).

  • For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to take 5 doses of the medicine 2-3 times per knock;
  • Therapy of acute intestinal infections is carried out in courses of 5-7 (up to 10) days, if necessary, the duration of treatment can be increased to 20 days;
  • In order to prevent intestinal infections and dysbiosis, it is recommended to take the drug 2 times a day for 10 days, children under 3 months are prescribed 2.5 doses per dose. The courses of treatment are repeated with a break of 2-3 months.

Side effects

Side effects are not described.

special instructions

It is not recommended to dissolve bifilis in the form of a lyophilisate with hot water; in a diluted form, the drug cannot be stored.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

Bifilis does not adversely affect the speed of reactions and the ability of a person to concentrate.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

There is no information on the possibility of using suppositories during pregnancy and lactation.

A suspension prepared from a dry lyophilisate is allowed for pregnant and breastfeeding women, since bifidobacteria are representatives of the normal human microflora.

Pediatric use

Suppositories Bifiliz are not used in pediatrics.

Lyophilisate Bifilis is approved for admission from birth.

Drug interactions

Cases of clinically significant drug interactions with the simultaneous use of other drugs have not been registered. Bifilis can be combined with antibacterial, antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs.


Bifiliz analogs are Acylact, Acipol, Bactisubtil, Biosporin, Bifidumbacterin, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Bifikol, Bifinorm, Gastrofarm, Colibacterin dry, Lactobacterin, Lactonorm, Linex, Posterisan, Pro-Symbioflorin, Probiformin …

Terms and conditions of storage

Expiration date - 1 year.

Store at 2-10 ° C in a dry, dark place and out of reach of children.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Reviews about Bifiliz

On various thematic forums and specialized sites, there are mainly reviews about Bifiliz dry, which are mostly positive. The drug is often prescribed for dysbiosis and other digestive disorders, especially in young children.

In some reports, they write about the development of side effects, such as loosening of the stool and hypersensitivity reactions, or the lack of effect from admission.

Price for Bifiliz in pharmacies

The price of Bifiliz in the form of a lyophilisate for preparing a suspension for oral administration is approximately 366–480 rubles. for 10 vials of 5 doses. The cost of the suppositories is currently unknown.

Bifiliz: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Bifilis (VIGEL) 5 doses lyophilisate for preparation of suspension for oral administration 10 pcs.

430 RUB


Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
