How to feed a baby at 6 months
Your baby has crossed the six-month milestone. He has grown considerably, has become more active, begins to "talk", ie. make various repetitive sounds, reacts to the conversation of adults. Most likely, you are breastfeeding it, because you know how good it is for your baby. But over time, children require more and more new products for their body, they grow up, and mother's milk is not always enough for their development. It's time to talk about how to feed your baby at 6 months.
How to feed a 6 month old baby

If you feed your baby with breast milk, and at the same time he develops in accordance with the necessary norms, without deviations, then up to 5-6 months he hardly needs additional nutrition. But, as we have already said, it is time for the child to get used to the "adult" environment.
In order for the child to receive all the necessary minerals and vitamins, it is necessary to diversify his diet.
During this period, you can include apple juice or applesauce, mashed banana, vegetables, porridge cooked in water, with the addition of milk and a few drops of vegetable oil, and if everything is in order, then you can try adding butter to the porridge … Of cereals, preference is given to rice and buckwheat. If the child shows signs of rickets, it is better to cook porridge in vegetable broth.
The pumpkin is very logged for kids. Make pumpkin rice porridge. The pumpkin will soften the fixing effect of the rice, and the baby will get a delicious porridge. You can also cook milk porridge with carrots, beets, turnips. Do not forget that the child is still small, and all cereals should be well wiped.
How to feed a 6 month old baby for a variety of menu
From about 6.5 months, combined purees can be included in the diet. You can make mashed carrots with rice, carrots with potatoes. Toddlers love mashed cauliflower with potatoes. All this can be lightly seasoned with butter (vegetable or butter).
Vegetable oil is usually added to vegetable purees, butter in the amount of 5 grams per day is added to cereals.
It's time to start preparing vegetable soups for him, using beets, beans, green peas. Season soups with celery, dill.
If all this is well absorbed by your baby, consider introducing low-fat broths from beef, chicken into the feeding. Train it gradually, starting with 2 teaspoons. For 6-10 days, bring the volume of the broth to 30-40 grams. Meat broths are usually given about 20-30 grams before the vegetable puree. You can pamper your child and give him a small white crouton. You can also add half an egg yolk to your baby's diet.
We introduce cottage cheese into the child's menu
Everyone knows about the benefits of cottage cheese. And therefore, asking the question of what to feed a child of 6 months, many mothers are interested in - when can a baby be introduced into a complementary food curd.

With a favorable assimilation of the first complementary foods, cottage cheese can be introduced from about 6.5-7 months. It is not recommended to introduce curd into complementary foods too early, because the child who is breastfeeding does not feel an acute lack of protein. The fact is that cottage cheese rich in proteins can cause unwanted problems with the excretion of its decay products through the kidneys. Therefore, they begin to feed with cottage cheese closer to seven months. Begin to give cottage cheese, well pounded with breast milk, from half a teaspoon. It is not recommended to give more than 40 grams per day until seven months.
What you need to know about what to feed your baby at 6 months of age
Any product is introduced gradually, starting with small portions. Complementary foods are given before breastfeeding. Do not give your baby a new product when he is sick. Keeping a food diary will help you avoid confusion. Do not serve the same meal 2 times a day. Be wary of exotic foods. They can cause allergies. Sometimes children refuse to eat something - don't force it.
When deciding what to feed a baby at 6 months, do not forget that the value of breast milk for a 6 month old baby is still relevant, and its benefits are invaluable.
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