How To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight - Nutrition, Exercise

How To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight - Nutrition, Exercise
How To Speed Up Metabolism And Lose Weight - Nutrition, Exercise

How to speed up your metabolism

Metabolism concept

Citrus fruits - foods that speed up metabolism
Citrus fruits - foods that speed up metabolism

Metabolism is understood as the process of creation and destruction of organic substances from the moment they enter the body and until they are released into the external environment.

Metabolism, as a rule, is divided into two groups: in the course of catabolism, complex organic substances are split into simpler ones, in the process of anabolism (together with energy costs) sugars, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids are formed.

The term "metabolism" today is closely related to the concepts of overweight or underweight. Many people suffering from excess fat mass are concerned about how to speed up their body's metabolism.

To determine the intensity of metabolism, experts test for "basal metabolic rate" - an indicator of the body's ability to produce energy. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach: at rest, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide emission data are measured. Comparison of these two values makes it possible to determine how fully the body consumes substances supplied with food.

The metabolic rate is also influenced by thyroid hormones, therefore, when diagnosing diseases associated with metabolic disorders, experts tend to measure the level of these hormones in the blood.

How to speed up metabolism and lose weight?

The metabolic rate of the body is often determined by a hereditary factor. Each person has their own, individual rate of burning calories, denoted by the term RMR (resting metabolic rate). Despite this "unfair" fact, experts say that there are ways that "make" the metabolism work more actively. A fast metabolism is based on three main factors:

  • Nutrition;
  • Physical activity;
  • Muscle loads.

It is known that a person gets almost all of his energy supply from food. In this regard, a leading role is given to the regime and quality of nutrition in metabolic processes. How to speed up your metabolism with the right diet - you ask?

First, go to fractional (phased) meals 5-6 times a day. This recommendation is related to the peculiarity of our body: frequent meals "start" the metabolism, since about 10% of internal resources are spent on the digestion of food. Severe restrictions on food (diet), on the contrary, have a negative effect on the metabolic rate: having received a signal about the beginning of "hunger", the body goes into "economical mode" and begins to save energy "in reserve".

How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally? It is not recommended for men to reduce their calorie intake below 1600-2000 kcal per day, for women - to stick to 1200-1600 kcal / day.

Metabolism-boosting foods

In this regard, I would like to voice the list of foods that speed up metabolism. These include:

  • Citrus fruits (lemons, tangerines, oranges), which are a natural stimulant of metabolism;
  • Green tea has antioxidants. The drink reduces appetite, improves digestion and lowers blood cholesterol;
  • Milk products. Calcium deficiency contributes to the production of a special hormone - calcitriol, which inhibits the process of processing and removing fats from the body;
  • Almond;
  • Seafood;
  • Coffee. One cup of natural coffee speeds up metabolism by 3-5%;
  • Apples;
  • Spinach;
  • Beans. This metabolism-accelerating product is rich in minerals that have an insulin-like effect on the metabolism;
  • Broccoli;
  • Hot peppers;
  • Curry seasoning;
  • Oatmeal.
Eating and exercising correctly is how to speed up your metabolism and lose weight
Eating and exercising correctly is how to speed up your metabolism and lose weight

For people looking for an answer to the question "how to speed up metabolism" with the help of nutrition, experts have voiced three basic principles:

  • Eat small meals every 2-2.5 hours;
  • Avoid high-calorie foods;
  • Metabolic-boosting foods should make up at least 80% of your diet.

How to speed up your metabolism and lose weight through exercise

The problem of excess weight, as well as of a slow metabolism, is traditionally solved by physical activity. Metabolic efficiency can be ensured by any physical exercise (aerobics, running, walking) performed at least 20-30 minutes a day.

How to speed up metabolism for women? Experts have proven that fat breakdown in women is faster when exercising at low to moderate intensity. In men, the metabolic process is accelerated with moderate to vigorous physical activity.

It must be remembered that muscle cells consume more calories than fat cells. This fact means that having trained muscles allows you to “burn” more calories during the day. Power loads aimed at strengthening the muscular apparatus contribute to its growth and strengthening, which has a positive effect not only on the body's endurance, but also on the metabolic process.

For those who are concerned with the question of how to speed up the metabolism of their body with the help of physical activity, it is worth considering the important fact that fats can be processed only with sufficient oxygen supply. With its lack, the process of glucose metabolism is one-sided with the formation of lactic acid, an excess of which can lead to a feeling of increased fatigue.

According to experts, a set of physical training to increase metabolism should include:

  • Aerobic exercise in the fresh air;
  • Strength exercises for various muscle groups.

How to speed up your metabolism: other ways

In addition to proper nutrition and regular physical activity, the acceleration of metabolism, according to ordinary people and specialists, is promoted by:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Clean water helps to more intensively remove toxins and breakdown products of fat cells from the body;
  • Cleansing the liver. A fully functioning liver produces enzymes that allow you to break down complex fats that enter the body with food;
  • Massage. Forceful action on the skin improves blood microcirculation in tissues, contributing to the local removal of excess fluid and toxins. A sauna, steam bath or hot bath has a similar effect;
  • Cold and hot shower;
  • Sunlight;
  • Inner calmness. It has been proven that stress affects the release of fatty acids, which, being redistributed through the circulatory system, are deposited in fats;
  • Sex.

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