Proper Breathing During Childbirth

Proper Breathing During Childbirth
Proper Breathing During Childbirth

Proper breathing during childbirth

The importance of breathing during childbirth cannot be overemphasized
The importance of breathing during childbirth cannot be overemphasized

The importance of breathing during childbirth is difficult to overestimate, while breathing does not mean just any breathing process, but correct, controlled breathing. Despite the fact that the female body by nature itself was created for the birth of a new life, nevertheless the event does not apply to everyday life, which means that even for an experienced woman who has given birth more than once, childbirth is stress.

One of the manifestations of stress is respiratory failure, and as a result, a violation of oxygen supply to the tissues of the body. During childbirth, this is not only undesirable, but also dangerous, especially for the fetus. That is why now almost all schools of pregnant women, giving the course How to prepare for childbirth, attach great importance to breathing control during childbirth. Correct breathing triggers the opposite of stressful breathing. It allows a woman, firstly, to calm down by switching her rushing thoughts to an orderly counting of respiratory movements, and secondly, it helps to improve blood circulation.

Breathing guidelines for childbirth are as follows. In the first phase, the phase of the initial dilatation of the cervix, the contractions are still weak and short, and special control over breathing is not required. However, if the woman in labor is nervous, then you can invite her to do the alignment of breathing: take a slow deep breath in through the nose, and the same slow exhalation through the mouth. The time of inhalation and exhalation is the same, it is counted for 1-2-3-4, four such cycles need to be done, the fifth cycle is deeper, inhalation and exhalation are counted up to 10 - 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8- 9-10. This breathing exercise replaces anti-anxiety medications that are prohibited during childbirth.

Deep abdominal breathing is recommended to relieve pain when the contractions become stronger and longer. You need to breathe not with your chest, but more deeply, with your stomach. You can control this by placing your hand on your stomach. In this phase of labor, breathing changes slightly: inhalation is counted at 1-2-3-4, and exhalation is slightly longer - 1-2-3-4-5-6. Breathing control during childbirth at this stage becomes important, as pain intensifies, and the woman unconsciously holds her breath during childbirth, trying to delay the onset of the

Breathing control during childbirth
Breathing control during childbirth

contraction. Indeed, contractions are becoming weaker than they should be, because as a result of holding the breath, less oxygen enters the muscles. This lengthens the delivery time, which is more difficult for both mother and baby.

Breathing during childbirth during the period of attempts is no less important than labor activity of the muscles, but here the body, in view of its special importance, starts automatic control. Nevertheless, you need to obey the instructions of the obstetrician regarding breathing, since with the help of control over inhalation-exhalation, you can weaken the push when the fetus is ready to exit, and the cervix is not open enough, or vice versa, strengthen it. And remember: a woman's reward for good breathing during childbirth will be the breath of new life.

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