Slimming mustard

Slimming mustard is suitable for lovers of spicy food. It has long been noted that this seasoning not only gives the taste and aroma of cooked food, but also can reduce extra pounds.
How mustard works
Mustard is a spicy condiment made from mustard seed powder. A set of essential oils provides its characteristic taste and aroma. People know not only about the culinary features of the use of mustard, but also about its ability to burn excess fats.
Mustard for weight loss can be consumed internally or used externally in the form of mustard wraps.
Small amounts of mustard eaten for weight loss can have a "warming" effect, accelerate metabolism, so the consumption of excess calories from adipose tissue is faster. So, one teaspoon of mustard speeds up metabolism by 20-25%, and fat burning is accelerated in the same percentage.
Another beneficial property of mustard that helps to lose weight is improving digestion, stimulating the formation of digestive juices and a slight laxative effect. Together, this allows the eaten food to move faster through the digestive tract. Mustard also helps cleanse the intestines from toxins.
Slimming honey and mustard
The combined use of mustard and honey in the form of wraps allows you to get tangible results after the first procedures. The effect of mustard on the skin enhances microcirculation at the site of its application; a burning sensation and redness of the skin indicate a sufficient effect.
Mustard helps not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of cellulite in problem areas. Pure mustard can cause burns, especially if additional wrapping is performed, which contributes to even closer contact of the product with the skin. To reduce the aggressive effect, as well as to improve lymphatic drainage and increase the local temperature, honey is added to mustard for weight loss.
Both products are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio; honey must be taken fresh, not yet candied. If it has become very thick, then you can melt the honey in a water bath, at a temperature not higher than 60 degrees - this will keep its useful composition unchanged. An important point - mustard powder should be introduced into honey correctly, after dissolving it in warm water so that the mixture turns out without lumps, and only then add honey to the mustard gruel. This is important because dry mustard remaining inside the lumps can cause skin burns.
A mixture of honey and mustard for weight loss is applied only locally, to limited problem areas of the body. A complete mustard-honey wrap is too much stress on the cardiovascular system due to the fact that too many capillaries that do not function normally will expand.

The area of the body on top of the applied mixture is wrapped with a thin cling film, and on top for warming, additional clothing is put on - leggings, a tracksuit, etc.
For the optimal effect of wraps, their duration should be at least 20-30 minutes, but as soon as a burning sensation appears, the wrapping should be stopped and the mustard should be washed off with water, otherwise burns may appear on the skin. During the wrapping, experts recommend not to rest, but, on the contrary, to do physical exercises. According to reviews, the effect will be more noticeable from the course use of mustard for weight loss, but the number of procedures in one course should not exceed 15, it is better if they are done in 1-2 days. After wrapping, take a warm shower and lubricate your skin with a soothing agent.
It is important to know that mustard wraps are contraindicated in pregnancy and heart disease.
A similar effect can be obtained from baths with mustard for weight loss. They improve blood circulation, open skin pores and detoxify the body. Mustard can significantly reduce weight provided sufficient physical activity and a low-calorie diet.
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