Omeprazole - Indications, Mechanism Of Action, Form Of Release

Omeprazole - Indications, Mechanism Of Action, Form Of Release
Omeprazole - Indications, Mechanism Of Action, Form Of Release

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Omeprazole medicine
Omeprazole medicine

The modern rhythm of life and nutrition has led to the fact that diseases of the gastrointestinal tract bypassed cardiovascular diseases and became the most common in the world. How much it poisons life, do not tell those who suffer from similar diseases. One of the unpleasant manifestations of diseases of the digestive system is increased acidity, which can be caused by two factors: an increase in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and a decrease in the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

In both cases, hydrochloric acid causes a burn of the mucous membrane and, as a result, pain and extremely unpleasant sensations in the abdomen. Omeprazole is a medicine that was created in order to protect the digestive organs from excess hydrochloric acid.

When omeprazole is taken orally, the drug accumulates in the parietal cells of the gastric glands, which are responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid. The active ingredient of omeprazole blocks the production of hydrochloric acid. Thus, under the influence of the drug omeprazole, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, and it ceases to aggressively affect the damaged walls of the stomach and other organs, giving them the opportunity to recover.

As a medicine, omeprazole is very convenient, the release form is capsules. Once in the stomach, the capsule dissolves under the action of gastric juice, the active substance is released and absorbed by the mucous membrane, after which a therapeutic effect occurs. From the moment the capsule enters the stomach and until the onset of the action of omeprazole, no more than half an hour passes, the therapeutic effect lasts about a day. Thus, omeprazole is a very effective medicine, since taking one capsule relieves the patient from pain for a whole day.

Of course, like any other medicine, omeprazole has disadvantages. The low acidity of gastric juice caused by taking the medication impairs the digestibility of food, this must be taken into account, and when taking the drug, follow the diet prescribed by the doctor. Omeprazole should be taken only as directed by a doctor, it is not necessary to self-medicate, with respect to potent drugs to which this drug belongs, this is always fraught with extremely undesirable consequences. The drug omeprazole is not prescribed to children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as to patients who have an individual intolerance to the drug.

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