Pros And Cons Of Vegetarian Food

Pros And Cons Of Vegetarian Food
Pros And Cons Of Vegetarian Food

Pros and cons of vegetarian food

Pros and cons of vegetarian food
Pros and cons of vegetarian food

Vegetarian food is a type of food in which certain animal products are excluded from the diet. There are several areas of vegetarian nutrition:

1. Veganism, or strict vegetarianism. In this case, all products of animal origin, including honey, are completely excluded from the diet;

2. Vegetarianism is common. In addition to plants, it is allowed to eat those products for which the animal did not have to be killed: honey, milk and dairy products (lacto-vegetarianism), eggs (ovovegetarianism);

3. Expanded vegetarianism, in which the use of fish, seafood, occasionally and poultry meat is allowed.

Vegetarian food can be taken as a result of religious or moral-ethical beliefs, as well as for medical reasons. And although the dispute between adherents of a vegetarian diet and meat-eaters refers to eternal battles, most often it is based not on the medical, but on the moral and ethical side of the issue. As a style of nutrition, vegetarianism has been formed for a long time, has been well researched by now, so doctors have the opportunity to operate with facts. From the point of view of health benefits, the answer is unequivocal: the highest quality for humans is ovolacto-vegetarianism and extended vegetarianism.

Observing vegans shows that at the beginning of the transition to a strict vegetarian diet, health improves, due to the cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins of protein origin. Then the supply of essential amino acids and other essential substances, which, although contained in plants, are depleted, are depleted, but in insufficient quantities or in a poorly digestible form. Strict veganism also leads to a chronic deficiency of vital iron, which is part of hemoglobin, the main protein in blood. This is why vegans look anemic and are less tolerant of physical activity, especially prolonged exercise.

There are several types of vegetarian food
There are several types of vegetarian food

Ovolacto vegetarianism and extended vegetarianism do not have such disadvantages. This system of vegetarian nutrition provides a person with everything he needs, only what is not very useful for the body is removed from the diet - animal fats, hard-to-digest red meat. This type of nutrition helps to improve the health of the body due to a more complete assimilation of products, as well as a significantly reduced amount of toxic substances coming from food. Thus, the transition to a vegetarian diet in combination with physical activity can cure type 2 diabetes mellitus, which is considered incurable in other conditions.

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