How to feed a baby at 3 months
Infancy is considered a critical period in the life of a baby, because it is at this age that the main mechanisms of regulation, including the central nervous system, are formed.

Therefore, young mothers should know how to feed their baby at 3 months, if there is no milk. Errors in the nutrition of the baby cannot be allowed, since it will no longer be possible to correct these errors. When deciding what to feed a baby at 3 months, if there is no milk, it is necessary to take into account his individual characteristics. It is very important for the child to gain weight. Every month, he must gain at least 700 grams.
How to feed your baby if there is no milk
The most beneficial for a child's body is breastfeeding. If the mother does not have milk, then the baby must be transferred to artificial feeding. The doctor will help the mother decide what to feed the baby. It is better to choose mixtures that are hypoallergenic. It is better to choose formula for feeding the baby with probiotics. Probiotics will help strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the intestines of the baby. Some babies cannot tolerate milk. In this case, you need to choose special mixtures that do not contain milk.
When deciding how to feed the baby at 3 months, it should be remembered that nutrition depends on how the baby develops and gains weight. It is advisable not to feed the baby at night. But if the baby woke up and cried out from hunger, then it is better to calm him down and feed him.
It so happens that a mother cannot decide at 3 months for a child what to feed and what mixture to choose. However, it should be remembered that changing mixtures too often will harm the baby's health. Also, do not persist in giving the best, according to the doctor and parents, mixture if the baby does not tolerate it well.
A properly selected mixture does not cause dyspeptic disorders in the child (regurgitation, vomiting, liquid, poorly digested stools or constipation), deficiency conditions (hypotrophy, iron deficiency anemia, parathrophy).
How to feed a baby at 3 months, except for the mixture
If a child is slowly gaining weight or has signs of anemia, rickets, then it is permissible to introduce complementary foods from three and a half months.
When deciding what to feed and what foods to choose as complementary foods, one must remember that the introduction of complementary foods is the first step in the baby's transition to solid and thicker foods. Therefore, any complementary food must be introduced very carefully. For the first feeding, it is better to choose juices and purees with a sweet or moderately sweet taste. Later, you can gradually increase the range and volume of dishes.
For sour juices to be better absorbed, it is advisable to dilute them in half with warm boiled water. Since apple juice is fairly easy to digest, it is best to start with it.
First, you need to offer the baby just a few drops of juice, the next day you can increase the dose of juice to half a teaspoon after two feedings. Within a month, you need to bring the daily amount of juice to four to six teaspoons.

Juices should not be given to quench thirst, instead of water. You can offer juices to your baby only after feeding. Do not mix fruit and vegetable juices, as some of them contain a substance (ascorbinase) that destroys vitamin C.
When a mother chooses for a 3-month-old child what to feed and what juice to prefer, she must remember that children under six months should not be given grape juice. Grape juice contains a lot of glucose and fructose, which enhance fermentation processes and cause bloating. Carrot juice in large quantities can cause allergies. Along with fruit juices, the baby can be offered a one-component fruit puree at the same time and in the same quantities.
At three and a half months, you can already offer the baby the yolk of a chicken egg. You need to start with a small piece before the main feeding, and after a week you can give about half the yolk daily.
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