Diet For 2 Days (kefir, Lemon And Honey) - Features, Advantages And Disadvantages

Diet For 2 Days (kefir, Lemon And Honey) - Features, Advantages And Disadvantages
Diet For 2 Days (kefir, Lemon And Honey) - Features, Advantages And Disadvantages

Diet for 2 days

Features of the diet for 2 days on kefir
Features of the diet for 2 days on kefir

As a rule, it often happens that in the crazy rhythm of life, we do not always have time to monitor the state of our figure. And then the holidays are just around the corner or some important event, when well, you really need to look just one hundred percent. You look at yourself in the mirror and notice that there are a few extra kilos, and they need to be removed very urgently, in just a couple of days. So the diet for 2 days comes to the rescue.

There are many diets for 2 days. Such express diets can be of indispensable help in cases when it is necessary to lose weight very urgently.

Unfortunately, experts insist that resorting to such diets should only be used as a last resort, because you gained excess weight for a much longer time. Consequently, it is desirable to deal with it in a planned, step-by-step and measured manner.

Diet for 2 days should not be abused, it is not recommended to prolong it. It is important to understand that a 2-day diet is designed specifically for this short period of time, and by prolonging it, you can earn yourself serious health problems.

As a last resort, if you really like this diet, you can arrange yourself a 2 through 2 diet and follow it for two weeks or even more.

Disadvantages of a 2-day diet

If you follow a diet for 2 days, weight loss occurs primarily due to the elimination of fluid from the body and loss of muscle mass, and not due to the loss of body fat. But the body parts with fat in the last place. In addition, all kinds of diets for 2 days and even diets 2 through 2 are fraught with deficiencies in certain vitamins and trace elements.

Express diets often have unwanted side effects. So, due to a lack of carbohydrates, you feel unwell and mental inhibition. And together with water, calcium and potassium are washed out of the body, which are essential for bones, muscles, hair and teeth.

It should also be noted such a lack of a diet for 2 days, as a quick return of excess weight. This is due to the fact that the body, experiencing acute stress, begins to actively store fat in case such a shake-up is repeated.

From the foregoing, it should be concluded that, following all kinds of express diets, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes and try to ensure that the daily calorie intake is not less than 1000. And in order not to gain weight sharply after leaving the diet, it is recommended to do physical exercises and not increase dramatically consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

Diet for 2 days: lemon and honey

This diet is quite tough. For two days you will have to consume a special honey-lemon drink, and all other products are prohibited. The amount of drink consumed per day should be three liters. We can say that this is not even a diet, but two fasting days, during which the body gets rid of toxins and toxins. It should be noted that lemon is very beneficial for the condition of the skin, and in combination with honey it removes excess cholesterol from the body. Thus, this diet for 2 days allows you to get rid of 2-3 extra pounds.

Features of the diet for 2 days on a honey-lemon drink
Features of the diet for 2 days on a honey-lemon drink

And a drink for this diet is easy to prepare. You need to take 15 lemons, squeeze juice from them and mix with three liters of still water. Add 70 g of honey to this.

Before starting such a diet, it should be noted that lemon increases the acidity of gastric juice and can irritate the mucous membrane, causing heartburn. Thus, it is impossible to follow this diet for people with high acidity of the stomach and with various diseases of the digestive system. It is also not recommended to follow this diet for people with urolithiasis.

Diet for 2 days on kefir

For this diet for 2 days on kefir, it is recommended to use a drink with 1% fat content. For one day, you need 1.5 liters of kefir, and you should drink it in 5-6 doses. Other foods are prohibited while following this diet, and water can be drunk in any quantity.

This diet allows you to easily lose two kilograms in two days. If you need to lose more, then a 2 through 2 diet is recommended, which implies two days on a regular diet and two days of fasting on kefir.

It should be noted that a diet for 2 days on kefir is contraindicated in case of high acidity.

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