Lose Weight On Tea - Types Of Drinks And Their Calorie Content, Recipes

Lose Weight On Tea - Types Of Drinks And Their Calorie Content, Recipes
Lose Weight On Tea - Types Of Drinks And Their Calorie Content, Recipes

Lose weight on tea

The number of calories in tea - 3-5 kcal per 100 ml
The number of calories in tea - 3-5 kcal per 100 ml

Initially, tea was called a drink made from leaves of a tea bush prepared in a special way, which was obtained by boiling, steaming, or infusing them. Now tea is usually called any drink that is prepared by brewing various, previously prepared, plant materials. Therefore, when it comes to how to lose weight on tea, the following options are possible:

  • Green tea - promotes increased fat breakdown, speeds up metabolism;
  • Ginger tea - due to the content of cingiberin, accelerates metabolism, stimulates blood circulation and burns fat;
  • Pu-erh tea - reduces appetite, gives a slight laxative effect, cleanses from toxins and toxins, normalizes metabolism;
  • Special industrial slimming teas, which can be purchased in pharmacies or some stores, are mainly designed for a laxative effect;
  • Slimming teas according to folk recipes, using various kinds of herbal ingredients - most of them are effective due to the laxative effect;
  • Milk tea (green, black or herbal tea, brewed in milk or diluted with milk) - accelerates the burning of fats, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

The tea diet involves the use of various types of tea, in addition to a healthy diet, or fasting days, on which only tea should be consumed.

Calories in tea

The amount of calories in tea is negligible, so it belongs to low-calorie drinks. 100 ml of a tea drink made from brewed dry leaves contains 3 to 5 kcal. The calorie content of tea increases with the addition of the following products (calculated per 100 ml of tea drink):

  • 1 teaspoon of sugar - 33-35 kcal;
  • 3 tablespoons of low-fat milk - 35 kcal;
  • 3 tablespoons of cream - 75 kcal;
  • 2 teaspoons of condensed milk - 80 kcal.

This low calorie content of tea allows it to be used as a drink in a variety of diets. Preference in tea diets is given to a pure drink without additives (with the exception of milk tea).

Lose weight on tea: folk recipes

Is it possible to lose weight on tea?
Is it possible to lose weight on tea?

You can lose weight on tea made using various components of plant origin according to folk recipes when consumed in combination with different diets. Such tea is usually drunk as a means to cleanse and normalize the intestines. First, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components of the tea.

You can lose weight on tea if you take the following freshly prepared drinks on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, mainly in the morning:

  • Lemon zest, oregano, lemon balm - 10 g of oregano and lemon balm, 5 g of zest is brewed with 300 ml of boiling water, brought to a boil, cooked for 3 minutes, infused for 15 minutes;
  • Bird cherry and lingonberry berries - 12 pcs. scald dry berries with boiling water, brew in 400 ml of water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain;
  • Herbal tea "combined" - 50 g each of yarrow and wormwood herb, buckthorn and oak bark, tansy flowers. Brew a teaspoon of this collection with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 15-20 minutes. If the bitterness is intolerable, you can eat a small amount of honey;
  • Thyme and mint - boil with a glass of boiling water, cook for 5-6 minutes on low heat, insist for 10 minutes;
  • Plantain and tarragon - 10 g of dry plantain leaves, 8 g of tarragon brew with a glass of boiling water, 5 minutes. cook over low heat, 20 minutes. insist;
  • Orange zest and lemon catnip - 7 g of zest and 10 g of catnip leaves, brew with 1.5 cups of boiling water, wrap, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain;
  • Jasmine and thyme - jasmine flowers (15 g), thyme (7 shoots) pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, simmer for 3-4 minutes, leave for 12-15 minutes.

It is optimal to take teas prepared according to folk recipes, like any others with a laxative and diuretic effect, in short (up to 10 days) courses, with obligatory breaks of 5-7 days. This is to prevent the kidneys and intestines from getting used to the forced stimulation and to stop functioning normally. Due to violation of the recommended intake regimen, you can not only lose weight on tea, but also become prone to constipation and edema.

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