Hemorrhoids - Causes, Types, Stages, Symptoms, Treatment

Hemorrhoids - Causes, Types, Stages, Symptoms, Treatment
Hemorrhoids - Causes, Types, Stages, Symptoms, Treatment


Types of hemorrhoids
Types of hemorrhoids

The statistics on the incidence of hemorrhoids are harsh and disappointing. According to these data, almost a quarter of the adult population belongs to the risk group that has a chance to get the entry "hemorrhoids" on their hospital card. The main danger of hemorrhoids lies in the specific location of the disease.

It is for this delicate reason that many patients prefer either not to think about the pathological changes occurring in their body at all, or they are engaged in self-treatment of hemorrhoids at home and start the course of the disease to the most extreme stage. In the latter case, only surgical intervention can help the patient, and surgery for hemorrhoids is an extremely painful procedure, with large blood loss and requires a very long rehabilitation period.

The causes of hemorrhoids

The total and rapid increase in the number of cases of this serious ailment today is explained by a large number of causes of hemorrhoids that provoke it. This is due primarily to the sedentary and mostly sedentary lifestyle, characteristic of a modern person. In the absence of the necessary motor activity, venous blood stagnates in the pelvic region, which is the main cause of hemorrhoids. That is why people of sedentary professions (drivers, programmers, accountants, other office workers, etc.) are ranked among the main risk group.

Another common cause of hemorrhoids in women is childbirth and gestation. During pregnancy, large vessels located in the rectum are compressed and the cavernous veins overflow with blood. The result is - dilated nodes in the rectum, the condition of which aggravates the process of strenuous attempts during childbirth.

Also, chronic constipation must be considered the main causes of hemorrhoids. Intense attempts during the act of defecation, impaired blood flow, as well as a general violation of the formation and movement of feces in the rectum will inevitably lead to the fact that sooner or later, without appropriate treatment, constipation will be complicated by another concomitant disease - chronic hemorrhoids. If you decide to undergo colon hydrotherapy, you are not aware of its contraindications, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Types of hemorrhoids

At the site of occurrence of hemorrhoids, the disease is divided into two main types: internal and external hemorrhoids.

With external hemorrhoids, nodes are formed in the immediate vicinity of the anus, in this regard, their sensitive surface often breaks through and bleeding occurs with bright scarlet blood. The painful sensations with external hemorrhoids are quite sharp and strong, but in terms of self-diagnosis, this type does not present any difficulties.

The internal appearance of hemorrhoids, although it carries a much more serious threat to health, is often characterized by a complete absence of pain (especially at the initial stage of the disease). This fact is explained by the fact that the hemorrhoids are located deep inside, and their surface is the same insensitive mucous membrane of the rectum that lines it.

Hemorrhoid symptoms

The insidiousness of this formidable disease lies primarily in the fact that the symptoms of hemorrhoids hidden from the eyes are of a mild character and develop gradually, at first without causing much alarm in the sick person.

Hemorrhoid symptoms
Hemorrhoid symptoms

At the initial stage of the disease, as a rule, pain is completely absent. The only symptom of hemorrhoids at this stage, indicating the onset of the disease, may be a bursting feeling of heaviness and burning sensation in the anal area after the act of defecation, but often this first alarm bell remains without the patient's proper attention.

In the future, without appropriate treatment, the symptoms of hemorrhoids begin to take on a more threatening character. Pain syndrome of varying intensity accompanies the daily process of bowel movement. In some cases, the so-called hemorrhoidal bleeding begins, the prolapse of nodes from the rectum to the outside.

And even during this period of illness, a frivolous attitude towards their health and a sense of false shyness can keep many patients from going to a medical institution for hemorrhoid treatment and receiving qualified medical care. Some are engaged in the reduction of hemorrhoids that have fallen out of the rectum (at the beginning of the disease it is really easy to do it yourself), but after the hemorrhoids become more severe and the bumps in the sick person are constantly outside.

Hemorrhoid treatment

Mass advertising of a wide variety of drugs, offering to do self-treatment of hemorrhoids at home, without a twinge of conscience exploits the theme of natural human embarrassment and may eventually lead a person who has taken this commercial "bait" to the operating table under the surgeon's scalpel.

In the case of such a serious disease as hemorrhoids, self-diagnosis and self-treatment are unacceptable, especially when it comes to the formation of internal hemorrhoids, accompanied by profuse bleeding.

It is vital to put aside false shame and see an experienced proctologist. Only he will be able to determine the degree of neglect of the disease and prescribe the only correct treatment for hemorrhoids. With a timely visit to a doctor and a correctly prescribed complex of therapeutic procedures, in the vast majority of cases, an operation will not be required to get rid of hemorrhoids.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
