Vetoron - Instructions For Use, Indications, Side Effects, Reviews

Vetoron - Instructions For Use, Indications, Side Effects, Reviews
Vetoron - Instructions For Use, Indications, Side Effects, Reviews


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Pharmacological action
  2. 2. Release form
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Instructions for the use of drops
  5. 5. Side effects from use

Prices in online pharmacies:

from 78 rubles.


Drops of Vetoron
Drops of Vetoron

Vetoron is a drug that contains a whole complex of vitamins (multivitamin). Vetoron is used for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiencies in the body, as well as in the complex therapy of certain diseases.

Pharmacological action Vetoron

According to the instructions for Vetoron, the main properties of the drug are as follows:

  • Antioxidant;
  • Radioprotective (anti-toxic).

These properties are provided by the ability to bind active oxygen and protect the cellular structures of the human body from destruction by free radicals. According to reviews about Vetoron, the use of this drug increases the defenses of the human body and resistance to stress.

Beta-carotene, by converting into vitamin A, actively contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the human body, thereby improving vision function, increasing tissue growth and regeneration.

Beta-carotene and vitamin E, which are part of Vetoron drops according to the instructions for the preparation, together have a more effective effect than separately, as they are synergists.

Vetoron drops, according to doctors, has the following pharmacological actions:

  • Antioxidant;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Radioprotective;
  • Adaptogenic.

As you know from the reviews about Vetorone, the use of this drug leads to a decrease in free radicals in the body, and also protects the cell structure from destruction and inhibits lipid peroxidation.

The advantage of Vetoron drops, according to doctors and scientists, is that the product consists of natural ingredients and is produced in an optimal form for assimilation. Since beta-carotene is a fat-soluble substance, it is absorbed in the body much worse than water-soluble substances.

In the past, you had to add a lot of fat to your diet to get the right amount of beta-carotene. Now, thanks to Vetoron, there is no need to introduce harmful and unnecessary fats into the body, because Vetoron supplies beta-carotene to the body in a water-soluble form. Beta-carotene, in the form of Vetoron drops, dissolves easily and is several times better absorbed than from the oil form.

Release form

Vetoron is produced in the form of drops, convenient 20 ml dropper bottles make it easy to take the drug. Each dropper bottle is packed in an individual cardboard box.

Composition of 1 ml drops of Vetoron:

  • Vitamin E - 8 mg;
  • Beta-carotene (provitamin A) - 20 mg.

Indications for use

Vetoron is a drug with an immunomodulatory effect
Vetoron is a drug with an immunomodulatory effect

For prophylactic purposes, for all age groups, Vetoron drops according to the instructions can be used in the following cases:

  • With a lack of vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin E;
  • Under the unfavorable influence of harmful environmental factors (ecological atmosphere, electromagnetic radiation, toxic chemical pollution, etc.);
  • During seasonal infections and during a flu epidemic;
  • With intense physical exertion;
  • Harmful working conditions (constant presence of noise, poisons, smoke, dust, vibration);
  • Nervous exhaustion (constant influence of negative psychological factors at work and in the family);
  • To maintain and strengthen the immune system in children who often suffer from colds;
  • During the period of increased stress on vision, for the prevention of ophthalmic diseases;
  • With dystrophic changes in the tissue of the eye, cataracts in the initial form;
  • For skin diseases;
  • As a tonic and antioxidant agent for malnutrition and living in unfavorable climates;
  • Along with complex therapy of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Judging by the reviews about Vetoron, doctors most often prescribe this remedy as part of the complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Liver;
  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • Kidney;
  • Respiratory organs;
  • Oncological diseases, when using chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Vetoron drops, according to the instructions, are recommended for use in the following cases:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Unspecified immunodeficiency;
  • Lack of vitamin A;
  • Lack of vitamin E;
  • Senile cataract;
  • Other cataracts;
  • Unspecified visual disturbance;
  • Dermatitis, unspecified;
  • Prophylactic immunotherapy;
  • Convalescence period.

The use of Vetoron drops, according to patient reviews obtained during medical interviews, has the following effects on the body:

  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes metabolism;
  • Supports the functional state of the organs of vision;
  • Regenerates damaged mucous membranes, skin;
  • Weakens the impact of harmful environmental factors (chemical and radioactive pollution, electromagnetic radiation);
  • Increases the adaptive capacity of the body;
  • Increases resistance to stress;
  • Reduces the risk of occurrence and development of various infectious, oncological and cardiovascular diseases.

Instructions for the use of Vetoron drops

Vetoron drops are taken orally according to the instructions, exclusively as directed by a doctor. This is due to the fact that the concentration of Vetoron drops is so high that an overdose can cause a deterioration in well-being.

For prevention, Vetoron drops are taken once a day after meals, dissolving them in water or any other drink (non-alcoholic, of course). Adults can take 6 drops in the warm season and 11 drops in the autumn-winter period. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, according to the instructions for Vetoron, need to drink 8 - 9 drops in summer and 15 in winter.

If the doctor considers it necessary to increase the dosage, more of the drug can be taken. In such cases, double dosage is the maximum permissible.

With complex therapy, the dosage of the drug reaches 60 drops 2 times a day. The course of treatment in this case is 2 to 4 weeks.

It is strongly not recommended, when treating with Vetoron, the simultaneous administration of other multivitamin medicines containing vitamin A.

Side effects from the use of Vetoron

A contraindication to the use of Vetoron drops according to the instructions is an individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

As it became known from the reviews about Vetoron, its use may cause allergic reactions, some yellowing of the skin. All these manifestations disappear after discontinuation or dose reduction.

These side reactions are primarily associated with drug overdose. Often, in pursuit of the fastest effect, people increase the dose of multivitamin, hoping to improve their health as quickly as possible. Reviews of Vetorone from patients who used the drug indicate a guaranteed effect, subject to the duration of treatment and medical prescription for the dose of admission.

Vetoron: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Vetoron with echinacea and zinc 3.8 g effervescent tablets 10 pcs.

RUB 78


Vetoron for children 0.77 g chewable tablets with sea buckthorn flavor 30 pcs.

170 RUB


Vetoron for children oral drops 20 ml 1 pc.

201 RUB


Vetoron tablets chewable. for children from 3 years old 30 pcs.

270 RUB


Vetoron E solution for internal approx. 2% 20ml

271 r


Vetoron for children drops for internal approx. 20ml

281 r


Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
