How to feed a baby at 5 months
Children grow up quickly. And now your child is already 5 months old. He is already trying to roll over from his back onto his tummy, confidently holding his head, trying to sit, but at the same time he is still completely unstable. He grabs toys with his whole palm, pulls them into his mouth and resists if someone tries to pick it up. During this period, mothers have a question about how to feed a child for 5 months. After all, his needs have already increased. His diet is changing, and the diet, perhaps, is also time to change.
How to feed a breastfed baby at 5 months

If the child is breastfed and developing well, then the first complementary foods can be introduced at the age of five months. The kid is already switching to a five-day diet, with a ten-hour interval for a night's sleep. It is advisable to give complementary foods at lunchtime. But if something does not add up, then it is possible at any other feeding, except for the last one, because overeating is harmful for the baby.
Many parents of babies often wonder how to breastfeed their baby. By 5 months, your baby is probably getting fruit juices. If not, then you need to accustom him to juices, starting with a few drops, gradually bringing their amount to 40-50 grams. Fruit juices are good for a child as they are rich in essential vitamins. It is advisable to start with apple or pear juice. Monitor the reaction of the baby's body in order to avoid undesirable consequences if the child suddenly becomes allergic to any juices. When the child gets used to juices, you can switch to fruit puree. The rules are the same. That is, you start complementary foods with half a teaspoon, gradually bringing the volume to full feeding.
What can you feed a baby at 5 months, except for juices and purees
Usually it takes one to two weeks for a child to adapt to complementary foods. After he gets used to a certain product, you can add vegetable purees to the child's diet. For this, vegetables such as potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini are suitable. Just do not try to diversify the child's diet, including all vegetables at once or making a kind of assortment out of them. Teach your child to do everything gradually.
Sometimes it happens that after breast milk, the child is reluctant to eat, and sometimes completely refuses vegetables. Take your time to switch to another product. Give your child a chance to get used to it. Naturally, the puree should be fresh, warm and well-grated. You can add a few drops of vegetable oil and a little mother's milk or milk from milk to the puree.
What can you feed a child at 5 months with a delay in physical development
If a child has a lag in the development of any functions, signs of rickets or anemia appear, when feeding in mashed potatoes, you can begin to introduce lean beef meat. The meat must be absolutely fresh, free of fat and films. Boil it, twist it through a meat grinder and grind it with a fork, so that your child's stomach, which is not yet accustomed to such food, does not suffer. Add it to vegetable puree for several days, half a teaspoon. Within a week, you can bring the portion to the age norm, that is, up to one tablespoon per feeding.
At 5 months, the child can begin to introduce egg yolk into the diet. Introduced in the same way. In this case, be sure to observe whether the baby has allergies, as often in children, when the yolk is introduced into complementary foods, signs of allergic reactions appear. If they appear, do not introduce new types of complementary foods and be sure to consult with your doctor about how to feed your baby at 5 months.
When wondering what you can feed your baby at 5 months old, don't forget about grandma's old feeding methods. Porridge is the most common dish when introducing complementary foods, especially since children are much more positive about them than about vegetable purees. Of the cereals, rice is preferable, but children suffering from constipation should be given it less often. Buckwheat is a neutral porridge, rich in all kinds of vitamins and iron. Try to boil water-based porridge, you can add milk slightly. When accustoming a child to porridge, do not forget that while the child is still small, grind them thoroughly. Then, just like in the puree, you can add a little vegetable oil. But just start with a few drops.
Approximate menu for a child 5 months old
At 6 am we breastfeed, at 10 am we add half an egg yolk and 40 grams of fruit juice to breast milk. Lunch at 2 pm may consist of 10 grams of vegetable puree, breast milk and grated apple (about 50 grams). For dinner at 6 pm, you can offer your baby breast milk and apple or pear juice (20). And feed your baby with breast milk at night.
Artificial feeding of a baby 5 months

With artificial feeding, the question of what to feed a 5 month old baby is considered quite difficult. Artificial people are more acutely lacking in various components for full development in view of the fact that it is difficult to replace breast milk. In this regard, when feeding with mixtures, fruit juices and purees begin to be given to them starting from 3-4 months.
Formulas prepared on the basis of protein hydrolysis or on the basis of soy protein are not sufficient to provide the child with animal proteins. Therefore, it is recommended for artificial people to introduce meat puree into complementary foods at 5 months, while the meat is boiled twice and grinds well. When introducing meat complementary foods, it is advisable to use beef and veal meat. If for some reason this meat is not suitable for feeding a child, you can replace it with lean pork, horse meat, rabbit or chicken. It is necessary to introduce this complementary food carefully, first consult a doctor.
In any case, whether your baby is breastfed or artificial, before you start changing his diet, contact your pediatrician and ask him about what to feed your baby for 5 months. Based on the development of your baby, the state of his health, the doctor will help you make the right diet for your baby, since each child is different.
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