Folk Remedies For Weight Loss - Advantages And Disadvantages, Recipes

Folk Remedies For Weight Loss - Advantages And Disadvantages, Recipes
Folk Remedies For Weight Loss - Advantages And Disadvantages, Recipes

Folk remedies for weight loss

Effective folk recipes for weight loss
Effective folk recipes for weight loss

Losing weight is the goal of most women, which involves the use of plastic surgery, weight loss drugs, salon treatments, strenuous exercise and diet, and alternative medicine. It is the folk remedies for losing weight, among all possible ways to lose weight, that have more advantages than disadvantages. So, for example, plastic surgery is a rather expensive pleasure, moreover, such an intervention does not always have a positive result, diet pills have a bad effect on internal organs, especially on the stomach, their use can lead to intestinal disorders and gastritis, and severe diets are in themselves harmful to human health. Folk remedies for weight loss consist entirely of natural ingredients, therefore they do not have a detrimental effect on human health.

Many women who are interested in how to remove the belly with folk remedies for weight loss, it will be useful to know that natural honey can help fulfill this desire. It is this product that can help in the fight for a flat stomach, and it can be used both internally and externally, during massage or wraps. Honey, taken internally in dissolved form (1 tablespoon in warm water) on an empty stomach with lemon juice, restores body functions, removes toxins, improves the functioning of all organs, strengthens the immune system and activates the release of bile. Baths from a mixture of buckthorn bark, wheatgrass rhizomes, licorice root, bearberry leaf, tricolor violet and peppermint herb also help to remove the stomach. This slimming bath speeds up the metabolism.

Also, for those who want to know how to remove the belly with folk remedies, the use of a hula-hoop, which is found in almost every home, can help. It helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and reduce body fat, as well as massage the sides, back and abdomen.

Folk recipes for weight loss

Folk remedies for weight loss are widely used by those who want to lose weight. The positive aspects of choosing just such a method for losing weight is that the substances used in folk remedies do not harm the body, but, on the contrary, make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals. Traditional medicine for weight loss are various teas, herbs, plants, vegetables, fruits and cereals.

From time immemorial, women have used herbal infusions and teas to treat a number of diseases, including them for weight loss. Folk recipes for weight loss, the main components of which are herbs and various plants, are as follows:

  • Dandelion tea - 2 tablespoons dried or fresh dandelion leaves are poured into a clay cup and 200 ml of boiling water are poured, after which they are infused for 7-8 hours in a warm place. Ready tea is filtered and consumed during the day every 1.5 hours for 2 sips. Such dandelion tea reduces appetite, due to which weight loss occurs;
  • Seven Herb Tea - 1 leaf of hay, 3 tsp coriander and buckthorn bark, 2 tsp. three-leafed violet, bearberry and peppermint leaf and 1 tsp. dried chamomile is poured into a thermos 1.5 liters of boiling water, left overnight, and filtered in the morning. The finished infusion is drunk throughout the day, as soon as thirst appears. The result from such a popular recipe for losing weight should be expected after a month of daily tea consumption;
  • Five-herb tea - 1 tbsp forest mallow and lavender flowers, 3 tbsp dried leaves of hay and nettle and 5 tbsp. the smoke is thoroughly mixed and ground in a coffee grinder. For 1 tbsp. the resulting mixture should have 200 ml of boiling water, therefore, if you want to make an infusion in the amount of 1 liter, you must use 5 tbsp. The herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for 2-3 hours, preferably in a thermos. The finished liquid is filtered and consumed 3 times a day for half a glass half an hour before meals. If a person observes 5 meals a day, then herbal tea is drunk 5 times a day. The course of taking this folk remedy for weight loss is 2 weeks, after which, without exhausting diets and training, you can get rid of 1.5-2 kg;
  • Ginger tea - one ginger tuber is rubbed on a coarse grater, then 3 tbsp. grated ginger is poured into 1.2 liters of boiling water and 5-6 tablespoons are added. honey. The infusion is filtered, and a pinch of black pepper is added to the finished ginger tea, 4-5 tbsp. orange or lemon juice and a pinch of crushed mint and consumed hot. Ginger tea, as a folk remedy for weight loss, helps to lose 3 kg of excess weight in a month, and also improves vision and memory, tones up and enhances digestion;
  • The Caucasian hellebore is a plant that can cleanse the body of toxins, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. In order to prepare an infusion of Caucasian hellebore for one meal, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a quarter of a tablespoon (no more) and leave for 15-20 minutes, then strain and drink 2 hours before meals. This popular method of losing weight should be applied daily for 6 months, since the effect of its use will not appear immediately, but the result will be persistent and the lost kilograms will not return.

In addition to plants and herbs, the use of steamed buckwheat porridge serves as a folk method of losing weight, with which you can thoroughly cleanse the body and significantly lose weight. However, the buckwheat mono-diet also has disadvantages - the lost weight quickly returns as soon as familiar foods begin to enter the diet.

The best folk methods of losing weight
The best folk methods of losing weight

Another effective alternative medicine for weight loss is lemon, which, in combination with apricot, watermelon or ginger, helps to lose weight. To make a lemon with apricot slimming drink, you need to mix 1 cup of lemon juice and 1 cup of apricot juice in a glass or ceramic container. Ready liquid should be taken half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Traditional diet for weight loss

In addition to infusions, herbal teas, baths and massages, there are also folk diets that are not developed by nutritionists, therefore, cause a lot of controversy regarding their usefulness. Basically, these include various mono-diets (buckwheat, rice, on onion soup), which are very strict, so you should not stay on them for more than 5 days. Some popular diets have become very popular - the blood type diet, the Kremlin diet or the Japanese diet, but their scientific validity remains in question, since they were not developed by nutritionists, and therefore, like any other diets, sooner or later harm the body … Instead of following traditional diets, it is better to be an adherent of a healthy diet, following which, a person will never need to starve or deny himself his favorite food,since everything can be consumed in moderation. A healthy and balanced diet combined with exercise will help you achieve much better results than traditional weight loss methods.

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