Dancing For Weight Loss - Benefits, Benefits, Tips

Dancing For Weight Loss - Benefits, Benefits, Tips
Dancing For Weight Loss - Benefits, Benefits, Tips

Dancing for weight loss

Dance is an art form in which images are recreated using the language of movements and changing the position of the human body in the rhythm of the music that accompanies the dance. Dancing for weight loss is a new dance direction based on various dance styles. The dance program for weight loss is based on rhythmic movement to the beat of music, which is nothing more than active aerobic exercise, which is the basis for burning fat and losing weight.

Dancing for weight loss at home and in the studio
Dancing for weight loss at home and in the studio

How does slimming dance differ from traditional dance styles? How many calories are burned in a dance? What dances are best for losing weight?

Dancing for weight loss: the main advantages of the technique

What is the advantage of dancing for weight loss? Unlike traditional dance directions, dances for weight loss do not require certain talents (hearing, rhythm, plasticity, coordination) and skills from a person, clarity in the performance of dance ligaments. There is no age limit for dance classes. Almost all moderately active and energetic people can practice this exciting sport. Unlike exercising in a gym, dancing works out the muscles of the whole body. The main contraindication to dancing is diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Dancing classes for weight loss are held in a playful way in a relaxed atmosphere so that each participant in the class can fully relax and give free rein to energetic body movements, which contributes to maximum burning of excess weight. How many calories are burned in a dance? Depending on the vigor of the movements and the duration of the load itself, in one hour of dancing, you can burn up to 455 calories, which is significantly higher than the calorie burn rates during intense running. At the same time, the general fatigue and the load on the joints, in particular, during dance classes are much lower.

Another indisputable advantage of dancing for weight loss is a high-quality load on all muscle groups; at the same time, there is no overstrain of certain muscle groups, as during aerobics or in the gym, which can turn into a muscle soreness (clogging) of muscle tissues the next day.

In addition to weight loss, weight loss dancing promotes:

  • Increased vitality;
  • Development of self-affirmation, looseness in movements and behavior;
  • Strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • Increasing the body's endurance;
  • Development of a sense of rhythm;
  • Body plastic surgery.

Dance training contributes to the detachment from problems and complete immersion in the atmosphere of dance, which contributes to maximum relaxation of the psyche. A positive psychological attitude helps to cope with shyness, stiffness, indecision.

Traditionally, weight loss dancing classes are divided into 4 main stages:

  • Warm-up to warm up the whole body;
  • Working out the studied elements of the dance;
  • Dance stage itself;
  • Relaxation.

As a rule, weight loss dancing classes last about 1 hour, and the actual dance stage lasts about 25-35 minutes. The intensity of burning fat deposits is facilitated by a fairly long warm-up and working out of dance ligaments.

What dance lessons for weight loss to choose? What dances are better for burning excess body fat? The most effective for weight loss will be such directions and styles as strip plastic and cardio striptease, which combine elements of dance aerobics, modern, classical and jazz choreography, plastic and stretching. Many people prefer the traditional cancan, which helps burn calories efficiently in the dance, but requires sufficient stretching. The most popular dances for weight loss are Latin American dances, which offer a variety of directions and require speed of reaction and an incredible sense of rhythm. Exotic belly dancing is gaining in popularity, but it requires a certain amount of stamina, offering difficult movements. An instructor can help you choose the right dance lessons for weight loss. For self-study at home, it is best to give preference to simple dances that do not involve complex connections.

Recently, Zumba has been especially popular - an effective complex dance for weight loss, created by a Colombian choreographer. This dance offers primarily an aerobic activity based on fast rhythmic movements in time with the music. Zumba is simple for beginners and interesting for many people who have tried such traditional methods of active weight loss as fitness, aerobics, shaping.

How to lose weight through dancing

Weight loss dance lessons are an effective method of active weight loss. How to properly lose weight through dancing? To do this, you need to understand that weight loss is a complex process that requires an equally complex approach.

Expert advice on how to lose weight through dancing
Expert advice on how to lose weight through dancing

For proper weight loss through dancing, you need:

  • Compliance with diet and maintenance of the body's water balance. So intense training can lead to dehydration, and fasting - to its exhaustion. The diet for losing weight through dancing should contain up to 60% vegetables. Also, the diet should contain lean meats, fish, and cereals. It should be understood that nutrition should not be limited, but correct, which will help avoid leaving the diet and gaining weight back;
  • Systematic dance classes for weight loss. For beginners who are just going to dance with the aim of losing weight, it is recommended to join groups, which will help develop the habit of training systematically, master the basics of movements, achieve a certain endurance and self-organization;
  • Changing the daily routine - excluding low-activity activities (watching TV, spending time at the computer) in favor of active recreation (walking in the fresh air, jogging).

Dancing for weight loss at home: the correct method of training

Dancing for weight loss at home has distinct advantages over attending group dance classes. So, in a home environment, a person feels less embarrassment, feels calmer and more confident. However, homework requires a high level of self-organization and self-discipline. Often times at home, classes are interrupted by many distractions (phone calls, watching TV during class).

To achieve the maximum effectiveness of dancing for weight loss at home, you must:

  • Draw up a clear schedule of classes and adhere to it;
  • Set clear goals for weeks and months;
  • Calculate how many calories are burned in a dance by calculating the calorie content of the diet.

By following these simple rules, it will be quite easy to lose weight through dancing. The main advantage of dancing is the abstraction of the process itself from the idea of losing weight, which allows you to abstract, relax and achieve maximum efficiency from dance classes.

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