Weight Loss Diets

Weight Loss Diets
Weight Loss Diets

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Weight loss diets

There are many weight loss diets. Some of them promise an unheard-of result: get rid of 10 kg in 10 days! Others are more restrained, but argue that you need to exclude only three (two, five) foods from the diet, and you will start to lose weight rapidly. Now this is especially true, because many of us are thinking about how to lose weight by the summer.

Slimming diets
Slimming diets

Experience tells us that there are many ways to lose weight. In fact, all diets somehow cope with their task, if those who practice them have the patience and perseverance to withstand the diet to the end. However, not all weight loss diets are good for your health, and you shouldn't lose pounds at any cost by going on extreme diets.

Why are extreme weight loss diets bad? First of all, precisely because they are extreme, that is, they plunge the body into conditions of stress. Stress disrupts the normal functioning of the body, and when it continues for a long time, the consequences are always negative. Such diets are also bad because during them the psycho-emotional state suffers: a person becomes irritated and capricious, his mood decreases, and insomnia often appears.

There is one more factor. If you decide to lose weight using the "10 kg in 10 days" diet, then be prepared for the fact that your skin will sag. After all, when the fat goes away too quickly, the skin does not have time to tighten, and sags in sad folds. You don't want to look like a Shar Pei in a swimsuit in the summer, do you?

Therefore, choosing from among the many diets for weight loss the one that will become your lifestyle, at least for a while, stop at the one that will lead to the result, albeit slower, but more smoothly and without much pain. In order for the diet to be effective, you should know that excess weight is gained when you supply more energy to your body than you expend. Any

Effectiveness of weight loss diets
Effectiveness of weight loss diets

restriction of caloric intake will lead to a decrease in "energy supplies", and increased movement will make what has been accumulated by overwork to burn out.

It so happened that the most fat-forming foods are also the most harmful to the body. These are fats, baked goods, confectionery, sugar, instant food and fast food. By refusing them, you will dramatically reduce the calorie content of your daily diet. At the same time, increase the proportion of fresh fruits, vegetables, and fermented milk products - and you will have a diet for weight loss, more precisely, it will be a diet for normalizing weight, which you can sit on for life with health benefits.

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