Hemorrhoids Are Bleeding: What To Do, How To Stop Bleeding With Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids Are Bleeding: What To Do, How To Stop Bleeding With Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids Are Bleeding: What To Do, How To Stop Bleeding With Hemorrhoids

Bleeding with hemorrhoids: if hemorrhoids are bleeding, what to do?

The content of the article:

  1. Blood with hemorrhoids
  2. How to stop bleeding with hemorrhoids
  3. Folk remedies for hemorrhoidal bleeding
  4. Why hemorrhoids bleed
  5. Prevention of bleeding with hemorrhoids
  6. Video

If hemorrhoids are bleeding, what to do? The answer to this question depends on various factors, so when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

Hemorrhoids are a widespread proctological disease that is caused by the weakness of the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins, which leads to their overflow, stagnation of blood in them and the formation of characteristic protrusions - hemorrhoids, or, as they are also called, hemorrhoidal cones. At the same time, the hemorrhoidal veins are thinned, often inflamed, which is the reason for their easy injury and the development of bleeding. If the necessary measures are not taken in time, bleeding with hemorrhoids becomes permanent, as a result, due to chronic blood loss, anemia develops - one of the frequent complications of hemorrhoids.

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Blood with hemorrhoids

The fact that hemorrhoids are bleeding is usually noticed by patients during or after a bowel movement. Bloody discharge is found on toilet paper, linen, feces with blood can attract attention.

This symptom may accompany some other proctological pathologies, for example, colorectal cancer or ulcerative colitis, and in women, gynecological (endometriosis). Therefore, it is important to determine what color the blood is released from the anus, its amount, the presence of clots, the relationship with bowel movements and physical activity, and in women, with the menstrual cycle.

The discharge of blood can be accompanied by pain, but in the early stages it can be painless. The blood is scarlet, the presence of clots for hemorrhoids is uncommon. However, at home, it is impossible to carry out a full differential diagnosis of anal bleeding in hemorrhoids with bleeding caused by other diseases, therefore, the appearance of blood in the feces, on linen and toilet paper, especially recurring, is a reason for a visit to the doctor.

How to stop bleeding with hemorrhoids

What to do if hemorrhoids are bleeding? It depends on how severe the bleeding is.

If it is reliably known that hemorrhoids are the cause of bleeding, and the discharge of blood is insignificant, no emergency measures are required. Slight discharge of blood from hemorrhoids during bowel movement refers to the usual symptoms of the disease at a certain stage, such bleeding stops on its own.

How to treat bleeding if time has passed after a bowel movement and the bleeding does not stop? First of all, you should make a toilet of the anal area with cool water (but not too cold or hot), which will lead to a slight decrease in hemorrhoids. In some cases, this is enough to stop bleeding.

After the toilet, local hemostatic agents are used - in suppositories for internal hemorrhoids, in the form of an ointment for external hemorrhoids (the ointment can also be applied to internal hemorrhoids using an applicator). Drugs that can quickly stop the blood include suppositories and Relief ointment, Natalsid suppositories, Alginatol, Proctosan.

If a large vessel has burst, bleeding can become massive. In this case, you must immediately seek medical help, since you cannot get rid of it on your own, and significant blood loss can threaten with serious consequences. In the hospital, massive hemorrhoidal bleeding is stopped surgically (ligation of a bleeding vessel, sclerotherapy, laser coagulation, etc.), and measures are taken to restore homeostasis (intravenous administration of plasma-substituting drugs).

Alginatol rectal suppositories have a hemostatic effect
Alginatol rectal suppositories have a hemostatic effect

Alginatol rectal suppositories have a hemostatic effect

Folk remedies for hemorrhoidal bleeding

It is possible to stop small bleeding from hemorrhoids with the help of folk remedies.

Raw potatoes have hemostatic and analgesic properties. The washed and peeled potato tuber is cut into pieces that resemble anal suppositories, making sure that they do not have sharp corners that are gently inserted into the anal canal. For external hemorrhoids, compresses are made from potato juice.

You can use a decoction of horsetail. To do this, dry grass is poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for about 5 minutes. The broth is cooled (but not diluted with cold water) and used for compresses.

In a similar way, a decoction is prepared from the bark of oak, chestnut, broom, walnut. They can be used not only for compresses or lotions, but also for sitz baths with cool water, as well as for making ice candles. In addition to the hemostatic, such agents provide anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious effects.

After stopping bleeding, apply lotions with propolis, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil, medicinal clay, mummy, birch tar. These funds have wound healing properties.

Why hemorrhoids bleed

The release of blood may be accompanied by an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. In addition, bleeding from hemorrhoids can be a sign of the development of complications - anal fissure, proctitis, thrombosis, prolapse and pinching of the nodes, secondary infection. As a rule, in these cases, bleeding is accompanied by pain and / or deterioration of the general condition.

Constipation or diarrhea, erosion of the mucous membrane of the anal canal, mechanical damage to hemorrhoids, drinking alcoholic beverages, inaccuracies in nutrition (eating foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa), excessive exercise can provoke the development of bleeding from hemorrhoids. In women, bleeding from hemorrhoids, indicating the development or exacerbation of previously existing hemorrhoids, is often observed during pregnancy and during childbirth. It should be noted that hemorrhoidal bleeding during pregnancy is especially dangerous, since, taking on a regular nature, can lead to fetal hypoxia. Their appearance requires active therapy for hemorrhoids.

In the case of hemorrhoidal thrombosis, the bleeding may be severe. Such bleeding can develop suddenly, even in the absence of any effect on the hemorrhoids.

Severe bleeding sometimes develops in the later stages of the disease without any connection with bowel movements, physical exertion and other factors. They are caused by a critical thinning of the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins. Spontaneous hemorrhoidal bleeding is an indication for surgical treatment of hemorrhoids.

Prolonged profuse bleeding with hemorrhoids is dangerous with the risk of anemia, exacerbation of other chronic diseases, and in the event of an infectious and inflammatory process, they can lead to rectal fistulas, paraproctitis and other serious complications.

In order to prevent hemorrhoids, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that ensures regular bowel movements
In order to prevent hemorrhoids, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that ensures regular bowel movements

In order to prevent hemorrhoids, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that ensures regular bowel movements

Prevention of bleeding with hemorrhoids

Preventive measures for hemorrhoidal bleeding include:

  1. Revision of the diet. Nutrition should be adjusted so that bowel movements are gentle and regular - this avoids constipation and trauma to the mucous membrane of the anus with dense feces.
  2. Taking ascorbic acid and rutin. These substances help to reduce the permeability of the vascular wall and strengthen them.
  3. Improving lifestyle: increasing mobility (not during bleeding!), Refusing to lift weights, with sedentary work - regular gymnastics, walks in the fresh air, developing stress resistance.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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