Exercise For Weight Loss - Types Of Exercise And Recommendations For Their Implementation

Exercise For Weight Loss - Types Of Exercise And Recommendations For Their Implementation
Exercise For Weight Loss - Types Of Exercise And Recommendations For Their Implementation

Slimming exercise

Today the problem of excess weight is extremely relevant. Millions of people around the world are fighting extra pounds, and not always successfully.

Quite often, after trying all kinds of diets, people begin to wonder: why am I eating so little, but not losing weight? The answer is simple - it is necessary to supplement the diet with exercise. And even if not as fast as you would like, but the desired result will still be achieved.

How to lose weight: exercise?

Exercising for slimming legs requires an integrated approach
Exercising for slimming legs requires an integrated approach

The choice of a set of exercises for charging directly depends on which parts of the body are overweight.

So, in the absence of obvious signs of obesity, it will not be superfluous to just go jogging, exercise for weight loss, shaping or any sport that you like. Moreover, you can do exercises for weight loss anywhere: in the pool, gym, fitness center.

Home exercises for weight loss will also be useful. However, before you start performing a complex of exercises for weight loss, it will not be superfluous to consult a doctor, because in some diseases, excessive physical activity may be contraindicated.

What you may need to do home exercises for weight loss:

  • Dumbbells;
  • Narrow bench with elastic upholstery;
  • A rug to do exercises on the floor;
  • Sportswear and footwear, special gloves.

Recommendations for performing home exercises for weight loss

How to lose weight? Charging at home is recommended at least three times a week. Optimally - every other day. The ideal time for training is the period from 11 to 14 pm, as well as from 18 to 20 pm. Classes must be held regularly, without missing. A positive attitude is also important.

Remember that any set of exercises for charging is effective for a month, after which the body begins to get used to it, so you should either increase the load or constantly update the exercises.

To understand how to lose weight, exercise should be done no earlier than two hours after a meal, and also two hours before bedtime. Each exercise for weight loss begins with a little warm-up.

Exercise to remove the belly

The belly for most women is the most problematic area, which often worries even thin girls. Usually, it is on this part of the body that the most fat accumulates.

How to lose weight? Exercise to remove the stomach consists of physical exercises of different amplitudes:

  • Twisting. The action of this exercise is aimed at the rectus abdominis muscles and is performed with a small amplitude. Lie on the floor and press your lower back against it. As you inhale, lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, raising your pelvis. As you exhale, take the original position;
  • "Reverse twisting". This exercise, in order to remove the stomach, should also be performed with a small amplitude. Lie on the floor and bend your legs at the knees, put your hands behind your head, elbows apart. While inhaling, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, lifting your pelvis. As you exhale, take the original position;
  • Raising the trunk. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. As you inhale, lift the body and bring it to your knees. As you exhale, take the original position;
  • Raising the legs. This exercise for weight loss should be done with a large amplitude. Sit on a chair or lean on the edge of it. As you inhale, pull your legs to the body, and as you exhale, take the original position;
  • Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. Sitting on a chair, perform oblique torso turns. For oblique muscles, you can also do all of the above exercises, but they should be performed with small turns.

Contraindications to exercise for weight loss of the abdomen are diseases of the spine. How to lose weight? Exercising for this should be combined with massage, diet and swimming in the pool.

Exercise for slimming legs

Before you start exercising for weight loss of legs, you should clearly determine where your legs need to lose weight - on the calves or hips.

Exercise for slimming legs consists of the following set of exercises:

  • Starting position - straight, hands on the belt. Stand on a leg slightly bent at the knee, then slowly straighten it. It is necessary to repeat this exercise 8 times for each leg, then take a 15-second break and repeat the exercise;
  • To tighten the muscles of the front of the thighs and buttocks, it is recommended to perform forward lunges. Performing this exercise, it is necessary to alternate the knees, and the hands must be resting against the hips;
  • You can strengthen the inner thighs with the following exercise: lie on your back and spread your legs, stretching them forward. During this exercise, you need to ensure that your legs are straight and do not lean back;
  • Fat deposits on the outside of the thighs will help to remove such an exercise: while lying down, raise a straight leg. Do this exercise 8 times for each leg.
Exercises for charging for weight loss must be selected individually
Exercises for charging for weight loss must be selected individually

If your calves are too thick, we recommend doing the following exercises for weight loss:

  • Lying on your back and bending your knees, pull your socks towards you;
  • Standing near the wall, put your hands on it strongly. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the other leg. Do this for each leg;
  • Running on the spot is also a very effective exercise for calf weight loss.

Unfortunately, in today's crazy pace of life, people often do not have enough time for themselves. However, it is important to learn here - how to lose weight? Charging and charging only. After all, no one can do it for you. If you can't go to the gym, you can perfectly do home exercises for weight loss, choosing the optimal exercises for yourself.

Do not forget also about proper nutrition, and then, after a couple of months, you will be pleasantly surprised by looking at your reflection in the mirror.

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