Hypertension pills without side effects
According to statistics, almost every third person has problems with blood pressure. [1] Lack of treatment for hypertension is fraught with dangerous complications and consequences that can even lead to death. To avoid dangerous complications, people are forced to take medications on an ongoing basis to normalize blood pressure levels.

When choosing a drug, each patient wants to choose drugs for hypertension without side effects. Unfortunately, absolutely every medication has side effects. But in new generation drugs, undesirable effects are extremely rare, in about 0.1% of cases. In our article we will look at a list of the best and most modern drugs for hypertension.
What is hypertension?
Hypertension is a persistent increase in blood pressure. It is generally accepted that the rate is 120/80. A person whose blood pressure too often exceeds the level of 140/90, doctors diagnose "hypertension". Sometimes a slight deviation from the norm occurs without pronounced symptoms. There is only one way to suspect something was wrong - to regularly measure the pressure with an apparatus.
Degrees and symptoms of hypertension
In medical practice, there are three main stages of hypertension, each of which is accompanied by different symptoms and may require different treatment.
First stage
This diagnosis is made in the event that the patient periodically has a pressure in the range from 140/90 to 159/99 mm Hg. The first stage of hypertension is less dangerous, since the risk of complications is low. With the right treatment, the optimal pressure level can be maintained. From the symptoms of the first stage of hypertension, there is periodic pain in the back of the head, dizziness with a sharp rise, increased heart rate and increased fatigue.
Stage two
The second stage of hypertension is more dangerous, since the pressure can rise to 179 / 110 mm Hg. As a rule, the second stage is characterized by more frequent “attacks”. In most cases, with this diagnosis, doctors prescribe lifelong treatment: taking certain medications, as well as supportive therapy aimed at strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Of the signs of second-degree hypertension, a severe headache can be noted, which does not go away with taking painkillers. Sometimes nausea, muscle aches, fatigue and drowsiness may occur.
Third stage
The most dangerous is the third stage of hypertension. The danger of the pathological process is associated with high pressure, which can reach more than 180 / 120 mm Hg. This is fraught with the development of complications, including the risk of a heart attack. As a rule, the third stage is observed in combination with concomitant diseases, for example, we can talk about heart or kidney failure, or about heart attacks suffered in the past. Of the symptoms of patients are worried about blurred vision, severe tachycardia (possibly arrhythmia), impaired coordination of movements, sometimes even independent movement is difficult.
Treatment of hypertension with modern drugs
Hypertension treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive manner - this is the most important rule of effective treatment. In no case should you self-medicate, as this is fraught with dangerous complications and consequences. As mentioned above, drugs for hypertension without side effects, in principle, do not exist. Any medication has a specific list of side effects. Let us consider which groups of drugs are prescribed by doctors for the treatment of hypertension, and which of them are the safest and well-tolerated by the body.

Beta blockers
This category includes pills for hypertension for continuous use, for example, Bisoprolol or Atenolol. Their action is aimed at blocking the action of adrenaline on the heart and blood vessels. This makes it much easier for our heart to function. An additional effect of beta blockers is to reduce the release of substances that can increase blood pressure. The list of side effects is quite impressive, but, according to patient reviews, they are not so common in practice.
Alpha blockers
Alpha blockers can be prescribed directly to relieve an attack of hypertension, or on an ongoing basis. They contribute to the elimination of spasms and relaxation of the longitudinal muscles, as a result, it dilates the blood vessels, due to which blood pressure decreases. The most common alpha blockers are Hydralazine and Minoxidil. As a rule, such funds are prescribed only for complicated course of arterial hypertension.
Calcium antagonists (calcium channel blockers)
In the complex treatment of hypertension, drugs of a new generation of the group of calcium channel blockers are usually prescribed, the secondary name is calcium antagonists. These include Verapamil, Amlodipine, Nimodipine, etc. The principle of action of this group of medications is to block slow calcium channels in the myocardium and in the smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall. Regular intake of this group of drugs helps to relax the smooth muscles of the vascular walls and reduce peripheral resistance. Modern tablets have a prolonged effect.
This group of medicines is also necessary in the complex treatment of hypertension. The main advantage of the drug is the minimal list of side effects that are extremely rare. Most patients tolerate sartans well, since they do not affect the work of the heart at all (i.e., they cannot provoke arrhythmias, tachycardia, etc.). The task of drugs in this group is to eliminate vascular tone and bring blood pressure to normal limits. The most common means are Lozap, Losartan. Please note that the new generation drugs for hypertension, which belong to this group, have a cumulative effect.
Diuretic drugs
This category includes drugs such as Furosemide or Diuver, hydrochlorothiazide, indapamide. Depending on the cause of blood pressure, drugs can be prescribed in courses or for continuous use. Diuretics are an integral part of therapy. The main effect of such funds is aimed at removing excess fluid and salts from the body, which reduces the load on the blood vessels and the heart.
ACE inhibitors
The most famous representatives of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril and Perindopril. These drugs are well tolerated and often serve as the mainstay of treatment for hypertension. Drugs in this group inhibit angiotensin, a converting enzyme. These modern medicines have a positive effect on human health by protecting the kidneys, heart, brain and retina from the damaging effects of high blood pressure. The main effect of ACE inhibitors is the expansion of blood vessels by reducing the synthesis of the vasoconstrictor peptide hormone angiotensin II. As a rule, such funds are prescribed to be taken once a day (except for captopril and enalapril, which are taken several times a day).
Potassium and magnesium preparations
Such remedies perfectly complement the main treatment of hypertension. Prescribing drugs of this group simultaneously with pills that reduce pressure, helps to increase the effectiveness of therapy, strengthens the heart muscle (additional prevention of heart attacks), normalizes the heart rate and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
Link between hypertension and potassium and magnesium deficiency
Potassium and magnesium are two essential trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of our body. A lot can be said about the benefits of electrolytes, but their main action is to strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle. They are also responsible for normalizing the heart rate.
Potassium and magnesium deficiencies are very common and occur even in young people. The lack of trace elements is due to the fact that even with proper nutrition, our body is able to assimilate no more than 35% of trace elements from the daily requirement. There is only one way to identify electrolyte deficiency - to prescribe the necessary types of tests. However, due to the rare use of this instrument in clinical practice, even a pronounced deficiency of potassium and magnesium in most patients often remains unrecognized.
For hypertensive patients, the situation is much more sad. The fact is that some drugs for hypertension, which must be taken on an ongoing basis, often contribute to the leaching of potassium and magnesium from the body. These are so-called diuretics or diuretics. It is for this reason that potassium and magnesium preparations must be included in the complex treatment in order to compensate for their deficiency and help the heart work.
When choosing potassium and magnesium preparations, experts recommend giving preference to tablets that contain both of these trace elements at once, because a deficiency of one is often accompanied by a deficiency of the other. This is the drug Panangin.

Panangin preparation
This drug is available in tablet form and contains electrolytes in a form of asparaginate that is readily available for absorption. Aspartic acid increases the intake of trace elements into the cell and enhances their therapeutic efficacy at balanced (sparing) dosages. Panangin protects the heart and blood vessels, has a positive effect on liver function, helps to normalize blood pressure levels, and reduces the risk of arrhythmias.
The duration of treatment with Panangin is determined individually for each patient. As a rule, the course of therapy is at least 1 month. Every person who suffers from hypertension should know that the treatment of this disease must be comprehensive and permanent. It is very important not only to regularly monitor the level of blood pressure, but also to regularly nourish and strengthen the heart, which is subjected to colossal stress during pressure surges.
[1] Beavers D. J. Blood pressure. Everything you need to know; AST, Astrel - M
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