Lip plastic

A beautiful mouth is perhaps the most attractive and sexy part of a woman's face. However, the lips are extremely vulnerable to age, over time they become thinner, their contours become more vague, the skin around the mouth becomes covered with mimic wrinkles. Cosmetics, even expensive ones, give only a short-term result, and therefore those for whom appearance plays a primary role, over time have to resort to lip correction using medical methods. Such an intervention can be a surgical procedure called cheiloplasty, or lip plastic surgery, or it can be performed by a non-surgical injection method using filler correction.
It should be noted that lip plastics can not only smooth wrinkles and tighten sagging corners, that is, be anti-aging, but also completely change the shape of the lips, acting as a corrective intervention. The type of correction is selected depending on the desired result and some individual characteristics.
Surgical lip plasty or cheiloplasty
Cheiloplasty is used to radically reshape the lips. In addition to age indications and the desire to change the shape, cysts, scars and papillomas can serve as the basis for such an operation. Lip plastic is also used for medical reasons in case of anomalies in the development of the frenum of the lip or cleft of the upper lip. Upper lip plastic surgery for cleft removal is performed in early childhood, the best results are achieved if the operation is performed at 3-6 months.
Both upper lip plastic and lower lip plastic are not extensive and traumatic interventions, however, due to the fact that this area has an intensive blood supply, surgical intervention is accompanied by the appearance of significant postoperative edema. The patient should be warned about this, so as not to be frightened and not perceive this condition as a complication of the operation.
The swelling quickly disappears, and after about a week and a half, you can usually use decorative cosmetics. If the operation was performed correctly and without complications, the scar becomes almost invisible and is easily masked. Reviews of lip plastics are generally positive - the effect of surgery lasts a lifetime. Unsuccessful lip plastic surgery is rare, since it is performed by qualified doctors in a surgical hospital.
Lip contouring with fillers

This type of correction is used to enlarge the lips and reshape both or one of them. Most often, various biopolymer gels are used as fillers. Manipulation is not difficult - first, local anesthesia is done, then the gel is injected into the lip and spreads along it with the help of massage. In this case, after the injection, edema also occurs, but after a few days the lips acquire the desired shape.
Lipolifting is a relatively new method of lip contouring. It is similar to conventional contouring, but instead of a gel, the patient's own fat acts as a filler. Advantages in the absolute biological compatibility of the filler, but the method also has disadvantages - it is expensive, only 30-40 percent of the injected fat cells take root, so the procedure has to be repeated several times, and in the intervals the relief of the lips may be uneven. This procedure allows you to effectively carry out both the plastic of the lower lip and the upper one. In general, reviews of lip plastic surgery using lipolifting are positive, in many ways this method is optimal for aesthetic correction.
The disadvantage of non-surgical lip plastic surgery using biopolymer gel or its own adipose tissue is its fragility, since both gel and fat are absorbed over time.
For a longer lasting effect, gels like silicone are sometimes used as fillers. They, in comparison with biopolymer ones, give a long-term effect, but this method of correction is the most common reason for unsuccessful lip plastic surgery, since the hardened filler can take the form of dense lumps, creating a bumpy relief, and also move inside the lip tissue and return it to the desired position extremely hard.
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