How To Lose Weight At 13 - Tips, Menu

How To Lose Weight At 13 - Tips, Menu
How To Lose Weight At 13 - Tips, Menu

How to lose weight at 13

How to lose weight at 13? This can be done without exhausting training
How to lose weight at 13? This can be done without exhausting training

Not only adults are overweight, but also children. In adolescence, as in any other, obesity is a dangerous problem that can contribute to serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Fortunately, there are many ways to lose weight for a 13-year-old child without constantly counting calories and hours of training in the gym. You can quickly lose weight by changing your bad habits into several new ones that are beneficial.

So, understanding how to lose weight for a 13-year-old child begins with determining the reasons for the process of accumulating excess weight. Puzzled by the question of how to lose weight to a 13-year-old teenager, in no case should you use diet pills, sit on low-calorie and low-carb diets or starve, as such methods of dealing with excess weight will only harm the health of a growing body.

How to lose weight at 13: practical advice

Puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a 13-year-old girl or a boy, the following helpful tips will help:

  • Exercise for an hour a day. Exercising for at least an hour a day will help you lose those extra pounds quickly. Any type of physical activity is suitable, such as dancing, jogging, swimming, cycling or walking, attending a sports section, gymnastics or ballet. In free time from study, it is useful to move as much as possible and spend time in the fresh air;
  • It is believed that team sports (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) are the most effective types of physical activity, which are quickly put into proper shape. Being in a team, children, without realizing it, compete with each other, which stimulates and motivates them to train harder, develop speed and coordination;
  • Reduce serving size. Restaurants and school canteens often serve food in large portions, making it easy to overeat without realizing it. In such cases, do not eat everything on the plate, leaving a quarter of the food you buy intact. It is better to bring ready-made lunches and food for snacks from home with you according to a pre-planned menu for the daily diet;
  • Breakfast should be served daily. A nutritious breakfast can increase your metabolism, which will eventually burn more calories throughout the day. High-fiber grains and whole grain baked goods, nuts, fruits, and cereals are ideal. A hearty breakfast can satisfy hunger for a long time, saving you from overeating and eating unhealthy snacks between meals;
  • Do not be distracted while eating. Avoid talking on the phone, watching TV, writing text messages, and playing video games while you are eating. This distracting activity will interfere with the signals from the brain about satiety. Eat slowly, chewing each bite 32 times, and savor the food so that you feel satisfied, even if there is less food on the plate than usual;
  • Weigh yourself often. On average, knowing how to lose weight at the age of 13 and applying this knowledge in practice, a teenager should lose no more than 1 kg per week in order not to harm his health. Weigh yourself several times a week, but not more often, to know how much weight is lost. In addition, knowing how much kilogram goes away in a month, you can determine the end date of the diet and the achievement of the goal;
  • Determine the amount of kilograms that you want to lose and make a detailed plan for achieving the required weight, describing not only the daily diet, but also the desired physical activity;
  • In order for weight loss at the age of 13 to be effective, you must drink plenty of water. Aim to drink at least 6-7 glasses of plain water every day. Drink water every time you feel hungry, sometimes its appearance is associated with a lack of water in the body;
  • Try to go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends, with at least 8 hours of sleep per day.

How to lose weight in a 13-year-old teenager: daily diet menu

Puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a 13-year-old girl or a boy, you need to know how to properly compose and what products the daily diet menu should consist of:

  • Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day. In order for weight loss at the age of 13 to be effective, you need to think in advance what kind of food will be satisfying, nutritious and healthy. If preference is given, for example, to pancakes with syrup and yogurt, then only yogurt will be useful in such a breakfast, since there are a lot of calories in pancakes and any sweet syrup. Try a healthier alternative to your chosen pancakes with syrup, such as whipped bananas and oranges in a sugar-free blender, and pancakes with low-fat cottage cheese pancakes. Any fruit, freshly squeezed juices, eggs, meat, green tea with mint, 50 g of dark chocolate, dairy products and cereals will be useful for breakfast;
  • It is best to take lunch with you from home, because this is the only way to know for sure what products it is made of. Vegetable, fish and meat soups, vegetable stews, baked or boiled lean meat and fish, fresh vegetable salads and seafood salads (without mayonnaise) will be useful for lunch;
  • Dinner should be light, and low-fat dairy products such as cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt are ideal for it. You can have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • For snacks, in accordance with the knowledge of how to lose weight at 13, it is better to use fruits and nuts.
How to lose weight in a 13-year-old child? Low-fat dairy is the best dinner
How to lose weight in a 13-year-old child? Low-fat dairy is the best dinner

Baked goods, sodas and sweets can be eaten once a week within reasonable limits, otherwise the entire week's result can be negated.

Knowing how to lose weight at the age of 13 is worth thinking about self-promotion. Every time you achieve a new result, for example, losing 1 kg per week, buy yourself something or celebrate this event by going to the cinema, bowling or going to the skating rink with friends.

It is also important for the teenager to be supported by both family and friends. Many nutritionists say that it is much easier for a child to diet and control appetite if his family members go on a diet with him and eat similar foods. At this age, it is quite difficult to restrain yourself from temptations, and if relatives eat prohibited foods in front of a losing weight child, this is unlikely to serve as a good incentive to continue to diet. Support from relatives will come in handy more than ever, joint sports, weekend trips to nature, as well as any other active family vacation will be useful. In addition to relatives, it is important for the child to be supported by friends who can also help to actively spend their free time from school.

Another important point for a teenager in curbing their appetite, besides knowing how to lose weight at 13, oddly enough, is the lack of boredom. It has been proven that it is the ignorance of how fun and interesting to spend leisure time pushes children to overeat. Any hobby or creative activity such as drawing, playing musical instruments, origami, sculpting, etc. can help fight boredom.

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