Slimming Baths - Soda, Turpentine, Salt

Slimming Baths - Soda, Turpentine, Salt
Slimming Baths - Soda, Turpentine, Salt

Slimming baths

One of the main benefits of slimming baths is improving skin condition
One of the main benefits of slimming baths is improving skin condition

There are many ways to improve your figure. You can choose any that you like. In addition, no one bothers to combine these methods successfully. If you dream of losing weight, getting rid of stretch marks and cellulite, we recommend paying attention to such a method as slimming baths. There are many recipes for home baths for weight loss, some of which will be discussed in this article.

The effectiveness of slimming baths

According to reviews, slimming baths are very effective when used as a course. Some, a month after regular use, got rid of 10 extra pounds. But to achieve such an impressive result, baths alone will not be enough. It is recommended to combine them with food restrictions, namely, with the exclusion of fatty foods and muffins.

A significant benefit in slimming baths is to improve the condition of the skin - it becomes soft and fresh, smoothed, stretch marks become almost invisible or disappear altogether. The skin is visibly tightened, becomes firm and elastic. Due to all these effects, slimming baths are often also called rejuvenation baths.

General rules on how to take baths for weight loss

  • Slimming baths should be taken in a seated position, being in water approximately to the waist;
  • Stop taking the bath if you experience any discomfort or increased heart rate;
  • You should not eat at least an hour before taking a bath and another hour after it;
  • According to reviews, slimming baths, like any others, should not be taken during menstruation and during illness.

It is possible to take baths for weight loss only if there are no contraindications, which are various cardiovascular diseases. In the presence of any chronic diseases, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.

Soda baths for weight loss

Soda baths are very popular. They not only effectively eliminate excess weight, but also promote muscle relaxation. Soda baths for weight loss are an excellent means of relaxation, especially after intense physical activity. At the end of a working day, it also does not hurt to take a soda bath - this will help relieve fatigue and get rid of negative emotions that have accumulated during the day.

A soda bath helps to cleanse and revitalize the lymphatic system. It also has a softening effect on the skin of the body and face. The skin becomes smooth, soft and tender after taking the first baking soda bath.

Soda baths for weight loss also effectively help to get rid of inflammatory and allergic reactions, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and have a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.

However, you should know that the positive effect of a bath for weight loss with soda is only provided with proper nutrition. If you consume excess food, soda baths will not help you lose weight.

A contraindication for slimming baths with soda is diabetes, various chronic diseases and high blood pressure.

The temperature of the water for the soda bath should not exceed 38 degrees. Add about 200 g of baking soda to the bath and wait until it is completely dissolved.

Slimming turpentine baths

Slimming turpentine baths have a general tonic effect
Slimming turpentine baths have a general tonic effect

Turpentine baths have three varieties: white, yellow and combined.

White turpentine slimming bath stimulates the skin capillaries and internal organs, produces a general tonic effect. While taking a white turpentine bath, a person feels a slight tingling sensation on the skin. The bath cleanses the body of impurities, speeds up metabolism, and increases blood pressure. Together, these effects help you lose weight.

A yellow turpentine bath for weight loss helps to get rid of deposits of salts and calcium in the joints, lowers blood pressure, flushes out the remains of dead cells and has a beneficial effect on the body. Yellow turpentine bath increases sweating, so it will be especially useful for obese and overweight people. According to reviews, a slimming bath with turpentine promotes a strong loss of fluid in the body, therefore, in order to avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids after it.

For mixed turpentine baths, white and yellow emulsions are used. Mixed slimming baths have a high fat burning effect, but you need to start with low doses of turpentine. Before you start taking turpentine baths for weight loss, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To prepare a turpentine bath, you need to draw water into the bathroom and prepare a turpentine emulsion. The water temperature should be slightly below 36 degrees, and the duration of the procedure itself should not be long - 5-15 minutes. The effect of taking turpentine baths will be noticeable after about 15-18 such baths, which are recommended to be taken every other day. After the bath, take a shower and lie under a warm blanket for an hour.

It is not recommended to take a bath for weight loss with turpentine for heart failure, myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, stroke, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Salt baths for weight loss

For salt baths, sea salt is best, as it contains the highest amount of sodium chloride. Sea salt has many beneficial qualities, as it contains:

  • Bromine, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • Potassium, which helps cleanse cells from decay products;
  • Magnesium, which prevents allergic reactions, improves cell metabolism;
  • Iodine, which promotes the elimination of cholesterol and has an antimicrobial effect;
  • Calcium, which strengthens cell membranes.

Thus, slimming baths with sea salt help to improve the condition of the skin, improve its tone, make it taut, fresh and elastic. In addition, salt acts as an irritant to the nerve endings of the surface layers of the skin, which stimulates metabolic processes. Saline solution helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, strengthens the immune system and soothes the nerves.

Before taking salt baths for weight loss, it is necessary to cleanse the body with a scrub and rinse under the shower, since it is not recommended to rinse off the salt solution after the bath. To prepare a bath, you need to take 0.1-1 kg (depending on the desired effect) of sea salt and dissolve in water. It must be borne in mind that the upper half of the body must be above the water, otherwise pressure problems may begin.

The optimum temperature of salt baths for weight loss is 35-39 degrees. Hotter baths have a pronounced relaxing effect, while colder ones have a tonic effect. You should take a bath for 10-20 minutes several times a week.

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