Slimming sassi

Today there is a huge selection of different recipes for losing weight - from the elementary and unpretentious to the most complex, from useful and simply not having any effect on the body - to harmful. Sassi water for weight loss or ginger water has been especially popular recently. Everyone who has tried this drink assures that the regular use of this very simple and very effective drink allows you to achieve stunning results.
Sassi water for weight loss: principle of action and results
The reason for such popularity of the drink is the selection of the components that make up its composition. The main place among them is given to ginger. Since ancient times, ginger has been used to normalize metabolism and lose weight. And lemon and cucumber remove excess fluid from the body, stimulate lymphatic drainage and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
Ginger water is especially effective for belly slimming.
Slimming drink Sassi was invented by an American physician - Cynthia Sassi (hence the name). The drink is based on an amazing selection of components that are designed to speed up metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins, remove excess fluid and start the processes of fat burning. As a rule, during the first four days of using Sassi for weight loss, you can get rid of 1-2 kilos, even if the calorie content of the products remains at the same level. If you make the use of Sassi water regularly and combine it with the diet according to the scheme below, then weight loss will significantly accelerate:
- First 4 days - regular meals plus Sassi water;
- Second 4 days - Sassi water and food ration up to 1400 kcal / day;
- The next two weeks - Sassi water for weight loss plus 1600 kcal / day.
When using this scheme, Sassi for weight loss shows the following results:
- Due to the withdrawal of excess fluid from the body and the burning of some of the fat reserves, the volume of the hips and waist is reduced;
- The abdomen becomes flatter;
- Intestinal activity is improving;
- 5-7 kilos of excess weight are lost.
Sassi Slimming Drink Recipe
Preparation of Sassi water for weight loss is possible at home using the available ingredients:
- One medium fresh cucumber, peeled;
- One small lemon;
- 10 mint leaves;
- A tablespoon of grated ginger;
2 liters of clean water.
Slimming Sassi Water Recipe
All ingredients must be chopped (lemon and cucumber should be cut into rings, and mint leaves should be torn by hand) and filled with clean water. Ginger water for weight loss should be left for 12 hours on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to infuse, having previously covered with a lid. After 12 hours, you must pour the drink into an opaque vessel and drink it throughout the day.
It is recommended to prepare ginger water for weight loss Sassi every day, and not store it in the refrigerator for a long time.
For the use of Sassi for weight loss to be as effective as possible, you must use only fresh products. Mint leaves must be collected in places that are away from roads and manufacturing plants. After all, as you know, all plants easily absorb harmful and carcinogenic substances that accumulate in the atmosphere.
Slimming water Sassi: reviews
There are many reviews about Sassi slimming water. Mostly, everyone who has used this recipe only speaks positively about it. However, how safe is the use of the drink from a medical point of view?
According to doctors, Sassi for weight loss is really effective, as it speeds up metabolism and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should avoid using it in the presence of increased acidity of gastric juice or peptic ulcer disease, since the drink contains essential oils and acids. Also, you should not abuse Sassi for those who have kidney dysfunction, urolithiasis or diseases of the excretory system. Sassi for weight loss has a pronounced diuretic effect, so its use increases the load on the kidneys, which can cause relapses of some chronic diseases.
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