This Implacable Fight Against Cellulite

This Implacable Fight Against Cellulite
This Implacable Fight Against Cellulite

This implacable fight against cellulite

This implacable fight against cellulite: methods
This implacable fight against cellulite: methods

Cellulite has always existed, however, our great-great-grandmothers, hiding the imperfections of their figure behind long skirts, the problem of the "orange peel" on the hips and buttocks was not as acute as their modern granddaughters. The fashion of today encourages flaunting the body - this is where this irreconcilable struggle with cellulite of a woman of the 21st century began, who wants to look decent everywhere and in any situation.

Cellulite, at its core, is just one of the secondary sexual characteristics inherent in the female sex, just as stubble and coarse voice are in the male. However, there is a difference between the norm caused by the peculiarity of the structure of the connective tissue of a woman and the ugliness associated with being overweight and a sedentary lifestyle. The fight against cellulite is a necessary thing for women, whose thighs have turned into pits and troughs, and it is necessary to start not with cosmetic procedures, but with eliminating the causes of this deficiency.

The main "root" of the cellulite problem lies in the imbalance between the consumption of adipose tissue and its formation. In the case when food more than satisfies our vital needs, the excess of nutrients begins to be deposited in different places, including on the thighs. With impaired blood flow, a sedentary lifestyle, inactivity, fat, which is already broken down on the buttocks in the last turn, ceases to be destroyed, and the products of cell decay - go away. As a result of the accumulation of fat, toxins and other substances, the notorious "orange peel" appears.

How should the "fight against cellulite" take place?

Who will win the fight against cellulite
Who will win the fight against cellulite

Cellulite is not a cause, but a consequence of obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, as well as a hereditary lack of blood vessels in problem parts of the body. And if the second reason for the appearance of a cellulite "crust" is more difficult to cope with, then the first is quite solvable. Diet, proper nutrition, fitness and beauty treatments (body wrap, hirudotherapy or just massage) will help to normalize blood supply to the thighs, legs and buttocks, smooth the skin and get rid of excess fat. When choosing a nutritional system, be guided by the fact that you will have to adhere to it all your life (therefore it should not be "strict" or of the same type) and then the extra pounds, and, therefore, the fight against cellulite, will no longer have anything to do with you.

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