Products To Help With Joint Pain

Products To Help With Joint Pain
Products To Help With Joint Pain

Products to help with joint pain

What foods are good for joint pain?
What foods are good for joint pain?

Our health is directly related to the foods we consume. This also applies to the condition of the joints. In this article, we'll talk about what foods you need to eat to reduce joint pain.

Why do joints hurt and work poorly?

The main cause of joint pain is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. Joints are formed from the same material as other cells in the body. These materials, in turn, are formed from nutrients. Unfortunately, our food to date is poor. Mostly these are either semi-finished products or improperly cooked food. As a result of the acidic environment created by refined high-calorie foods, our joints lose elasticity, become weak and vulnerable.

Nutrition in general plays a huge role in the health of the body as a whole. We can say that we literally consist of what we eat. If we eat poor-quality food, then our cells are formed from all sorts of substitutes, which are found in excess in stale cheeses, sausages, semi-finished products, canned food and other products intended for long-term storage. In such products, there are no trace elements or vitamins, except perhaps of synthetic origin. But in excess of chemical additives.

Even when buying natural products (vegetables, fish, meat, cottage cheese, milk, eggs), as a rule, we subject them to heat treatment, add too much mayonnaise and ketchup, salt, vinegar, sugar, as a result of which they lose most of their useful qualities.

How the joints work

The joint cavity contains synovial fluid, which is unique in its properties and biological composition. In composition, it is close to blood plasma, only it contains fewer proteins and hyaluronic acid is mandatory - a component that makes this fluid viscous, due to which constant lubrication of the joints occurs.

Under the influence of multiple negative factors, and, first of all, absolutely unhealthy nutrition, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid in the cells slows down, and sometimes even stops altogether. In this case, the synovial fluid cannot perform its main function, as a result of which the tissues of the joints begin to rapidly deteriorate. After all, no matter what, we actively use our joints daily and hourly.

The joints are covered with synovial membranes that contain synovial fluid. Therefore, as soon as the composition of the fluid deteriorates, the shells no longer protect the joints from friction. In such a situation, the joints are unable to work properly even in young people, which leads to arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases of the osteoarticular system. The problem is that these diseases then have to be treated for many years, and the treatment does not always have a positive result.

Healthy and unhealthy foods for joints

What foods should be present in our diet in order for our joints to serve us properly, even in old age?

First, let's talk about what foods are best to exclude from the diet or to minimize their consumption. Firstly, these are all fried foods, fatty sweets, soda, smoked sausages. It would be advisable to replace fried food with stewed, boiled or baked food. Instead of cakes, you need to get used to fruit jellies, marmalades. And instead of soda - to jelly and compotes, natural juices and fruit drinks.

If you want to stay mobile, even in old age, you should avoid phosphate-containing foods. If this is not done, then with their regular consumption, you risk becoming a regular patient of orthopedists, rheumatologists and neurologists, and all your earnings will go to medicines.

A lot of phosphates are found in the following foods:

  • Artificially mineralized soft drinks;
  • Concentrated milk in cans;
  • Condensed milk;
  • Baking powder for dough;
  • High grade flour bread;
  • Crab sticks;
  • Almost all types of sausages and sausages;
  • Alcoholic beverages;
  • Cheese products and processed curds;
  • Almost all types of ice cream (with the exception of milk and cream).

To reduce the amount of phosphate in the body, cherries, apricots, figs, egg yolks, green vegetables will be useful. It is useful to eat foods rich in magnesium - it reduces the absorption of phosphorus. Such products include: dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, buckwheat honey, cocoa, buckwheat and oatmeal, bran.

At the same time, calcium and natural phosphorus must be consumed in food, as they are essential for bones. These elements are found in the following foods: low-fat hard cheese, fermented milk products, low-fat milk.

In order for the amount of hyaluronic acid to not decrease in the interarticular fluid, it is necessary to eat foods rich in mucopolysaccharides. These products include seaweed, shrimp, mussels and other seafood, as well as bones and cartilage of birds and fish, that is, those products from which aspic, jellied meat and broths are usually prepared.

Unfortunately, in most cases, housewives are used to removing these products from food. They often discard fish heads and chicken legs, preferring to only leave the meat. And in general, they used to replace natural meat with minced meat and convenient semi-finished products. But from a fish head, for example, you can cook not only tasty, but also healthy ear for the joints.

Fruit jelly and jelly are perfect as desserts, but only natural ones.

Sour milk products help with joint pain
Sour milk products help with joint pain

Vitamins for blood vessels

All vitamins must be consumed for the vessels, but some of them will be especially useful. Firstly, it is vitamin D. It prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones. The vitamin is contained in butter, egg yolk, fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese, fish liver.

To restore the joints, vitamins A, B, C, E, K are needed, which are found in large quantities in raw vegetables. Vitamin F, a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in vegetable or olive oils, fatty sea fish (for example, in ordinary herring), has an anti-inflammatory effect on joints.

It is very important to preserve ascorbic acid in foods. To do this, the products must be cooked as little as possible, and the salads must be cut immediately before use.

Conservation also does not contribute to the preservation of ascorbic acid. The best solution would be to freeze natural fruits, and in winter cook compotes from them.

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