Easy And Quick Ways To Quit Smoking: Available Methods And Their Features

Easy And Quick Ways To Quit Smoking: Available Methods And Their Features
Easy And Quick Ways To Quit Smoking: Available Methods And Their Features

Ways to Quit Smoking

According to the World Health Organization, today about 1.3 billion of the world's population is dependent on tobacco smoking. Nicotine is responsible for the annual death of about 6 million people, caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, respiratory and digestive organs, as well as cancer, catalyzed by tobacco smoking.

How to Quit Smoking: Possible Ways
How to Quit Smoking: Possible Ways

Smoking is one of the most severe forms of drug addiction, caused by both physical and psychological addiction of the body to nicotine. Therefore, it is quite difficult to quit this addiction. Today, millions of smokers are looking for easy ways to quit smoking. There are many reasons for voluntarily quitting smoking: the need to maintain health (your own and your loved ones, since no one has canceled the harm from secondhand smoke), the desire to save money spent on cigarettes and spend it on something useful, etc.

How to quit smoking?

All smokers can be divided into three conditional groups:

  • Smokers with psychological dependence and lack of nicotine;
  • Smokers with nicotine addiction;
  • People who have a combination of both types of addiction - nicotine and psychological.

Depending on the type of attachment the patient has, ways to quit smoking are also divided into several categories:

The first group of methods is based on therapeutic word suggestion. These include some of the author's methods (the methods of Allen Carr, Timur Mamedov, Vladimir Zhdanov and many others) based on the psychological verbal conviction of the smoker. The main emphasis of the creators of the above methods is made on the awareness of the true motives of smoking: the habits of having fun, relieving stress with a cigarette, maintaining a conversation among friends, etc. and overcoming them. This group of quick ways to quit smoking (as soon as the technique works) includes coding - a tool developed by the honored doctor of the Soviet Union A. R. Dovzhenko. A treatment session consists of a psychotherapeutic part, in which the patient gets the opportunity to use his neuropsychic reserve and independently quit smoking. The second part is,in fact, psychoprogramming and hypnosis

How to quit smoking for smokers with nicotine addiction?

The second group of treatment for patients suffering from physiological addiction to nicotine is based on several methods:

  • Pharmacological ways to quit smoking. The main goal of pharmacological treatment is to minimize the manifestations of withdrawal symptoms. A quick way to quit smoking can be the intake of alkaloids - substances that displace nicotine from the biochemical bonds of the body, which helps to reduce the need to smoke. Another area of pharmacological treatment is based on the use of drugs that mimic the effect of nicotine in the body. These include chewing gum, nicotine patches, e-cigarettes, inhalers, etc. These drugs provide other access to nicotine in the body, in addition to cigarettes, protecting a person from withdrawal symptoms. These pharmacological agents can be used for a long time - until the craving for smoking decreases, but not indefinitely.
  • Acupuncture, or nicotine addiction treatment with acupuncture. The essence of the technique lies in the introduction of needles into the acupuncture points located in the auricle. They affect certain structures in the brain that are responsible for the need to smoke. In this case, the "smoker's reflex" is destroyed right during the session. The duration of the course of acupuncture is 5-8 sessions.

The third group of ways to quit smoking includes a combination of both medicinal nicotine substitutes that can successfully overcome nicotine withdrawal syndrome and psychological techniques designed to dispel the smoker's illusions associated with the smoking process.

Tips for those looking to quit smoking

Unfortunately, there is no universal way to quit smoking quickly and easily. For those who are going to quit smoking on their own, experts recommend using the following "tips":

  • Buy cigarettes only one pack at a time. After lighting a cigarette, hide the pack, ashtray and lighter;
  • Keep cigarettes away from the work area, as well as the area where you rest;
  • Gradually increase the time between the moment you feel like smoking and starting smoking by 10 minutes a day;
  • Smoke one less cigarette each day than you did yesterday;
  • Quitting smoking and not getting better will allow a hobby that brings pleasure. These can be sports activities, new non-smoking friends, interesting work, travel, etc.;
  • Calculate the amount of money you will save if you quit smoking.

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