How to lose weight at 12

Weight loss in childhood is a rather difficult process for a child, since there are not so many children's diets that will not harm the health of a growing body, and psychologically, diets for children 12 years old cannot always be easily maintained by them.
Overweight problems are not always directly related in children with a constant feeling of hunger and the desire to overeat; often this leads to poor relationships between parents, parents and the child and even the child with other children. If the family environment is unfavorable, the parents constantly swear and shout at each other in front of the child, most likely, due to the constant stress experienced by the 12-year-old child, he will seize up the negative emotions he is experiencing.
Before starting a diet for children 12 years old, it is better to go to a psychologist and determine the reasons why the child has a desire to overeat. In addition to psychological reasons, in the modern world, the dominant factors of obesity in childhood are a sedentary lifestyle, because children spend so much time playing computer games and snacking on unhealthy foods (chips, carbonated drinks and sweets).
In order to understand how to lose weight at the age of 12, you first need to clearly set the goal of achieving optimal weight for maintaining a healthy physical shape, asking the child why he wants to lose weight in order to determine motivation, and only then develop a clear plan for achieving results.
How to lose weight for a 12-year-old child: tips
The following tips will help you understand how to lose weight for a 12-year-old child and how to consolidate the results obtained:
- Drawing up a table in which all the results will be recorded, the diet and its observance. If a child understands how to lose weight at the age of 12 and for several days or a week follows the plan, eats healthy food and loses weight a little, he must be encouraged, but not with delicious food, but, for example, going to the movies, bowling or increasing the amount of money, issued for pocket expenses;
- It is necessary to ensure that the child drinks a lot of clean drinking water, which will help reduce appetite and speed up weight loss;
- Finding healthy snacks. If your child enjoys snacking between meals, try to choose healthy, low-calorie meals such as fruit or yogurt;
- Before going to bed, it is forbidden to eat anything. The body burns calories more slowly in the evening than during the day, so even a harmless apple will ultimately be harmful. Try to explain before starting the diet how to lose weight to a 12-year-old girl or boy and what is the harm of such night snacks;
- Calculate the number of daily calories consumed, because it is important that the child's diet is complete and at least 1500-1700 kcal, otherwise there will simply not be enough strength to study and play sports;
- It is important in relation to how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl or boy to know about the meaning and understanding of the concept of measure. Trying to lose weight does not mean that your child will never eat candy or desserts. Within reason, in small portions, you can sometimes allow the child's favorite junk food;
- Find a sport that your child would like to play. Playing football, swimming, basketball, athletics or dancing will surprise you with the results and help bring the body into a proper healthy state;
- Thinking about how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl or boy, you can try to exercise at home, in addition to the previously chosen sport. Jogging at your own pace, push-ups and squats, cycling or rollerblading or ice skating (in winter) are suitable;
- Do not allow problems or bad moods to affect the food you eat and interfere with the implementation of a previously planned weight loss plan;
- If the weight has ceased to decrease and has stood in one place for a period of time, in no case should you despair and return to your normal lifestyle. Weight loss does not occur evenly, there will be weeks when the weight will go slower than usual. This process is natural and is not a sign that you will not be able to lose more weight. No matter what, stick to your plan and the result will eventually come;
- Also, puzzled by the question of how to lose weight for a 12-year-old girl or a boy, arm yourself with interesting and informative programs about the dangers of eating from fast foods, chips, sweets and drinks and periodically watch them with your child;
- Make sure that the child sleeps at least 8 hours a day and gets enough sleep. This will ensure that the growing organism has enough energy, both for study and for sports. In addition, a healthy and full sleep is an easy way to lose weight;
- Make a meal schedule that describes the menu for the day in advance, including snacks. This will help save the child from impulsive momentary decisions in the direction of junk food, also keep a diary of meals consumed per day and count calories;
- You can not eat food while watching TV, reading or being distracted. It is necessary to explain to the child that concentration while eating is an important tool for losing weight;
- Ask your child's friends to help and support your child during this period. Children can go for walks and sports together, which will serve as additional incentive and motivation.

An important point in the process of losing weight is an interesting creative activity, with the help of which the child will not be bored. Boredom is known to lead to frequent snacking, so it's best if your child doesn't have time for it.
How to lose weight at 12: children's diet menu
It is important to take into account that a child, despite being overweight, should receive all the vitamins and macronutrients necessary for the body to function, therefore, strict low-carbohydrate and mono-diets should in no case be chosen as a way to lose weight.
When following a diet, it is best to follow the well-known rules of healthy eating, namely, consume at least 2 liters of water per day, 5-6 meals a day in small portions, do not eat food 3-4 hours before bedtime, and exercise.
Sweet, flour and fried foods will have to be limited and their use should be reduced to a minimum (1 candy per day), but not completely excluded from the diet, since such a restriction can lead to a breakdown. Carbonated drinks will have to be replaced with freshly squeezed juices or plain drinking water, eat fruits, yoghurts and nuts during snacks, breakfast should be hearty and consist of healthy food, prepare vegetables, cereals, soups, meat and fish for lunch, and dairy and fermented milk products.
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