How to lose weight in legs

The question "how to lose weight in the legs" is usually asked by people who want to lose weight. After all, it often happens that a person after a diet loses a significant amount of kilograms. The waist and face are losing weight, but the legs remain unchanged. In this case, the question arises of what to do to lose weight in the legs and whether it is possible to lose weight in the legs without the help of surgeons at home. There are several effective ways to help your legs become slimmer. This is a special leg slimming diet combined with leg exercises.
How to lose weight in legs and hips with special exercises
Special exercises for weight loss will help pump up the leg muscles and improve their tone. Do warm up exercises before exercising. Running on the spot, raising your knees, squats are perfect for this. And only after warming up, you can start doing the exercises. In order to lose weight in the legs and hips, all exercises can be performed at first 10-30 times, gradually increasing the load.
- Swing your legs. To perform the exercise, you need to kneel down, rest your hands in front of you on the floor. At the same time, the back must be kept straight and parallel to the floor. Next, you should make free swings with one or the other leg. When swinging, the leg should be taken as far back as possible. After completing the exercise, it is best to get up and walk a little. Walking will relax your muscles and improve blood circulation.
- Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms at the seams. On inhalation, you need to smoothly rise up onto your toes, fix at the top point for a few seconds, then inhale smoothly and lower yourself to the floor, lowering your hands.
- Squats. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your hands on your belt. As you exhale, sit down, stretch your arms forward, and as you inhale, rise to the starting position. The exercise must be performed very smoothly, do not tear off the heels from the floor.
- A bike. Lie on your back and imagine that you are pedaling a bicycle with your feet.
- Scissors. Lie on your back, keep your legs at an angle of 45 degrees, stretch your toes. Next, you should intensively cross your legs in the area of / u200b / u200bthe knees (first, the right leg is higher than the left, then vice versa), and at the same time it is best to stretch your arms along the body. When performing the exercise, it is very important that your feet do not touch each other.
- Raising your legs while lying on your back. Lying on your back, alternately raise your legs up to a level of 45 degrees, without touching the floor with your heels.
- Raising the legs on the side. Bend your arm at the elbow and lean on it, lying on your right side. Raise the left leg up 10-20 times, and then lie on the left side and begin the exercise with the right leg.
- Standing leg raises. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands at the seams. Raise your right leg up, and move the left leg and hold it in front of you. Raise your leg to the maximum height and touch your fingers. To complicate the exercise, you should try to raise your leg as high as possible.
Make sure to take small breaks between exercises. Classes should be 40-45 minutes long. Some experts advise combining a fitness mix of strength exercises with cardio training (treadmills, bicycle, stepper) for weight loss. Many are interested in the question of what to do to lose weight on their legs with the help of special exercises. It is most effective to connect a special diet for weight loss to sports activities. And for those who are thinking about how to lose weight in the legs and hips without exercise, you should try skating, rollerblading or going to the pool once a week.
How to lose weight in legs and hips with diet

During training, be sure to drink water. Drinking water is best done every ten to fifteen minutes, taking a few sips. You can't drink soda or sugary drinks, but only cool, non-carbonated mineral water. It is advisable to eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. It is necessary to limit the consumption of fried and fatty foods, confectionery. The diet should contain vitamins C and A, as well as foods rich in potassium. This can be kiwi, red pepper, lettuce, beef liver, potatoes, bananas, dried apricots. During weight loss, it is allowed to eat spicy foods, as they stimulate blood circulation and thereby prevent fluid retention in the body. It is also very helpful to add low-fat yogurt, wheat germ and soy to the menu. These foods contain a lot of calcium and magnesium,therefore they have a beneficial effect on muscles and help to build them correctly.
After classes for two hours, it is advisable not to eat anything and not to drink coffee or tea, and then eat four to five times a day, giving preference to protein foods.
Running helps you lose weight in your legs
How to lose weight in your legs without performing monotonous sports exercises? Can you lose weight in your legs by running? Running helps you lose weight in your legs. Running is good for both your figure and your overall health. Many people prefer morning jogging. For running, you need to choose light and comfortable shoes and choose clothes that do not restrict movement. It's best to do a little warm-up before your run. You need to run at least three to four times a week. The duration of your runs should be gradually increased, starting with ten minutes a day. It is better to start jogging with a sports walk, and then go to an intense and fast run. Finish your run with moderate running.
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