Water Diet - Features, Menus, Advantages And Disadvantages

Water Diet - Features, Menus, Advantages And Disadvantages
Water Diet - Features, Menus, Advantages And Disadvantages

Water diet

What is a water diet

The water diet is based on drinking plenty of water
The water diet is based on drinking plenty of water

The water diet is based on drinking plenty of water. The role of this clear liquid in human life is difficult to overestimate, but few people know about the effectiveness of a water diet for weight loss. Lack of water in the body causes not only early appearance of wrinkles, dry hair, dull skin, headaches, constant feeling of fatigue, indigestion, but also excess weight. The fact is that people often find it difficult to distinguish between hunger and thirst, and this, in turn, leads to the consumption of food in an amount that exceeds the real needs of the body.

As evidenced by reviews of the water diet, it is enough to drink about 2.5 liters of water per day to lose weight without much effort. Naturally, playing sports, avoiding fatty and high-calorie foods will speed up this process, but this is not the main condition.

Water diet regimen

Many nutritionists recommend starting your day with a glass of plain water, this will tune the body to awakening and at the same time fill the stomach. Before going to bed, it is better not to abuse the liquid; you should drink water no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

The water diet involves drinking water 20 minutes before meals and 1.5-2 hours after. The need to comply with time intervals is due to the ability of water to dilute gastric juice, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of digestive enzymes, and this, in turn, complicates the process of digestion and promotes the deposition of fat reserves "for later". It is for this reason that water should be drunk either on an empty stomach or after most of the food eaten has already been digested. Observing the time intervals, you should drink water whenever you feel hungry.

In order for the water diet for weight loss to have the maximum effect, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • The water should be at room temperature. Some "experts" believe that drinking cold water is more effective for losing weight, since the additional energy is spent by the body in order to heat it. However, in reality the situation is different: cold water slows down metabolic processes, which leads not to a decrease in weight, but to an increase.
  • It is necessary to give up tea, coffee, wine, soda, beer, as these drinks have diuretic properties. It is permissible to use low-mineralized water without gas, which will not disturb digestion, but at the same time supply the body with a large amount of nutrients.
  • It is forbidden to use water during meals, especially during the absorption of flour products, as this may entail a set of extra pounds.
  • According to experts and reviews, it is best to start implementing a water diet in the summer, since at this time of the year the work of the sweat glands is maximally activated, which makes it possible to reduce the load on the bladder when removing fluid from the body.
  • It is recommended to drink water slowly, in small sips; drinking several glasses of liquid at a time is contraindicated.

The daily allowance to be drunk during the water diet is calculated as follows: 40 ml of water is multiplied by weight. The volume of liquid obtained means only clean water, drinking tea or coffee, as well as playing sports and extreme heat imply an increase in the recommended indicators.

In a month, using a water diet, you can lose 7-10 kg
In a month, using a water diet, you can lose 7-10 kg

The water diet for weight loss, like any other, is designed for a certain period, therefore, after 2-4 weeks of observing such a drinking regime, a 3-4 week break is recommended. This is especially true for those people whose recommended daily allowance exceeds 2.5 liters.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Water Diet

The water diet, reviews confirm, is an effective way to deal with excess weight - from 7 to 10 kilograms are irretrievably "burned" in a month. However, the positive aspects are not limited to this, the results of the water diet are manifested in the improvement of skin condition, normalization of blood pressure and bowel function, the absence of headaches and fatigue, a feeling of vigor and increased performance.

In order for the volume of the stomach to decrease and he learns to be saturated with small portions of food, it is enough to adhere to a water diet for one month. You should not rush to prolong this diet, since it can harm the body in the form of edema, high blood pressure, excessive load on the kidneys and bladder. One of the negative aspects of such a drinking regime is the flushing of a large amount of nutrients from the body, the situation can be corrected by taking mineral and vitamin complexes containing calcium and sodium.

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